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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Commercial and industrial features of Williams, Flagstaff and Winslow, Arizona 1911
Commercial arbitration in Arizona: its use in business Caul 1976
Commercial arbitration in Arizona: its use in business Caul 1976
Commissioner Les B. Hart of Tucson, Arizona; biographical sketch 1929
Commodore Perry Owens Jeffers 1960
Commodore Perry Owens Schmidt 1960
Commodore Perry Owens vs. the Blevins clan, September 4, 1887, Holbrook, Arizona O'Neal 1989
Commodore Perry Owens vs. the Blevins clan, September 4, 1887, Holbrook, Arizona O'Neal 1989
Commodore Perry Owens, a long-haired sheriff Coolidge
Common law concepts of life insurance in community property jurisdictions: recommendations for a practical approach Schmidt 1976
Communication of education innovations to Native Americans Edington 1974
Communication with the world Merkle 1962
Communication with the world Merkle 1962
Communities of soil algae occurring in the Sonoran desert in Arizona Cameron 1960
Community action broadcasting gives voice to the poor Murphy 1972
Community action broadcasting gives voice to the poor Murphy 1972
Community action broadcasting gives voice to the poor Murphy 1972
Community action broadcasting gives voice to the poor Murphy 1972
Community action broadcasting gives voice to the poor Murphy 1972
Community assets and separate debts: increased community vulnerability in Arizona 1975
Community cattle drive McKelvey 1951
Community cattle drive McKelvey 1951
Community change in the Southwest: the case of Benson Sherlock 1963
Community development in the Salt River Valley Heard 1925
Community development in the Salt River Valley Heard 1925
Community education and the American Indian today LaCourse 1971
Community enterprise builds a public pool Mahoney 1958
Community Nature Center Simpson 1976
Community planning for social welfare Livermore 1959
Community schools on Navajoland Plummer 1974
Community schools on Navajoland Plummer 1974
Community television 1958
Community walls happily crumble Megargee 1960
Community walls happily crumble Megargee 1960
Community walls happily crumble Megargee 1960
Community's crusade against crutches O'Mara 1951
Commuting air to there Ward 1977
Commuting air to there Ward 1977
Company town Cox 1975
Company town Cox 1975
Comparative chart of some world events in Basket Maker - Pueblo times 1951
Comparative labor costs in Arizona and the Southwest Prestwich 1965
Comparative prices of a market basket in Phoenix Grossman 1968
Comparative reproductive ecology of horned lizards (Genus Phrynosoma) in Southwestern United States and northern Mexico Howard 1974
Comparative reproductive ecology of horned lizards (Genus Phrynosoma) in Southwestern United States and northern Mexico Howard 1974
Comparative study of S. P. and Sunset Craters and associated lava flows Hodges 1962
Comparative study of S. P. and Sunset Craters and associated lava flows. Hodges 1962
Comparing archaeomagnetic pole positions in chronometric analyses of archaeological components 1989
Comparing the self-concepts of Navajo and white high school students Morrill 1979
Competition and the concept of sales below cost Knox 1969
Competition and the concept of sales below cost Knox 1969
Composer in the streetcars. del Santo 1959
Compost plant successful 1963
Computer assistance in clinical pathology 1974
Computer assistance in clinical pathology 1974