Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Alencaster Noroia y Silva, Massani, Flores Mogollon, Garaycochea, Miranda, Irazaula, Naranjo Representation on state of missionization of Indians of Moqui province and rejection of proposal of Agustin de Campos (S.J) to allow Jesuits into area. 10-30-1714
Alencaster Noroia y Silva, Massani, Flores Mogollon, Garaycochea, Miranda, Irazaula, Naranjo Representation on state of missionization of Indians of Moqui province and rejection of proposal of Agustin de Campos (S.J) to allow Jesuits into area. 10-30-1714
Zuniga y Guzman Sotomayor, Martinez, Valverde Order to governor Martinez to return to Mexico City and Martinez's acknowledgement and compliance. 09-30-1716
Alencastre Norena y Silva, Cuervo de Valdez, Flores Mogollon, Paez Hurtado, Pinto, Herrea y Sandoval, Gonzalez, Archuleta, Lovato, Real de Aguilar, Alva, Arias de Quiroz, Chavez, Quintana, Candelaria, Garcia Jurado Ramon, Montoya Testimony regarding proposal for establishment of new pueblos and presidio in valle de la Canada. 10-14-1712
Serra, Montes, Dominguez, Gongara, Ruiz, Rodriguez, Rodriguez Cubero, Patino de las Casas Proceedings of settlement of claims by soldiers of Santa Fe presidio against governor Pedro Rodriguez de Cubero. 07-00-1713
Gilthomey, Florez Mogollon, Hurtado, Sanchez, Rodriquez, Tapia, Roque Gutierrez, Montoya, Zapata, Medina, Vargas, Pacheco, Silva Registration of land grants before Cabildo of Santa Fe. 07-21-1713
Gilthomey, Florez Mogollon, Hurtado, Sanchez, Rodriquez, Tapia, Roque Gutierrez, Montoya, Zapata, Medina, Vargas, Pacheco, Silva Registration of land grants before Cabildo of Santa Fe. 07-21-1713
Mayorga Cedulas on marriage and other subjects of royal interest. 03-13-1782
Melgares, Arce, Rey, Ordas, Caballero, Garcia Conde, Griego, Saranases Melgares, Facundo. Report on officers dropped and added to the Santa Fee presidio company. 12-31-1821
Melgares, Alario, Baca, Calleja, Bernal, Ollande Melgares, Facundo. Service records. 12-31-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo. Report on sales in the Santa Fe presidio store from August to December 1821. 12-31-1821
Melgares, Cavallero N/Melares, Facundo. Report on the members of the Santa Fee presidio company and their assignments. 12-31-1821
Melgares, Alario, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortiz, Silva, Baca, Tajolla, Baca, Torre Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of non-commissioned officers and carabineros. 12-31-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo. List of soldiers receiving meat, lard and chile for christmas eve and quantities. 12-23-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Yturbide Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting a circular calling for the preparation of lists of soldiers serving in the army. 12-28-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Bustamante Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting circular requiring preparation of lists of officers and men serving in the army. 12-28-1821
Armijo, Melgares, Bellido Armijo, Juan to Melgares, Facundo. Complaint by ayuntamiento against Manuel Bellido for failure to fulfill pastoral duties reply of December 31, 1821 appended. 12-30-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo. List of horses and mules in possession of soldiers of presidio of Santa Fe. 12-18-1821
Melgares, Caballero, Sarananes, Griego, Granados, Chabes, Offallen Melgares, Facundo. Service records of officers. 12-21-1821
Holdes, Negrete, Barrera, Iturbide, Lopez, Castro, Enguero, Menchoca, Navarro, Granado, Beramendi, Flores, Salina, Sancedo, Lasagai, Garcia, Guillen, Castano . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various locations published, including one from Bejar in Texas dealing with Indian relations. 12-04-1821
Iturbide, Lopez de Santa Ana, Melgares Iturbide, Agustin de. Copy of a set of documents attacking the author of a seditious pamphlet which attacks the plan de iguala. Action begun by the military. 12-11-1821
Saabedra, Melgares, Romero, Garcia Saabedra, Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on sale of shoes in his alcaldia that had been sent to purchase grain. 11-28-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo. Necessary strength and composition of troops according to regulations as compared to actual situation of presidio of Santa Fe. 12-01-1821
Melgares Melgares, Facundo. List of officers and soldiers in the presidio of Santa Fe. 12-01-1821
Ruis, Melgares, Lovato, Salaises Ruis, Antonio to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of shoes, and reporting on their distribution. 11-27-1821
Aragon, Melgares Aragon, Jose Miguel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on supplies in alcaldia. 11-27-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Negrete Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting an order from interim government for three days of prayer. 11-14-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Negrete Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting order concerning government of Mexico during the transition. 11-14-1821
Melgares, Yturvide Herrero, Mariano de to Melgares, Facundo. Concerning Yturvide's order for bear skins for military hats. 11-10-1821
Ravi de Celis, Melgares, Chaves Ravi de Celis, Manuel to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on Jose Antonio Chaves' taking of documents from jurisdiction archive. 10-30-1821
Melgares, Cavallero Melgares, Facundo. List from review of soldiers in the presidio of Santa Fe. 11-01-1821
Armendaris, Melgares Armendis, Pedro to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting that seven men coming from Nueva Viscaya will be supplied at Balverde. 11-01-1821
Melgares, Yturribarria, Quinones, Gutierrez, Ortis, Zubiria Melgares, Facundo. Copy of a September 9, 1821 bando from the diputation of Durango concerning the need to maintain newly won liberties. 10-28-1821
Melgares, Garcia Melgares, Facundo to Garcia, Juan. Acknowledging receipt of Garcia's letter and asking what office he (Garcia) holds. 10-29-1821
Xaramillo, Sanches, Melgares Xaramillo, Jose to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on Miguel Sanches' failure to report for campaign duty. 10-24-1821
Hibarri, Melgares Hibarri, Jose Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting that one man ordered to Santa Fe could not go, and on comanche raids. 10-18-1821
Aragon, Melgares, Gutierres Aragon, Jose Miguel to Melgares, Facundo. Concerning the sending of a letter, as to whether or not it had arrived. 10-18-1821
Baca, Caballero, Melgares Baca, Manuel. List of military equipment available in the presidio of Santa Fe. 10-19-1821
Baca, Melgares, Caballero Baca, Manuel. List of non-military equipment in the presidio of Santa Fe. 10-19-1821
Xaramillo, Melgares Xaramillo, Jose to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on equiping a force of 100 men, problems involved and attitude of people. Reply of October 18, 1821 appended. 10-14-1821
Baca, Melgares, Caballero Baca, Manuel. Report on goods sent to New Mexico to be distributed to allied Indian groups. 10-15-1821
Ravi de Celis, Melgares Ravi de Celis, Manuel de to Melgares, Facundo. Requesting permission to go to Chihuagua to receive medical treatment and asking who can serve in his place. Reply of October 14, 1821. 10-09-1821
Quintana, Quintana, Pena, Espinosa, Jaramillo, Alcina, Martinez, Melgares, Martin, Chaves . Two declarations as to the number of livestock owned by Miguel Quintana for purposes of collecting the tithe. 10-01-1821
Quintana, Quintana, Pena, Espinosa, Jaramillo, Alcina, Martinez, Melgares, Martin, Chaves . Two declarations as to the number of livestock owned by Miguel Quintana for purposes of collecting the tithe. 10-01-1821
Quintana, Quintana, Pena, Espinosa, Jaramillo, Alcina, Martinez, Melgares, Martin, Chaves . Two declarations as to the number of livestock owned by Miguel Quintana for purposes of collecting the tithe. 10-01-1821
Melgares, Garcia Conde, Armendaris, Yturbide, Chaves, Cordero . Set of copies of circulars, orders, etc. 10-06-1821
Melgares, Cavallero, Griego Melgares, Facundo. List of the soldiers of the Santa Fee presidio company and their assignments. 10-01-1821
Melgares, Cavallero Melgares, Facundo. Report on artillery, arms and munitions, and number of soldiers at Santa Fee presidio capable of manning artillery. 10-01-1821
Ramires, Matines, Arse Ramires, Manuel. Receipt for funds advanced to two Santa Fe presidio soldiers. 09-27-1821
Celis, Bellido, Martinez, Riego Bellido, Manuel to Celis, Pedro Rubi de. Dispute by three missionaries over possession of the first fruit of Santo Domingo. 09-29-1821