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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Crystals in the shadow of the Superstitions Hilton 1941
Crystals in the shadow of the Superstitions Hilton 1941
Cubs manager says: spring training lasts too long Gianelli 1964
Cud-chewing supper club rates high with patrons Vaughn 1956
Culinary practices of the Mohave Indians Stewart 1968
Cultivation of citrus groves 1908
Cultivators of the soil Jeffers 1967
Cultural implications of the ball courts in Arizona Schroeder 1949
Cultural modifications of the Gila Pima: A. D. 1697-A. D. 1846 Winter 1973
Cultural modifications of the Gila Pima: A. D. 1697-A. D. 1846 Winter 1973
Cultural pluralism increases in Southwestern schools Gray 1975
Culture ecology and the prehistory of the Navajo Reservoir District Eddy 1972
Culture ecology and the prehistory of the Navajo Reservoir District Eddy 1972
Cur-r-rling Lang 1961
Curbing stock pond seepage 1974
Curbing stock pond seepage 1974
Curbing stock pond seepage 1974
Curfew and the coed Newhall 1966
Curious case of the fighting bucks Moore 1961
Curious desert dwellers Drake 1913
Curley Culp Conley 1967
Current Arizona bibliography Powell 1952
Current Arizona freight rate developments Farris 1959
Curse of the thunder gods Storm 1945
Curtains for the old Rialto 1959
Cushing's late discoveries Kirkbride 1889
Cushing's late discoveries Kirkbride 1889
Custody of the illegitimate child Demson 1974
Custom crafting for foreign markets Johnson 1964
Custom feeding, the beef industry's 'built-in' computer Chohlis 1968
Custom smelter charges Willis 1917
Custom-built and classy
Cut down at the pass 1969
Cut down at the pass 1969
Cut smog in half now Wilkerson 1971
Cute trick on a horse 1957
Cutting a deal Bruner 1989
Cutting the Christmas tree Moyer 1965
Cycling goes to school Peplow 1956
Cycling goes to school Peplow 1956
Cycling in the desert Tallon 1961
Cye takes over; veteran Arizona highway builder named state engineer Carlson 1951
Cynthia Rigden, Yavapai's cowgirl artist Schaus 1970
Cyprus Bagdad expanding copper mine with $240 million expansion 1976