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Person Last Name Title Date
Lovato, Melgares Facundo Melgares-to-Juan Lovato. Concerning ute raid near Taos. 09-19-1818
Melgares, Lovato Juan Lovato-to-Facundo Melgares. Report on navajo or ute raid on livestock and men sent to investigate. 09-17-1818
Apodaca, Pena, Chaves, Apodaca, Chaves, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Armijo, Chabes, Valensuela, Lovato, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Montolla, Ferrer Castorena, Baca, Lovato, Ravi, Lopes, Tajola, Romeros, Griego, Martines, Padia, Vijil, Candelaria Apodaca, Miguel. Dispute over ownership of livestock. 09-04-1818
Apodaca, Pena, Chaves, Apodaca, Chaves, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Armijo, Chabes, Valensuela, Lovato, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Montolla, Ferrer Castorena, Baca, Lovato, Ravi, Lopes, Tajola, Romeros, Griego, Martines, Padia, Vijil, Candelaria Apodaca, Miguel. Dispute over ownership of livestock. 09-04-1818
Chaves, Baca, Rave de Celis, Melgares Manuel Rave-de Celis-to-Facundo Melgares. Reporting on navajo raids and the need for guards for livestock. 09-05-1818
Melgares, Baca, Chabes Facundo Melgares. Acknowledging receipt of letter concerning need for guards for livestock. 09-07-1818
Melgares Facundo Melgares. A decree requesting a Voluntary subscription to support 300 soldiers. 09-11-1818
Melgares, Griego Facundo Melgares. Two lists of the soldiers of the Santa Fee presidio company, giving rank and assignments. 09-01-1818
Melgares Facundo Melgares. Report on troop strengths and assignments of the Santa Fee presidio company. 09-01-1818
Melgare, Ribera, Sandobal, Borrego Facundo Melgare. Report on three soldiers, Jose Ribera, Antonio Sandobal, and Rafael Borrego, eligible for service premiums. 08-18-1818
Ferdinand VII, Moran Ferdinand VII. Royal decree allowing burial of nuns inside their cloisters or convents. 08-31-1818
Solroina, Gallego, Miera, Madrid, Allande, Baca, Ortiz, Baca, Martin, Aguilar, Quintana, Ribera, Cordova, Vigil, Sandoval, Chaves, Gutierrez, Sanchez, Maese, Sandoval, Villanueba, Calles, Sanches, Garea, Salasar, Madariaga, Ortiz, Garcia Catalog of civil & criminal cases heard in Santa Fe 1818-1824. Nature of each case & resolutions included. 08-05-1818
Solroina, Gallego, Miera, Madrid, Allande, Baca, Ortiz, Baca, Martin, Aguilar, Quintana, Ribera, Cordova, Vigil, Sandoval, Chaves, Gutierrez, Sanchez, Maese, Sandoval, Villanueba, Calles, Sanches, Garea, Salasar, Madariaga, Ortiz, Garcia Catalog of civil & criminal cases heard in Santa Fe 1818-1824. Nature of each case & resolutions included. 08-05-1818
Solroina, Gallego, Miera, Madrid, Allande, Baca, Ortiz, Baca, Martin, Aguilar, Quintana, Ribera, Cordova, Vigil, Sandoval, Chaves, Gutierrez, Sanchez, Maese, Sandoval, Villanueba, Calles, Sanches, Garea, Salasar, Madariaga, Ortiz, Garcia Catalog of civil & criminal cases heard in Santa Fe 1818-1824. Nature of each case & resolutions included. 08-05-1818
Solroina, Gallego, Miera, Madrid, Allande, Baca, Ortiz, Baca, Martin, Aguilar, Quintana, Ribera, Cordova, Vigil, Sandoval, Chaves, Gutierrez, Sanchez, Maese, Sandoval, Villanueba, Calles, Sanches, Garea, Salasar, Madariaga, Ortiz, Garcia Catalog of civil & criminal cases heard in Santa Fe 1818-1824. Nature of each case & resolutions included. 08-05-1818
Solroina, Gallego, Miera, Madrid, Allande, Baca, Ortiz, Baca, Martin, Aguilar, Quintana, Ribera, Cordova, Vigil, Sandoval, Chaves, Gutierrez, Sanchez, Maese, Sandoval, Villanueba, Calles, Sanches, Garea, Salasar, Madariaga, Ortiz, Garcia Catalog of civil & criminal cases heard in Santa Fe 1818-1824. Nature of each case & resolutions included. 08-05-1818
Moya, Marquez y Melo, Teran, Solis, Dias, Nava, Moya, Balcayo, Gomez, Lopez Carlos de Moya-and-Manuel Marquez y Melo. Commercial partnership. 07-30-1818
Moya, Marquez y Melo, Teran, Solis, Dias, Nava, Moya, Balcayo, Gomez, Lopez Carlos de Moya-and-Manuel Marquez y Melo. Commercial partnership. 07-30-1818
Moya, Marquez y Melo, Teran, Solis, Dias, Nava, Moya, Balcayo, Gomez, Lopez Carlos de Moya-and-Manuel Marquez y Melo. Commercial partnership. 07-30-1818
Melgares, Lomban, Soto Juan Lomban-to-Facundo Melgares. Concerning supplies for the first flying company & other matters. 07-13-1818
Allande, Alire, Mestas, Baca, Vizente, Garcia, Sanches Pedro Maria de Allande-to-the alcalde of Xemes. Concerning navajo depredations. 06-25-1818
Vergara, Allande, Alire, Mestas, Baca Yanacio Maria Vergara-to-Pedro Maria de Allande. Reporting on navajo raids on livestock herds and the murder of one man. 06-24-1818
Ortiz, Baca, Allande, Vigil, Peres Serrano, Melgares Juan Rafael Ortis. Index of the documents helb by the alcalde mayor of Santa Fe prepared at a change of administration, and at the beginning of the next two years. 05-10-1818
Arze, Melgares, Griego, Garivizu, Saenz, Sandoval, Rivera Jose Maria de Arze. Concerning supplies for the Santa Fe presidio. 04-10-1818
Allande, Madariaga, Chavez, Chavez, Ribera, Baca, Alari, Domingues, Borrego, Baca, Maines Pedro Maria de Allande. Criminal case against Juan Manuel Chavez for sheltering his son, a deserter from the Santa Cruz presidio in Sonora. 01-18-1818
Allande, Madariaga, Chavez, Chavez, Ribera, Baca, Alari, Domingues, Borrego, Baca, Maines Pedro Maria de Allande. Criminal case against Juan Manuel Chavez for sheltering his son, a deserter from the Santa Cruz presidio in Sonora. 01-18-1818
Aragon, Salazar, Martinez, Garcia, Sisnero, Ortiz Aragon, Manuel. Service records of militia at Canada. 12-31-1817
Vigil, Gonzalez, Pena, Salazar, Vigil, Martin, Vigil Vigil, Juan Ygnacio. Proceedings of claims by Juan Ygnacio Vigil and his uncle Miguel Vigil against estate of Antonio Jose Vigil and against each others claim. 09-12-1817
Ximenes, Ortis, Melgares, Carrio, Beyta, Ravi, Pena, Ruiz, Juipe, Ruiz, Zaenz, Sanches Vergara, Pena, Sanches, Fernando Septimo, Cruz Beita, Aragon, Aragon, Vigil, Serrasino Ximenes, Antonio. Civil suit concerning sheep. 10-17-1817
Mendiola Velarde, Lopez Andrew, Sandobal, Sanches Vergara Mendiola Velarde, Mariano. Appointment of Vicente Sanchez Vergara as protector partidario for New Mexico. 06-21-1817
Mendizabal, Villalba, Baresor . Transmittal of bando concerning status of invalidos. 05-15-1817
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar Severino Martines. 09-24-1816
Murga, Tapia, Alallande Murga, Laureano de to Alallande, Pedro Maria de. Discusses debts claimed by Jose Tapia; murga sends accounts to justify costs charged against Tapia. 06-29-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Ortiz, Sandoval, Allande, Montoya, Ruiz, Gallardo, Mestas, Sanchez, Baldez, Sandoval Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio. Testimony in the suit brought by Tomas Sandoval against Sanchez Vergara. 08-01-1816
Sanchez Vergara, Ortiz, Sandoval, Allande, Montoya, Ruiz, Gallardo, Mestas, Sanchez, Baldez, Sandoval Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio. Testimony in the suit brought by Tomas Sandoval against Sanchez Vergara. 08-01-1816
Martin, Martin, Luna, Pena, Allande Martin, Roque. Attempt to recover money. 03-30-1816
Martin, Martin, Luna, Pena, Allande Martin, Roque. Attempt to recover money. 03-30-1816
Montes, Armijo, Baldez Montes, Rafael. Requests payment of debt incurred by soldiers from Santa Fee. 03-18-1816
Montes Montes, Rafael. Advises interim governor of taxes collected. 03-20-1816
Gallego, Penon, Ortiz, Maynes Gallego, Francisco Roman to Maynes, Alberto. Discussion of transfer of alcaldia to Josef Ortiz and of problems with fray Penon. 03-07-1816
Quinones, Maynez Quinones, Pedro to Maynez, Alberto. Quinones notifies Maynez of stopping actions of newly re-elected alcaldes. 03-13-1816
Martin, Pena, Maynas, Luna, Montolla, Pereyro, Allande, Vejil Martin, Pedro. Suit concerning failure to pay a royal tax. 03-16-1816
Martin, Pena, Maynas, Luna, Montolla, Pereyro, Allande, Vejil Martin, Pedro. Suit concerning failure to pay a royal tax. 03-16-1816
Martin, Pena, Maynas, Luna, Montolla, Pereyro, Allande, Vejil Martin, Pedro. Suit concerning failure to pay a royal tax. 03-16-1816
Montes, Bernal Montes, Rafael. Records and reports of militia at El Paso. 03-01-1816
Montes, Ayande Montes, Rafael to Ayande, Pedro Maria de. Concerns construction of a bridge. 03-04-1816
Zuniga y Ontiveros, Maria, Quiros . Outlines functions of consejo and camara de guerra. 02-12-1816
Maynez, Mun Maynez, Alberto. Index of letters sent by the interim governor to the comandante general. 01-18-1816
Maynez, Mun Maynez, Alberto. Index of letters sent by the interim governor to the comandante general. 01-18-1816
Mier y Campillo, Cos y Vivero, Tirado y Priego, Chavarri y Ugalde, Flores Mier y Campillo, Francisco Javier. Concerns inquisition 01-13-1816