Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro.

Serial Number
Vaamonde, Manuel (Coronel)
End date
Monterrey. April 28, 1790 through February 18, 1793. 134pp. Oficios. Signed.
58 oficios from Vaamonde, governor of Nuevo Leon, to Castro, comandante general de Provincias Internas sent in response to fija sobre sueldos a oficiales (f. 365); Acuna granted gobierno of use of military uniform by civilians (f. 369); Vaamonde recognizes nomination of Castro as comandante general de for transfer of captain Tovar and family to Rio Grande presidio fugitive Indian from Bejar apprehended in Nuevo Leon (f. 386); collection of limosna for rescate de cautivos per viceregal marques de Bajamar (f. 392); Vaamonde promulgates order concerning general amnesty for contrabandistas (f. 401, 406); (ff. 402, 417); copy of letter from Ramon, teniente at Lampazos, concerning theft of horses from Rio Grande (f. 403); disposition of correspondence to Castro during comandante general's visita to Texas (ff. 408, 413, 415); Vaamonde resulting in injury suffered by tlaxcalan, death of Arriero, plus request that presidios abandoned on Rio Grande be re Borrados from San Cristobal (f. 414); Vaamonde received order stating that conductores de valijas are forbidden to carry descuento de Invalidos y Monte Pio (f. 412); received copies of brief informe from virreyes, presidentes, etc. Of state of agriculture, population, roads, etc. In indias (f. 420); mass sung and 3 nights of veneration done in honor of birth of prince (f. 421); Vaamonde orders publication of circular order virrey's peace proposal with Lipanes (ff. 423, 431); Vaamonde acknowledges receipt of royal decree conceeding to Gordoqui Gracia y facultad of putting media firma on all avisos, oficios, and Ordenes concerning Spain and Indies (f. 424); Vaamonde transfers two salvaguardias from Purificacion to gualahuices to contain fugas E inquietudes of Indians present there (f. 425); sends testimonio of Gonzalez Huerta for nomination as Habilitado of Lampazos (ff. 426, 432); received copy of Bando concerning foundation of colegio in Granada for instruccion y adelanto of nobles americanos (f. 427); received copy of order stipulating that no military person may contract marriage without permission of padres, abuelos, tutores o curadores (f. 428); received order freeing governors of Provincias Internas (except Sonora, Nueva Vizcaya) from Media anata (f. 430). (J. H. Ochs, October 1988)
Vaamonde, Manuel (Coronel)
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General)
Acuna, Pedro de
Bajamar, Marques de
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan (Ayudante Inspector)
Gonzales Huerta, Thomas
Sierra Gorda, Conde de (Gobernador)
Ramon, Juan Ignacio (Teniente)
Tovar, Jose Maria (Capitan)
Ugalde, Juan de (Brigadier)
Nava, Pedro de
Gonzalez Huerta, Tomas (Alferez)
Bernadino (Indio Fugitivo)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Mariscal de Campo)
Albarado, Agustin (Indio)
Echeagaray, Jose Maqria (Capitan)
Pedro Jose (Indio)
Iparraguirre, Luis Maria (Teniente Gobernador)
Dufay, Guillermo (Alferez)
Torremocha, Jose
Gomez de Castro, Juan Jose (Teniente Gobernador)
Pedro (Indio)
Rodriguez, Cornelio (Sargento)
Croix, Caballero de
Carrasco, Pedro (Teniente)
Fato, Julian
Cavezon, Jose Maria (Indio)
Francisco, Jose Maria (Indio)
Arredondo, Ignacio (Soldado)
Gordoqui, Diego
Gonzalez Huerta, Thomas (Habilitado)
Trevino, Antonio
Nuevo Leon (Provincia)
Nuevo Santander
Rio Grande (Presidio)
Iguana (Real)
Bexar, San Antonio (Mision)
Texas (Provincia)
Vallecillo (Real)
Norte (Presidio)
Gualehuices, San Christobal de las (Mision)
Linares (Ciudad)
Santa Rosa (Valle)
San Fernando (Mision)
Camaron (Paraje)
Salado (Rio)
San Ambrocio
Aguaverde (Presidio)
Mamulique (Hacienda)
Savinas (Real)
Salinas (Valle)
Espiritu Santo (Bahia)
Espiritu Santo (Presidio)
Purificacion (Mision)
Pilon (Valle)
Ethnic Groups
Apaches Mescaleros
Apaches Llaneros
Military Groups
Lampazos, Compania Volante de la Punta de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 054 ff. 364-431 exp. 13
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 054 ff. 364-431 exp. 1
Reference Number
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