Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Yturbido, O'donoju, Melgares, Ortis Yturbide. Transmitting royal order to implement measures to restore order in America, and the plan de yguala as a local measure to restore order in New Spain. 09-21-1821
Melgares, Ortiz Melgares, Facundo (gobernador). Instructions to capitan Matias Ortiz to pursue and destroy navajo Indians with details on strategy and particulars of quartering and maintaining troops. 09-21-1821
Melgares, Cavallero, Benavides, Armenta, Aragon, Domingues, Alario Melgares, Facundo. Report on soldiers granted disabled status. 09-18-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo to alcalde of Santa Fee. Requesting a list of the sons of militiamen and disabled soldiers of military age. 09-18-1821
Melgares, Ortiz Melgares, Facundo (gobernador). Order to capitan Matias Ortiz to gather his forces and await further orders in Abiquiu. 09-19-1821
Martin, Lucero, Melgares Martin, Pedro to Lucero, Pablo. Petition requesting permission to remove people from San Fernando and other plasa, because of possible comanche attack. Reply appended. 09-12-1821
Martin, Lucero, Melgares Martin, Pedro to Lucero, Pablo. Petition requesting permission to remove people from San Fernando and other plasa, because of possible comanche attack. Reply appended. 09-12-1821
Melgares, Pino Melgares, Facundo to Santa Fee ayuntamiento. A letter explaining why he (Melgares) had sent the ayuntamiento the copy of a letter the provincial diputacion had sent to the deputy to Cortes. 09-07-1821
Ortis, Melgares, Mestas Ortis, Matias to Melgares, Facundo. Transmission of a report that cumanches passing through the Canon de Pecuris. Reply appended. 09-05-1821
Ortis, Melgares, Mestas Ortis, Matias to Melgares, Facundo. Transmission of a report that cumanches passing through the Canon de Pecuris. Reply appended. 09-05-1821
Pino, Melgares Pino, Pedro Baptista to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Melgares' letter concerning the junta provincial and concerning ayuntamiento of Alameda. 09-05-1821
Romero, Melgares, Sabedra, Torres Romero, Vicente. Complaining of contribution of four reales extracted by alcalde to support secretary and common fund. 08-30-1821
Melgares, Cavallero Melgares, Facundo. Report on members of the Santa Fee presidio company and their assignments. 09-01-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo to named second alcalde. Requesting the second alcalde to preside at ayuntamiento meeting. 09-02-1821
Melgares, Chaves, Pena, Salasar Melgares, Facundo to ayuntamiento. Transmitting copies of a statement by Francisco Xavier Chaves and others and reporting on size of force participating in navajo campaign. 08-27-1821
Melgares, Pino, Chaves, Ravi de Celis, Sanches, Beita, Iraise, Pena Ayuntamiento to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation and concerning campaign against the navajo. 08-27-1821
Melgares, Ruiz, Yrizonis, Armijo, Ruiz, Ortiz, Armijo, Matines, Griego, Pino Ayuntamiento of Alburquerque to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting publication of Pino's proclamation and compliance with Melgares' order. 08-26-1821
Melgares, Ruiz, Yrizonis, Armijo, Ruiz, Ortiz, Armijo, Matines, Griego, Pino Ayuntamiento of Alburquerque to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting publication of Pino's proclamation and compliance with Melgares' order. 08-26-1821
Salasar, Valdes, Melgares Salasar, Jose Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation, and concerning a campaign. 08-26-1821
Aragon, Melgares, Pino Aragon, Jose Miguel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on the publication of Pino's proclamation and on the ayuntamiento. 08-25-1821
Duran, Melgares, Pino Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation, and communicating his (Duran's) willingness to take action. 08-23-1821
Duran, Melgares Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on whereabouts of militiamen nominated to rank of sergeant. 08-24-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo. On formation of Voluntary Indian fund to provide gifts to allied groups. 08-25-1821
Duran, Melgares Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on damages done by a group of comanches and asking for the formation of a contribution to a fund for Indians. 08-21-1821
Savedra, Melgares, Pino Savedra, Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pinos proclamation and Melgares' letter. 08-22-1821
Melgares, Baca, Ortiz Melgares, Facundo (gobernador). Order to capitan Matias Ortiz to quickly go to Zuni to secure its defense. 08-17-1821
Melgares, Chaves, Pino Melgares, Facundo. Transmittal of plan by ayuntamiento to oppose the navajo. 08-19-1821
Melgares, Chavez, Delgado Melgares, Facundo. Summons to Francisco Chavez to appear before government to retribute debt owed to estate of Fernando Delgado. 08-16-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo. Report on effective force of Santa Fee presidio and assignments, horses, arms and munitions. 08-01-1821
Baca, Chavez, Olona, Melgares Baca, Dionisio to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on election of Miguel de Olona as alcalde of Barrio of Tome. Repply appended. 08-03-1821
Hermanos, Iturbide, Guerrero, Alquirira, Brabo, Herrera, Miranda, Bustamante, Barragon, Lopez Santana, Quintanar, Chavarri, Fernandez, Negrete, Filisola Hermanos, Troncoso. Blow by blow account of progress of war for independence and important people involved. 08-09-1821
Duran, Melgares Duran, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of letter concerning Duran's non compliance with an order to organize militia for navajo campaign. Reply appended. 07-26-1821
Cacho, Melgares Cacho, Antonio to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting his (Cacho's) leaving Zuni mission because of danger from navajo. Reply of July 28 appended. 07-27-1821
Melgares, Ortiz, Baca Melgares, Facundo (gobernador). Order to captain Ortiz to take force up three hundred men to Rio Grande to battle navajos and force a peace treaty or destroy them. 07-16-1821
Melgares, Baca Melgares, Facundo to alcalde of Santa Fee. Ordering a force of 40 armed militiamen from the alcaldia of Santa Fee to be sent to Cebolleta for navajo campaign. 07-16-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Zubiria Garcia Conde, Diego to Melgares, Facundo. Authorizing the use of funds collected to send Pino to the 1820 - 1823 Cortes and not used for the 1822 - 1823 deputy. 07-10-1821
Melgares, Garcia Conde Melgares, Facundo to Garcia Conde, Alejo. notice of swearing allegiance to new independent government. 07-11-1821
Baca, Caballero, Melgares Baca, Manuel/Caballero, Jose. Accounting report on the Santa Fee presidio storestock on hand. 07-05-1821
Melgares, Cavallero Melgares, Facundo. Report on the members of the Santa Fee presidio company and their assignments. 07-01-1821
Larranaga, Campos, Pacheco, Jaramillo, Borrego, Martin, Madrid, Pacheco Larranaga, Juan. Receipt for funds advanced to Santa Fee presidio soldiers serving in Chihuagua. 07-01-1821
Larranaga, Campos, Pacheco, Jaramillo, Borrego, Martin, Madrid, Pacheco Larranaga, Juan. Receipt for funds advanced to Santa Fee presidio soldiers serving in Chihuagua. 07-01-1821
Vaca, Melgares Vaca, Vicente to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of and reporting publication of a proclamation. 06-28-1821
Melgares, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortis Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of sergeants and corporals. 06-30-1821
Leyva, Melgares Leyva, Jose Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting appointment as parish priest of Alburquerque. Reply appended. 06-17-1821
Jaramillo, Melgares, Rivera, Gonsales, Lopes, Benavides, Escaxeda, Martines, Escovedo, Barba, Duran, Domingues, Cospaz, Domingues Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Jaramillo, Melgares, Rivera, Gonsales, Lopes, Benavides, Escaxeda, Martines, Escovedo, Barba, Duran, Domingues, Cospaz, Domingues Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Cabesa de Baca, Melgares Cabesa de Baca, Juan Antonio to Melgares, Facundo. Requesting food supplies for the Indians of Zia and Santa Ana. Reply appended. 06-07-1821
Melgares, Cavesa de Baca Melgares, Facundo to Cavesa de Baca, Luis Maria/alcalde de Alameda. Ordering Baca and alcalde de Alameda to go to Santa Fee. 06-05-1821
Ruiz, Melgares, Armijo, Bolivar Ruiz, Antonio to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting that a letter announcing his (Ruiz') election had been left with Atancio de Bolivar in Melgares' absence. 06-05-1821
Aragon, Melgares Aragon, Miguel to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of various bandos and circulars transmitting royal orders on various subjects. 05-16-1821