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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Cowboy rides a camel Phippen 1956
Cowboy shortage Meredith 1969
Cowboy-1954 version 1954
Cowboy: William C. Greene
Cowboys and Indians at Hawley Lake Hirsch 1976
Cowboys and lions Willson 1976
Cowboys and mad scientists Drew 1977
Cowboys of Old Yavapai Farnsworth
Cowboys of old Yavapai
Cowboys went by many names Willson 1972
Cowboys, a still and a steer - as strange a story as you ever will hear Gardner 1971
Cowboys, taxes and fiscal reform Hastings 1966
Cowboys, taxes and fiscal reform Hastings 1966
Cowboys: home on the range Brown 1976
Cowboys: home on the range Brown 1976
Cowgirl poet Clark 1963
Cowgirl poet Clark 1963
Cowgirl-artist Cornett 1974
Cowtown patriarch Ridgway 1960
Cowtown patriarch Ridgeway 1960
Coy Cox, Sheriff - Pima County 1973
Coyote - canis latrans mearnsi Niehuis 1967
Coyote - good or bad? Potter 1966
Coyote and the bluejays James 1940
Coyote damage control program clarified 1975
Coyote goes Hollywood Strickland 1989
Coyote goes Hollywood Strickland 1989
Coyote hunter for hire Stingley 1973
Coyote Mountain Leatham 1966
Coyote: a survival expert who's beating the odds Terlizzi 1973
CPP: are we on the road to serfdom? Burdett 1976
Crabbe's filibusters Barrows 1911
Cradle of the Colorado Tinker 1965
Crafts of Arizona Indians Tanner 1960
Crafts of Arizona Indians Tanner 1960
Crafts of Arizona Indians Tanner 1960
Crafts of Arizona Indians Tanner 1960
Crafts of Arizona Indians Tanner 1960
Craftsman in cactus wood Arnold 1944
Craftsman in cactus wood Arnold 1944
Craftsman of the cactus desert Lunsford 1946
Craftsman or wage earner? the Navajo must choose! Smith 1946
Crash program to fight dropouts 1964
Crash Sherlock, super sleuth of aircraft accidents Bradley 1972
Craters of the setting sun Munech 1946
Crawley P. Dake, U. S. Marshal Selingmann 1961
Crazy Ed's...packs 'em in every night of the week Moore 1969
Crazy with the heat Johnson 1966
Creakin' leather; Stan Jones - music man from Arizona Reed 1957
Creakin' leather; Stan Jones - music man from Arizona Reed 1957
Cream flowered cactus with rose-red wreath Beal 1944
Creamed chicken Miller 1989
Creating a public spectacle Walker 1989
Creating a public spectacle Walker 1989
Creating a public spectacle Walker 1989