Correspondence to and from Concha concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico

Serial Number
Concha, Fernando de la
Troncoso, Vizente
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Beginning date
End date
Santa Fe/Chihuahua. April 12, 1788-June 20, 1788. 76p. Letters, informe. Copies.
Expediente, consisting of an informe written by Concha and Troncoso for Ugarte concerning peaceful relations with Indians of Comanches; detailed description of commercial interaction between Comanches and Spaniards; isolated incidents of horse raiding by Young Comanches and Parauanarimuco's actions to correct the crime; joint military expeditions against Apaches; relations between Spaniards and Yupes and Yamparicas; horse raiding between Yutas and Comanches, and Spanish role as mediators in dispute; raids against Pueblo groups by Yutas; leader of Yuta raids named Muchi and efforts of Yutas to bring Muchi to justice; relations between Spaniards and Navajos; conditions of release of Antonio el Pinto from Spanish captivity total breakdown of relations between Navajos and Apaches; reception of a Panana Indian sent to learn of Spanish customs and culture. Second part of informe is a journal of Troncoso's securing Antonio's release; visits to Navajo territory under Concha's orders to observe Navajos and assess their peaceful status; gifts of clothing and tobacco exchanged between Troncoso and Navajos; friendly attitude of Navajos; description of Navajo house structure; description of Navajo foods; discussions between Carlos, Antonio, and Troncoso of treaty between Spaniards and Navajos; commerce between Navajos and Spaniards; relations between Navajos and Apaches; discussion of religious beliefs between Troncoso and Navajos; description of Navajo clothing and ornaments. Ff. 244-249 is a Series of oficios from Concha to Ugarte concerning release of Antonio and conditions thereof, accompanied by orders from Ugarte in response to Concha's letters. (W. Copas, may 1988)
Troncoso, Vizente (Comisionado)
Concha, Fernando de la (Governador)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante-General)
Ecueracapa (General de Comanches)
Parauanarimuco (Teniente General de Comanches)
Velarde, Joseph Manuel (Interprete)
Garcia, Estevan (Teniente Miliciano)
Muguisachi (General de Yutas)
Muchi (Robo Yuta)
Pinto, Antonio El (General de Navajoes) Carlos (General de Navajoes)
Garcia, Francisco (Interprete)
Vicente (Navajo)
Joseph Antonio (Teniente General de Navajoes)
Menchero (Capitan de Navajoes)
Lovera, Francisco (Alcalde)
Santa Fe
Abiquiu (Pueblo)
Santo Domingo (Pueblo)
Guadalupe, Rancheria de
Puerco (Rio)
Alamo, Parage del
Santa Ana (Pueblo)
Sia (Pueblo)
Zebolleta, Rancheria de
Cuerbo, Ojo del
Ysleta, Pueblo de La
Ethnic Groups
Palo, Gente del
Apaches Xicarillas
Apaches Gilenos
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 065 ff. 211-249 exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 065 ff. 211-249 exp. 6
Reference Number
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