Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790.

Serial Number
Garrido y Duran, Pedro (Gobernador)
End date
Arispe. July 2, 1790. 118p. Residencia. Original. Signed.
Lengthy document by Garrido y Duran informing Revilla Gigedo on the causa de policia,judicial, economic, and military conditions of Sonora and Sinaloa up to 1790. On judicial Side, it is mentioned that province consists of 11 jurisdictions headed by a jefe de tribunal with the power to appoint local town officials; these officials operate without salary due to lack of funds caused by Apache depredations and poor harvests. Mention that in the recent past Indians were forced to work in mines, haciendas, and Ranchos, and that they were exploited and did not have time to cultivate their own land; now he has prohibited this, and that Indians will work on a voluntary Basis. Discussion that community wealth is administrated by the missionaries, and that they often are more concerned for their own interests allowing community conditions to deteriorate. It is also mentioned a lack of prisons. With respect to causa de policia, it is mentioned that Apache attacks have frightened the population and have prevented increases in commerce, mining, agriculture, and animal husbandry. Mention of lack of civil and administrative office in many towns; there is lack of hospitals, casas de Obraje, schools, and public meat and seeds stores. Mention that people are divided in two groups, one consisting of good people involved in commerce, mining, and agriculture; the other consisting of house servants and Manual laborers, who are drunkards and have other vices. Economics- list of different tax collection offices. Mention of the different partidos as well as the people holding these offices and amount of money payed for such offices. In order to attract more merchants to frontier, no tax is Charged on their goods. With respect to military affairs, it is mentioned that enemy Indians live in dispersed hamlets, lack supreme chief, and operate separately; Indians described as thieves. Mention of 6 military groups of soldiers, and 3 of Indian auxiliaries; short discussion of soldier's living conditions in presidios, as well as expenses involved for maintenance of troops. (J. Tapia, January, 1988)
Garrido y Duran, Pedro
Grimarest, Henrique de (Gobernador Intendente)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Huidobro, Manuel Bernal
Corbalan, Pedro
Croix, Teodoro de (Comandante General)
Galvez, Joseph de
Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Tresierra y Cano, Alonso (Asesor)
Garcia, Joseph Mariano
Honorato de Rivera, Juan
Santelizes, Bernardo de (Alcalde)
Rois Garcia, Manuel (Alcalde)
Ximenes, Cristoval Moyano (Alcalde)
Andrade, Pedro (Alcalde)
Valenzuela, Joseph Rafael (Subdelegado)
Esquer, Joseph Gabriel
Gagiola, Diego Maria
Fuente, Manuel de la
Hortega y Martinez, Pasqual de
Padilla, Ygnacio
Gonzales de Posada, Francisco
Murua, Jose Lorenzo
Sonora, Marques de (Visitador General)
Barbastro, Francisco Antonio (Padre)
Reyes, Antonio de los (Obispo)
Fuente, Mauricio de la
Svinon, Manuel (Contador)
Echeagaray, Francisco (Oficial Mayor)
Avedano, Juan Joseph
Sanches, Joseph Antonio
Echanojauregui, Antonio de
Cano y Mar, Agustin
Ynigo, Fernando Ruis
Ortiz, Juan Manuel
Vea, Ambrosio de
Flores, Agustin
Ortega, Fernando Mariano
Castillo, Manuel Antonio del
Bustamante, Juan Manuel de
Prestamero, Francisco
Perasa, Casimiro
Panuco, Marques de
Garcia, Joseph Parrilla (Contador General)
Granados, Joseph Joaquin (Padre)
Perez, Joseph Antonio Serrano
Padilla, Juan Joseph
Corella, Joseph Maria
Morales, Lazaro
Castro, Antonio Henrique
Valenzuela, Pedro Manuel
Palacios, Juan Antonio
Soto, Joseph Ramon de
Ventura, Juan Batiz
Velasques, Santiago
Torre, Alexo de la
Martines de Yzabal, Pedro
Florida Blanca, Conde de
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante)
Escalante, Tomas (Armero)
Serrano, Joseph Miguel
Gach, Estevan
Madero, Joseph
Sonora (Provincia)
Sinaloa (Provincia)
Nuevo Mexico
Californias (Peninsula)
Huerta, San Antonio de la (Subdelegacion)
HOstimuri (Subdelegacion)
Cieneguilla (Subdelegacion)
Alamos, Real de los (Subdelegacion)
Fuerte, Villa del (Subdelegacion)
Culiacan (Subdelegacion)
Sinaloa (Subdelegacion)
Copala (Subdelegacion)
Pimeria Alta
Queretaro, Santa Cruz de (Colegio)
Aconchi (Mision)
Horcasitas, San Miguel de
San Sevastian
Tepache (Valle)
Oposura (Valle)
Fronteras (Presidio)
Sonora (Valle)
Tacupeto (Valle)
Baroyeca (Real)
Rio Chico (Real)
Fuerte (Villa)
Batuco (Valle)
Sonora (Rio)
Opodepe (Rio)
Hiaqui (Rio)
Trinidad (Real)
Bacubirito (Real)
San Xavier (Real)
Alisos (Real)
Badiraquato (Pueblo)
Ymala (Pueblo)
Quila (Pueblo)
Matape (Pueblo)
Ures (Pueblo)
Altar, Santa Gertrudis del (Presidio)
Buenavista, San Carlos de (Presidio)
Terrenate, Santa Cruz de (Presidio)
Babispe, San Miguel de
Bacoachic, San Miguel de
Buenavista, San Rafael de
Caxon (Real)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Opatas, Compania de
Pimas, Compania de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 259 ff. 208-267
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 259 ff. 208-267
Ff. 208 is index of following documents
Reference Number
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