Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Miera y Pacheco Miera y Pacheco, Cleto. Census of the settlements within the jurisdiction of Alameda. 00-22-1805
Sotelo, Luera, Sanchez, Trujillo, Maldonado, Baca, Ortega, Pena, Lopes, Domingues, Telles, Roibal Sotelo, Ygnacio. List of men, horses and mules of Santa Fe presidio. 00-00-1805
Salcedo, Chacon, Torres, Truxillo, Armijo, Esquivel, Sena, Sena, Martin Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. A letter concerning payment of military premiums to eligible members of the Santa Fee presidio company. 09-19-1804
Salcedo, Chacon, Caballero, Moreno Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. Copy of a royal order concerning eligibility for service premiums and desertion. 06-19-1804
Chacon, Salcedo, Mariano, Velasco Duenas Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemesio. Draft of a letter acknowledging receipt of the royal order concerning Antonio Mariano and Josef Velasco Duenas. 05-16-1804
Chacon, Salcedo, Casa Calbo, Merry, Castro Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemesio. Draft of a letter acknowledging receipt of a report concerning the activities of Mr. Merry (Meriwether Lewis). 05-16-1804
Chacon, Tarin, Manrique Chacon, Fernando to Tarin, Nicolas. Draft of a letter acknowledging the arrival of soldier Josef Manrique sent from Santa Fee to Tarin's detachment. 03-27-1804
Chacon, Salcedo, Christobal, Girule, Martin Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemesio. Draft of a letter concerning the comanches and navajos. 03-28-1804
Chacon, Salcedo, Merino, Albares Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemesio. Draft of a letter concerning the temporary appointment and two Franciscans as curates of Santa Fee and la Canada. 03-27-1804
Chacon, Mari, Umblari, Gallego, Mendez, Pacheco, Baca, Salcedo, Ahumada Chacon, Fernando to Ahumada, Rafael de. Draft of a letter concerning the payment of military premiums. 03-26-1804
Chacon, Mari, Umblari, Gallego, Mendez, Pacheco, Baca, Salcedo, Ahumada Chacon, Fernando to Ahumada, Rafael de. Draft of a letter concerning the payment of military premiums. 03-26-1804
Salcedo, Soler, Moneroy, Mariano, Velasco Duenas, San Juan, Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. Transmission of a royal order for the confiscation of properties belonging to Antonio Mariano and Joseph de Velasco Duenas. 02-10-1804
Salcedo, Soler, Moneroy, Mariano, Velasco Duenas, San Juan, Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. Transmission of a royal order for the confiscation of properties belonging to Antonio Mariano and Joseph de Velasco Duenas. 02-10-1804
Bernal, Chacon, Lujan, Montoya Bernal, Yldefonso to Chacon, Fernando. Request for a passport for Rosalia to join her husband at Santa Cruz presidio in Sonora. 02-20-1804
Salcedo, Guanicoruco, Cristobal, Maria, Purqui, Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. A letter concerning a request by a comanche chief to remove an interpreter, and an offer to search for the cerro de oro. 01-16-1804
Chacon, Salcedo, Lombide, Ortega, Merino, Albarez Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemesio. Copy of a letter announcing the resignation of the curates of Santa Fee and la Canada, and their replacement by Franciscans. 11-19-1803
Chacon, Cadelo, Ortega, Lopez, Armenta, Mestas, Arce, Pena, Ruiz Chacon, Fernando. Transmission to the audiencia of Guadalaxara of documents related to charges of misconduct against a Franciscan and parish priest. 10-10-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Matheus Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Draft of a letter concerning the transfer of Josef Manrique to the second flying company. 09-25-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Matheus Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Draft of a letter concerning the transfer of Josef Manrique to the second flying company. 09-25-1803
Salcedo, Castro, Maldonado Salcedo, Nemesio. A letter concerning the failure of Bernardo de Castro's expedition in search of the cerro de oro. 09-16-1803
Salcedo, Pena, Manrique Salcedo, Nemesio. A letter concerning campaigns against the Apaches and the peace established with said Indians. 09-16-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Manrrique Chacon, Fernando to Manrique, Jose. Transmission of a report on the equipment of Jose Manrique who is being transferred to the second flying company. 08-28-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Manrrique Chacon, Fernando to Manrique, Jose. Transmission of a report on the equipment of Jose Manrique who is being transferred to the second flying company. 08-28-1803
Verlade, Somarriba, Bargas, Romero, Vegil, Portillo, Beitia, Salcedo, Chacon, Peres Valdes, Maldonado, Baca, Romero, Victorio, Begil, Zena, Canches Velarde, Juaquin. A civil action brought by Juaquin Velarde concerning 123 pesos missing from 4,000 velarde transported from Chihuahua. 09-01-1803
Lovato, Mirabal, Pena, Verde . Extract of the events [which] have occurred in the province of New Mexico from June 29 until the end of August of the year 1803. 08-19-1803
Pino, Ortis, Bernal, Romero, Ramos Madrid, Campo Redondo, Chacon, Tenorio, Pena, Mari, Bernal, Ortis, Mascarenas, Lobato, Trujillo, Olona, Alari, Ortis, Rodrigues, Apodaca, Lobato, Bejil, Espinosa, Reyes, Ortis Ortis, Francisco. Testimony gathered in a criminal action. 06-11-1803
Pino, Ortis, Bernal, Romero, Ramos Madrid, Campo Redondo, Chacon, Tenorio, Pena, Mari, Bernal, Ortis, Mascarenas, Lobato, Trujillo, Olona, Alari, Ortis, Rodrigues, Apodaca, Lobato, Bejil, Espinosa, Reyes, Ortis Ortis, Francisco. Testimony gathered in a criminal action. 06-11-1803
Salcedo, Maria, Garzia Salcedo, Nemesio. A letter concerning a cumanche chief. 05-23-1803
Chacon, Salcedo, Bargas, Mesta, Matias Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). A letter concerning the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant of Santa Fee presidio company. 03-30-1803
Chacon, Salcedo, Bargas, Mesta, Matias Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). A letter concerning the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant of Santa Fee presidio company. 03-30-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Bargas, Mesa, Matheus, Salcedo Chacon, Fernando. A letter transmitting and discussing the service records of the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant. 03-30-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Bargas, Mesa, Matheus, Salcedo Chacon, Fernando. A letter transmitting and discussing the service records of the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant. 03-30-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Bargas, Mesa, Matheus, Salcedo Chacon, Fernando. A letter transmitting and discussing the service records of the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant. 03-30-1803
Chacon, Salcedo, Arce, Bargas, Mesa, Mateus Chacon, Fernando. A letter nominating three soldiers for the position of first lieutenant of the Santa Fee presidio company. 03-30-1803
Chacon, Salcedo, Arce, Bargas, Mesa, Mateus Chacon, Fernando. A letter nominating three soldiers for the position of first lieutenant of the Santa Fee presidio company. 03-30-1803
Tovar, Chacon, Manrique Tovar, Joseph de to Chacon, Fernando. A letter announcing the appointment of Josef Manrique to the command of the second flying company of Nueva Vizcaya. 03-15-1803
Chacon, Salcedo, Sandoval, Gallego, Vegil, Ortega, Mari Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). An account of those soldiers in the Santa Fee presidio company who were eligible for service premiums for having served fifteen to twenty years. 03-20-1803
Salcedo, Manrique, Manrique Salcedo, Nemesio. An order transferring Joseph Manrique from Santa Fee presidio to his father's command - the second flying company of Nueva Viscaya. 03-12-1803
Salcedo, Manrique, Manrique Salcedo, Nemesio. An order transferring Joseph Manrique from Santa Fee presidio to his father's command - the second flying company of Nueva Viscaya. 03-12-1803
Salcedo, Botas, Chinclisi, Maselchide, Ochoa, Arse Salcedo, Nemesio. A letter ordering a campaign launched against three Indian rancherias in the sierra de Sacramento. 02-05-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Arce, Pena, Tapia, Mari . Relation of the oldest officers and sargeant that serve in the mentioned province (New Mexico). 01-01-1803
Chacon, Manrique, Arce, Pena, Tapia, Mari . Relation of the oldest officers and sargeant that serve in the mentioned province (New Mexico). 01-01-1803
Chacon, Manrrique Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Instructions for captain Josef Manrrique to follow upon his transfer to Coahuila, including organization of caravan for trip and initial administration. 11-19-1802
Nava, Tovar, Manrrique, Chacon Nava, Pedro de to Chacon, Fernando. Letter to governor of New Mexico announcing promotion of lieutenant Josef Manrrique to rank of captain in unit serving in Chihuahua. 09-16-1802
Chacon, Baca, Bernal, Alari, Mestas, Gallego, Pacheco, Alari Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). List of soldiers of Santa Fe company entitled to bonuses for long service; 15,20, and 25 years. 08-30-1802
Nava, Caballero, Moneda Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Communication of royal order re-instating Pedro de Moneda in rank of capitan. 07-14-1802
Chacon, Cueba, Cordero, Irigoyen, Manrrique Fernando Chacon (gobernador). note to Pedro de Nava, acknowledging receipt of appointment as residencia judge for residencia of Juan Gutierrez de la Cueba. 07-14-1802
Miera y Pacheco, Garcia . Census figures for Las Huertas and Bernalillo. 00-00-1802
Auintana, Nava, Pedruesa, Maldonado, Chacon Miguel de Jesus Quintana-to-Pedro de Nava (comandante). Petition for recovery of balance due from civil judgement. 01-18-1802
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Real Alencaster, Salcedo, Sanches Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting royal order exonerating former governor Joaquin del Real Alencaster of all charges. 00-00-1802