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Person Last Name Title Date
Nava, Chacon, Izquierdo, Mata Binolas, Merino Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). In surrender of plaza de San Sebastian. 08-03-1794
Nava, Chacon, Izquierdo, Mata Binolas, Merino Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). In surrender of plaza de San Sebastian. 08-03-1794
Merino, Campos, Moreno Merino, Manuel (escribano). Copy of procedure to be followed when the comandante general attends church. 08-23-1794
Merino, Campos, Moreno Merino, Manuel (escribano). Copy of procedure to be followed when the comandante general attends church. 08-23-1794
Nava, Merino Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico of royal cedula outlining ceremonies to be accorded the comandante general in church services, and copy of these regulations. 08-23-1794
Chacon, Nava, Cornel, Marin, Arroba, Yozobo Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Involving militia men. 05-04-1794
Tronoso, Mezino, Beregana, Nava Tronoso, Vicente (teniente). Account sheet of money placed in royal treasury to account of Santa Fe presidio from will and testament of Vicente Tronoso. 03-15-1794
Fuero, Marino . Royal cedula reviewing church administration and reminding officials that no one is permitted to quit or transfer a post without authorization from Spain. 04-04-1794
Merino, Ventura de Faranco, Campos . Royal cedula outlining ceremonial honors to be accorded the comandante general during mass. 02-18-1794
Guerrero, Concha, Martin, Canuelas, Ortiz, Cassados, Ortiz, Garcia, Cruz, Pineda, Ocio, Gonzalez, Carbajal, Ortiz, Zena Guerrero, Antonio. Inventory of estate of Antonio Guerrero and settlement of debts against that estate. 12-04-1793
Sanchez, Concha, Arteaga, Pino, Jaramillo, Gabaldon, Sedillo, Sedillo, Mestas, Maldonado, Bernal, Carrillo, Lucero Sanchez, Marcos. Testimony and autos against Marcos Sanchez for sexual assault upon Graciana Lucero and Manuela Carrillo. 08-08-1793
Sanchez, Concha, Arteaga, Pino, Jaramillo, Gabaldon, Sedillo, Sedillo, Mestas, Maldonado, Bernal, Carrillo, Lucero Sanchez, Marcos. Testimony and autos against Marcos Sanchez for sexual assault upon Graciana Lucero and Manuela Carrillo. 08-08-1793
Nava, Chacon, Mata Linares, Alvarez Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Military deductions. 04-18-1793
Concha, Canuelas, Sandoval, Fernandez Sierra, Munoz, Ortiz . List of contributors to fund to aid war against French from New Mexico. Names and amount. 00-00-1793
Nava, Chacon, Martinez, Fuentecilla, Alvarez Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Letter transmitting copy of royal order on military jurisdiction. 02-09-1793
Padilla, Concha, Ortiz, Montoya, Martin Padilla, Diego Antonio. Criminal case against Diego Antonio Padilla, Antonio Lorenzo Montoya and Juan Esteban Martin for stealing sheep. 10-26-1792
Padilla, Concha, Ortiz, Montoya, Martin Padilla, Diego Antonio. Criminal case against Diego Antonio Padilla, Antonio Lorenzo Montoya and Juan Esteban Martin for stealing sheep. 10-26-1792
Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Vial, Ugarte, Concha, Chavez, Munoz Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Four letters to the governor of New Mexico on Indian affairs. 08-06-1792
Martin, Concha Concha Fernando de la (gobernador). Governor de la Concha informs the viceroy that the comanche Indians are opening a war against other tribes. 07-20-1792
Beregana, Nava, Merino, Concha, Ugarte y Loyola, Lobereria, Saldivar, Villanueva, Vera, Sanchez Vergara, Sanchez, Martinez, Patero, Merino, Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Beregana, Nava, Merino, Concha, Ugarte y Loyola, Lobereria, Saldivar, Villanueva, Vera, Sanchez Vergara, Sanchez, Martinez, Patero, Merino, Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Beregana, Nava, Merino, Concha, Ugarte y Loyola, Lobereria, Saldivar, Villanueva, Vera, Sanchez Vergara, Sanchez, Martinez, Patero, Merino, Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Molla, Concha, Artega, Chavez, Aragon, Chavez, Aragon, Montana, Baca, Zamora, Granduno, Barela, Maldonado . Transcripts of charges of ill treatment of citizens by lieutenant alcalde of Valencia, Juan Molla, including testimonies, all forwarded to governor of New Mexico. 01-23-1792
Molla, Concha, Artega, Chavez, Aragon, Chavez, Aragon, Montana, Baca, Zamora, Granduno, Barela, Maldonado . Transcripts of charges of ill treatment of citizens by lieutenant alcalde of Valencia, Juan Molla, including testimonies, all forwarded to governor of New Mexico. 01-23-1792
Molla, Concha, Artega, Chavez, Aragon, Chavez, Aragon, Montana, Baca, Zamora, Granduno, Barela, Maldonado . Transcripts of charges of ill treatment of citizens by lieutenant alcalde of Valencia, Juan Molla, including testimonies, all forwarded to governor of New Mexico. 01-23-1792
Baca, Concha, Ortiz, Tafoya, Armijo, Armenta, Pena, Garcia, Mitro, Guerrero Baca, Luis. Fragment of proceedings against Luis Baca for mistreatment and poor pay of Indians of the Santo Domingo mission. 02-02-1792
Nava, Marino, Trevol Navarro, Baca, Plazas Nava, Pedro de. Letter to governor of New Mexico recognizing as legitimate claims against the estate of Francisco Trevol Navarro. 01-18-1792
Tristan, Osio, Sanchez, Sandoval, Moreno Tristan, Esteban Lorenzo de (obispo). Auto of bishop ordering third banns for Juan Cristobal Sanchez and Rosa Sandoval and if no protest, authorizing marriage. 12-27-1791
Carlos IV, Merino, Revilla Gigedo, Potau Carlos iv (rey). Real cedula requiring that oath of office be taken in traditional way and that media anata be paid. 12-30-1791
Moreno Campos, Nava, Navarro, Concha Moreno campos, Antonio to Nava, Pedro de. Petition by minister of El Paso to be assigned to a vacant post in other mission. Sent to Concha for consideration. 12-02-1791
Carlos IV, Chacon, Cadelo, Saavedra, Camacho, Martinez, Cruz Oedo, Ruiz y Moscoso . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Nava, Concha, Morera Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Forwarding of expenses of quartel to viceroy; and commendation of personal contributions by officers to finish construction. 12-11-1791
Montoya, Concha, Perea, Belarde, Ortiz Montoya, Nerio Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. Nerio Antonio Montoya (alcalde mayor) complains of disrespect by two citizens of Alburquerque. 09-30-1791
Nava, Concha, Martinez Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Missionary salaries from the real hacienda. 07-29-1791
Nava, Concha, Tenorio, Maldonado Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Transmittal of petition by Maria Luisa Tenorio, widow, for pension. 07-26-1791
Merino, Nova, Uranga Merino, Manuel. Copy of letter sent to Uranga by the Nava concerning the theft of four horses from Apache chief. 07-19-1791
Merino, Uranga, Nava Merino, Manuel. Copy of report Uranga about theft of four horses from Apache chief. 07-19-1791
Nava, Concha, Maria Teresa, Ventura de Taxanco, Merino Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Copy of real cedula about birth of king's daughter, Maria Teresa. 03-17-1791
Nava, Concha, Maria Teresa, Ventura de Taxanco, Merino Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Copy of real cedula about birth of king's daughter, Maria Teresa. 03-17-1791
Abila, Garcia de la Mora, Sais, Martin Abila, Pedro. note of transfer of land from Pedro Abila to Santiago Sais witnessed by alcalde mayor Garcia de la Mora. 01-02-1791
Nava, Concha, Miera Nava, Pedro de (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Concerning invalid soldiers and their compensation. 11-15-1790
Carlos IV, Cistne, Merino Carlos IV. Royal decree with particulars of granting Spanish titles to people in the americas. 11-13-1790
Uranga, Concha, Ortega, Martinez, Rengel, Rios Uranga, Francisco Xavier (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Proceedings in case of Jose Ortega vs. Julian Rios for horse theft. 09-20-1790
Baca, Carrillo, Barreras, Chaves, Moya, Salazar, Lucero, Moya, Baca, Sedillo, Sanchez, Luna, Concha, Arteaga, Castillo Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Baca, Carrillo, Barreras, Chaves, Moya, Salazar, Lucero, Moya, Baca, Sedillo, Sanchez, Luna, Concha, Arteaga, Castillo Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Merino, Martinez de Aldunate Merino, Manuel. Royal decree on requirements for issuing titles of nobility. 08-09-1790
Merino, Martinez de Aldunate Merino, Manuel. Royal decree on requirements for issuing titles of nobility. 08-09-1790
Nava, Concha, Miera Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement of report of pursuit of Apaches last year by sargeant Cleto Miera. 07-01-1790
Ugarte y Loyola, Chavez, Montoya, Canuelas, Reano, Carral, Lain, Concha Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Answer to de la Concha's letter concerning the petitions of two citizens. 02-14-1790
Munoz, Herrera, Baldes, Martin, Martin . Fragment of census report for Santa Clara, lists name, age, marital status, wife's name and children and their ages. 00-00-1790