Serial Number
Barrios y Jauregui, Jacinto de (Gobernador)
Altamira, Marques de (Auditor de Guerra)
Valcarzel y Formento, Domingo (Oydor Subdecano)
and others
Beginning date
End date
Adais. Mexico. November 8, 1751 - October 3, 1752. 116p. Relaciones. Autos. Originals. Signed. Copies.
Reiteration of the six questions in Vol. 181 seq. B. Between 1750 and 1751 French troops and families arrived in new Orleans presumed to fortify population of Nachitos, puente Cupe and Caudachos. The Indians in the area are presumed to like the French as they are generous with guns, bullets, etc... In endless quantities. The Spanish are uneasy about the French trading with the Indians and trespassing the boundary dividing the two territories established in 1720, the Colorado River. The Spanish view the Mississippi River as a natural boundary. Past autos and documents are consulted to determine how past governors settled the question of trespassing. Sandoval is found to have permitted illegal trading between French and Indians in Spanish territory. The French should definitely abandon any presidios built within Spanish territory and return to Nachitos, talk of war with the French if they donot do so peacefully. Aguardiente and wine trade with the French is questioned. English are found to be trading with the apachilinos and the Samases on Santa Rosa Island. Ff. 146 - 147 is a relacion that orders meeting of guerra and hacienda to resolve whether; Escolta is needed on San Pedro River to observe French activities; a mapping engineer is needed to assist governor in defining boundaries; peaceful or forceful removal of French is needed; Spanish troops should be moved to Adais presidio in case of forceful removal; 1/3 advance on pay be approved for soldiers to equip themselves with rations; French aguardiente and wine be allowed in moderation due to extreme Weather temperatures in region; all documents on this subject should be collected so as not to contradict any royal warrants concerning the French and Spanish boundaries; the governor of Texas should execute said relaciones. On ff. 150 the junta de guerra y hacienda is begun to resolve the aforementioned problems. (E. Wilson, November 1989)
Barrios y Jauregui, Jacinto de (Gobernador)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Barrio, Pedro del (Gobernador)
Yarza y Ascona, Juan de (Comandante)
Altamira, Marques de (Auditor de Guerra)
San Dionicio, Luis de (Alferez)
Sandoval, Manuel de (Gobernador)
Coloarra, Joseph (Fray)
Franquis, Carlos de (Gobernador)
Ensenada, Marques de
Vedolla, Pedro (Fiscal)
Boneo, Justo (Gobernador)
Fuenclara, Conde de
Conquista, Duque de la
Guemes y Horcasitas, Juan Francisco de (Conde de Revilla Gigedo)
Valcarzel y Formento, Domingo (Oydor Subdecano)
Lopez Adan, Francisco (Oydor Subdecano)
Andreu y Ferraz, Antonio (Doctor)(Fiscal)
Barroeta, Juan Chrisostomo de (Regente)
Cortillas, Joachin de (Contador)
Miranda, Ignacio Joseph de (Oficial Real)
Mazo Calderon, Joseph del (Oficial Real)
Zelis, Joseph Diaz de (Oficial Real)
Bustillos, Juan Antonio (Gobernador)
Barrio Junco y Espriella, Pedro del (Gobernador)
Franquis Benites de Lugo, Carlos de (Coronel)
Ortega, Pedro de (Alferez)
Sandemis, Luis de (Segundo)(Alferez)
Sandemis, Luis de (Comandante)
San Miguel de Aguayo, Marques de
Colorado (Rio)
San Antonio (Presidio)
Cadiz (Puerto)
Nachitos (Presidio)
Siguensa, Santa Rosa Punta de (Presidio)
San Fernando (Villa)
Coahuila (Provincia)
Nueva Viscaya
Nueva Francia
San Pedro (Rio)
Santa Rosa
San Xavier
Misipipi (Rio)
Nuevo Mexico
Leon, Nuevo Reyno de (Provincia)
San Xavier (Rio)
Adais (Presidio)
Puente Cupe (Presidio)
Caudachos (Presidio)
Adaiz (Rio)
Yatasi (Pueblo)
Nazones (Pueblo)
Nuevo Orleans
Gran Montana (Paraje)
Zacatecas (Provincia)
Veracruz (Punto)
Sirinue (Poblacion)
Aguayo, San Miguel de (Mision)
Abalache, San Marcos de (Fuerte)
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 181 ff. 103-162
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 181 ff. 103-162
Binding swallows words, ff. 132 is duplicated
Reference Number
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