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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Copper from tin cans 1958
Copper king of Cananea Traywick 1970
Copper King of Cananea Traywick 1974
Copper king of Cananea Traywick 1974
Copper King of Cananea Traywick 1974
Copper mining, one of Arizona's greatest assets Compton 1929
Copper smelting and refining: what will the nation need? Leaming 1967
Copper's impact on Maricopa County: at last the giant is measured Peplow 1974
Cops at the mat Lazovich 1957
Cops at the mat Lazovich 1957
Copter in the Canyon Tallon 1960
Copter man turns know how into a job Johnson 1959
Copter man turns nknow how into a job 1959
Cora Viola Howell Slaughter, southern Arizona ranchwoman Wells 1989
Coral among early Southwestern Indians Hodge 1943
Coral among Southwestern Indians Tanner
Corn growing at Wupatki Maule 1963
Corn growing at Wupatki Maule 1963
Corona del Sol School 1977
Coronado Memorial marks search for fabled cities Willson 1957
Coronado National Forest, southern Arizona vacation land Winn 1929
Coronado National Memorial Heald 1959
Coronado National Memorial Heald 1959
Coronado would have preferred this Leatham 1970
Coronado's testimony in the Viceroy Mendoza residencia Rey 1937
Coronado's trail Lesure 1955
Corporate bankruptcy in Arizona Verrill 1976
Correct story and trade mark on Arbuckle coffee King
Cosmological order as a model for Navajo philosophy Griffin-Pierce 1988
Cossack means adventurer Myers 1956
Cost of living trends in Phoenix and the United States Snyder 1973
Costs of producing range cattle in the Southwest Gray 1957
Cotton ... queen of Arizona agriculture 1960
Cotton a many maker; its certain success as an Arizona product Young 1913
Cotton Club Banks 1989
Cotton's his business 1962
Cotton, a $multi-million business Johnson 1963
Cotton, ancient and modern Johnson 1958
Cotton--Arizona's biggest farm product Clark 1965
Cotton--dashin' fashion 1965
Cotton: a many-million $$ income to Arizona Johnson 1962
Cotton: Important to all, especially all Arizonans Muramoto 1974
Cotton: Important to all, especially all Arizonans Huramoto 1974
Cottonwood's puzzle Gianelli 1973
Cottonwood, the desert's tree of many pleasures Jaeger 1960
Could I be mentally ill?' 1974
Could local government live without subsidies? Henderson 1964
Countdown on the Cabeza Tallon 1971
Counterfeit titles for stolen cars bring into action the MVD gumshoes Cook 1969
Counterfeiters and other stories Simpson 1976
Country living Cutts 1953
Country of standing rocks Richardson 1949
Country of standing rocks Richardson 1949
Country of the Little Colorado Stocker 1952
County government in Arizona 1972