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Title Date Author(s)
Indian raids and proposed solutions 03-03-1783 Sanchez Posada, Joseph (Fiscal), Fernandez de Cordova, Francisco, Crespo, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others
Disagreements between intendente de Durango and his teniente. 02-02-1789 Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), and others
Letters of governor Fueros to viceroy Galvez with related table and draft response 08-11-1783 Fueros, Pedro, Galvez, Mathias de
2 letters of governor Tueros to viceroy Mathias Galvez and Bernardo Galvez with draft responses 03-08-1784 Fueros, Pedro, Galvez, Bernardo, Galvez, Mathias
Letters from teniente habilitado Fernandez of San Juan Bautista presidio to viceroy discussing problems new presidio of la Babia 02-22-1774 Fernandez, Eugenio (Teniente Habilitado), and others
Short administrative correspondences relating to establishment of rentas de tobaco in California. 04-28-1787 Trigo, Jose de (Factor de Tabacos), Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788 Beregana, Domingo de, Herrera, Ciria, Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Bonilla
Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788 Beregana, Domingo de, Herrera, Ciria, Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Bonilla
Formal report by Beregana to viceroy stating situation of funds of Chihuahua, including letter of explanation; response of viceroy. 01-01-1788 Beregana, Domingo de, Herrera, Ciria, Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Bonilla
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789 Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789 Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789 Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. 03-24-1789 Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de
Series of letters to Ugarte y Loyola requesting intelligence and expenses reports; notice of new sub-commander under Ugarte y Loyola. 07-18-1787 Diaz de Ortega, Phelipe, Parada(?), Cordova, Florez, Manuel Antonio
Series of letters to Ugarte y Loyola requesting intelligence and expenses reports; notice of new sub-commander under Ugarte y Loyola. 07-18-1787 Diaz de Ortega, Phelipe, Parada(?), Cordova, Florez, Manuel Antonio
Series of letters to Ugarte y Loyola requesting intelligence and expenses reports; notice of new sub-commander under Ugarte y Loyola. 07-18-1787 Diaz de Ortega, Phelipe, Parada(?), Cordova, Florez, Manuel Antonio
Hostell's request for and Fernandez Somera's response to articles which discredit work of missions of California. 05-07-1741 Hostell, Lamberto, Fernandez Somera, Blas
Letter from Fages, Lucero, Ortega to Viceroy concerning granting of status of disabled to ex-soldier from Loreto, in order to devote himself to transport of supplies from Loreto to Californias. 10-18-1793 Fages, Pedro (Coronel), Lucero, Jose Antonio (Soldado), Ortega, Joseph Francisco
Series of documents concerning shipment of merchandise and supplies from San Blas to San Diego. 12-07-1789 Caamano, Carcaba, Manuel, Fernandez, Manuel
Series of documents concerning granting of status of poblador and invalido to retired soldier Valentin Flanella. 06-13-1773 Fages, Pedro, Gorostiza, Pedro, Eliza, Francisco de, and others
Funds for Fernandez 04-26-1795 Fernandez, Antonio (Marinero), Virrey, and others
Civil, military administrative correspondence; fiscal affairs 04-15-1810 Fernandez de Alva, Juan Nepomuceno, Ruiz Costas Ferrer, Jose, Saavedra, Ramon, Virrey(?), Infante, Bartolome, Bermudez, Francisco del Paula, Croquez, Tomas
Ano de 1792 sumaria formada contra el Alferez del presidio de San Francisco don Ramon Lasso de la Vega por quiebra en los interes de la compania que tubo a su cargo como habilitado. 12-23-1786 Fages, Pedro (Gobernador), Soler, Nicolas (Ayudante Inspector), Laso de Vega, Ramon (Alferez)
Sumaria informacion practicada por el gobernador de California sobre la indirecta acusacion de tres yndios de la mision de Santa Clara contra su padre ministro Fray Tomas de la Pena en fojas utiles. 04-30-1786 Fages, Pedro (Gobernador), Sal, Hermengildo (Alferez), Navarro, Galindo, and others
Padre Geronimo Figueroa, padre Gabriel de Villar, padre Juan Arnesto, padre Vigilio Maez, padre Bernabe Lazcano. Carta de los padres misioneros Tarahumaras al virrey pidiendo limosna. 01-11-1669 Figueroa, Geronimo (Padre), Maez, Viglio (Padre), Arnesto, Juan (Padre), Villar, Gabriel de (Padre), Lazcano, Bernabe (Padre)
Cartas varias al rey sobre misiones en Nueva Viscaya. 04-00-1610 Perez, Alonso, Figueroa, Francisco de (S.J.), Urdinola, Francisco de
Fernando Faxardo y Cobaruvias and Luis Parilla to Antonio Porlier. They ask for right to administer the Haciendas de California. IS-H,-N.D. Faxardo y Cobaruvias, Fernando, Parilla, Luis