Garcia Conde, Melgares |
Garcia Conde, Alexo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting a royal order sent by assistant inspector of troops ordering officers to wear uniforms at public and private events. |
11-24-1819 |
Garcia Conde, Melgares |
Garcia Conde, Alexo to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of reports to be forwarded to the sub-inspector of artillery. |
11-25-1819 |
Garcia Conde, Melgares |
Garcia Conde, Alexo to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of two letters, and stating that he (Garcia Conde) will address the resolutions separately. |
11-25-1819 |
Sisneros, Melgares |
Sisneros, Diego to Melgares, Facundo. Cover letter for a report. |
11-22-1819 |
Pena, Melgares |
Pena, Josef Mariano de la. Report on Voluntary aid to the Indians of Zuni given by people living in Alburquerque jurisdiction. |
11-23-1819 |
Melgares, Rivera, Pacheco, Bernal |
Facundo Melgares. Receipts for horses provided to several members of the Santa Fe presidio company. |
10-30-1819 |
Ortiz, Melgares |
Ortiz, Matias to Melgares, Facundo. Confusion as to a company of men sent to Taos, a shortage of three men. Melgares' reply appended. |
10-29-1819 |
Melgares, Ortis, Montoia |
Melgares, Facundo to Ortis, Francisco. Mexican independence troubles. |
10-21-1819 |
Melgares, Ortis, Montoia |
Melgares, Facundo to Ortis, Francisco. Mexican independence troubles. |
10-21-1819 |
Martin |
Bill for money owed by Manuel Martin, including the Voluntary donation. |
10-20-1819 |
Maese |
A note concerning the depts of a man who had died. |
10-19-1819 |
Gallego, Madrid |
Receipt for sheep provided to the wives of Jose Gallego and Jose Madrid. |
10-19-1819 |
Trugillo, Melgares |
Facundo Melgares. Receipt of goods purchased by Juan Trujillo. |
10-19-1819 |
Armijo, Melgares |
Jose Armijo. Receipt for a sheep provided to Jose Armijo. |
10-19-1819 |
Munoz, Bernal, Duran |
An order to have depts paid off. |
10-19-1819 |
Melgares, Ortiz |
Melgares, Facundo (gobernador). Promotion of Matias Ortiz to rank of captain of militia. |
10-16-1819 |
Melgares, Cabesa de Baca |
Melgares, Facundo to real audiencia de Guadalajara. Transmitting documents related to the Santa Anna land case and acknowledging receipt of autos concerning sales by cochiti Indians. |
10-18-1819 |
Duran, Melgares |
Bartolo Duran. Receipt for soap, sugar loaves, and ribbons sold to Bartolo Duran. |
10-15-1819 |
Garcia, Crespo, Soto, Madariaga, Melgares |
Garcia, Mateo. Complaining about high fees charged by parish priest. |
10-15-1819 |
Garcia, Crespo, Soto, Madariaga, Melgares |
Garcia, Mateo. Complaining about high fees charged by parish priest. |
10-15-1819 |
Tenorio, Melgares, Arias |
Christoval Tenorio-to-Facundo Melgares. A request to have a 12 peso debt paid off. |
10-12-1819 |
Bernal, Pacheco, Domingues, Montolla, Sandoval, Maldonado, Bustamante, Gutierres |
Mariano Bernal. Receipt for arms provided to four individuals. |
10-09-1819 |
Bernal, Pacheco, Domingues, Montolla, Sandoval, Maldonado, Bustamante, Gutierres |
Mariano Bernal. Receipt for arms provided to four individuals. |
10-09-1819 |
Madrid |
Receipt for 2 sugar loaves provided to the wife of Jose Madrid. |
10-11-1819 |
Griego, Abreu, Melgares, Rivera, Sanches, Vizente, Lucero, Bentos, Xaques |
Griego, Felipe. Interrogation of settler who had recently visited the comanches. |
10-08-1819 |
Madrid, Gallego, Melgares |
Receipts for clothing provided to Jose Madrid and Phelipe Gallego. |
10-02-1819 |
Madrid, Gallego, Melgares |
Receipts for clothing provided to Jose Madrid and Phelipe Gallego. |
10-02-1819 |
Griego, Melgares |
Felipe Griego. Report on artillery and related equipment at Santa Fee presidio. |
10-01-1819 |
Melgares |
Facundo Melgares. Report on effective force of artillerymen at at Santa Fee presidio, and soldiers who can man artillery. |
10-01-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Melgares, Salaices, Pacheco, Rivera, Tajolla, Urione |
Facundo Melgares. Report on members of the Santa Fee presidio company eligible for service premiums. |
09-01-1819 |
Armijo, Armijo, Melgares |
Armijo, Lucas to Melgares, Facundo. Documents being carried to Melgares by Julian Armijo as to Melgares' order. |
09-05-1819 |
Melgares, Vigil, Truxillo, Espinosa, Quintana, Baca, Duran y Chaves, Quintana, Martin, Martin, Ortiz, Tajoya |
Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. |
09-09-1819 |
Melgares, Vigil, Truxillo, Espinosa, Quintana, Baca, Duran y Chaves, Quintana, Martin, Martin, Ortiz, Tajoya |
Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. |
09-09-1819 |
Melgares, Vigil, Truxillo, Espinosa, Quintana, Baca, Duran y Chaves, Quintana, Martin, Martin, Ortiz, Tajoya |
Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. |
09-09-1819 |
Sarracino, Munos |
Sarracino, Rafael. An order for the delivery of letters from members of the San Elceario presidio company to Juaquin Munos. |
09-17-1819 |
Tapia, Ortiz, Lujan, Maes, Arias, Guerrero, Chama |
Rafael Tapia. List of arms stored in an unspecified warehouse by order of the governor. |
08-28-1819 |
Griego, Melgares |
Facundo Melgares. Report on the troop strength and assignments of the personnel of Santa Fee presidio. |
09-01-1819 |
Melgares, Garcia Conde |
Melgares, Facundo. Ordering that a packet of documents be forwarded to Alexo Garcia Conde. |
08-25-1819 |
Pena, Melgares, Mendinueta |
Pena, Josef Mariano de la to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on the resolution of a land dispute between Santo Domingo and San Felipe. Melgares' reply appended. |
08-03-1819 |
Pena, Melgares, Mendinueta |
Pena, Josef Mariano de la to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on the resolution of a land dispute between Santo Domingo and San Felipe. Melgares' reply appended. |
08-03-1819 |
Montoya |
Francisco Montoya. Receipt for musket balls given to Francisco Montoya. |
08-11-1819 |
Lucero, Rael, Duran, Mais, Lujan, Urito, Tapia |
Rafael Tapia. Report on arms stored in an unspecified warehouse (Santa Fe presidio)(?). |
08-23-1819 |
Sanches Vergara, Vigil, Melgares, Alvares, Osio, Chaves, Martines de Arellano, Montes, Montoya, Boival, Fernandez, Peres Serrano, Mestas, Castro, Sena, Garcia, Gallego, Mansanares, Carabajal, Mestas, Lucero, Lopes, Montoya, Totoya, Garcia, Baca, Garcia, Padilla |
Sanches Vergara, Ygnacio Maria. Criminal case of adultery. |
07-25-1819 |