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Title Date Author(s)
Correspondence between Ugarte, viceroy, and other officials concerning soldiers confrontation with Apaches. 01-23-1789 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Marrujo, Ramon (Capitan), and others
Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and Fernandez concerning capture of Tarahumara Indians. 06-27-1790 Plo y Alduan, Pedro (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Fernandez y Rodriguez, Juan
Administrative correspondence. Documents dealing with annual difficulties elicited by election in Huexucar. 11-04-1775 Ramirez, Leonardo, Fernandez de Cordova, Juan Romualdo
Series of documents on military services given to the king, by soldiers of soledad, jurisdiction of Colotlan. 03-24-1724 Victoriano, Sebastian Antonio, Davila Maldonado, Andres, Flores de San Pedro, Juan
Series of documents on military services given to the king, by soldiers of soledad, jurisdiction of Colotlan. 03-24-1724 Victoriano, Sebastian Antonio, Davila Maldonado, Andres, Flores de San Pedro, Juan
Series of certificaciones and testimonies about the conquest of Nayarit and Santa Maria de Los Angeles by military personnel of Colotlan. 05-16-1724 Gatuno y Lemus, Josef Xavier, Flores, Juan, Tamayo, Juan Antonio, and others
Testimony on the reconquest of San Josef de Nayarit with the help of troops from Colotlan. 04-10-1724 Flores de San Pedro, Juan (Gobernador), Gatuno, Josef Xavier, And Oters
Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. 09-04-1787 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante Inspector), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General Intendente)
Letters between Diaz de hortega, virrey Flores & various military officials about Indian attacks and vecino abandonment. 10-06-1768 Palacios, Antonio (Telesforo), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador Intendente)
Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787 Diaz de Ortega, Phelipe (Gobernador, Intendente), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Campo, Francisco Xavier de (Corregidor), and others
Administrative correspondence between various military officials regarding military campaigns against Indians in Cerro de San Buenaventura 1788 03-30-1788 Concha, Fernando de la (Gobernador), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante)
Series of reports on the status of the missions of the province of Nayarit. Missionaries send certification of gubernatorial visits. 10-29-1781 Alberni, Pedro de (Comandante), Faulia, Francisco de (Comandante), and others
Administrative letters from Echegaray to Ugalde; late 1788 01-02-1788 Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Echegaray, Jose Maria de (Capitan), Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General)
Lo escrito del capitan don Jose Maria de Echegaray en el ano 1789 11-00-1788 Echegaray, Jose Maria de (Capitan), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Administrative correspondence between virrey(?) and lasaga for 1784. 01-07-1784 Virrey(?), Lasaga, Diego de (Gobernador), Fernandez, Alejo(?)
Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governor of Nuevo Santander. 1790-1791. 01-18-1790 Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Informes by Fages presenting depravity of an Indian of San Diego mission and indian's temporary banishment imposed. 08-15-1787 Fages, Pedro, Zuniga, Jose de, Navarro, Galindo
Documents from Flores to viceroy Revilla Gigedo on need to construct a wall separating the casa de mayorazgo from the street to prevent disturbances and to clean up the area in city of Puebla. 06-12-1790 Flores, Manuel (Gobernador Intendente de Puebla), Revilla
Criminal case against soldier Tapia for robbery of Monterrey warehouse. 05-30-1785 Fages, Pedro, Ortega, Joseph Francisco, Navarro, Galindo, and others
Auto by Fages asking if Tithes should be paid on cattle transported from Monterrey to San Diego during the first 5 years and response by Navarro. 01-08-1788 Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo
Diligencias made by Fages to virrey seeking to recruit men from San Blas to the new establishments of the peninsula for service in the presidio companies. 09-03-1786 Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo
Fages writes to virrey regarding much needed stamped paper. 10-27-1783 Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo
Autos from Soler and Sal to virrey, all dealing with embezzlement charge against Sal, paymaster of Monterrey. 12-16-1781 Soler, Nicolas, Sal, Hermenegildo, Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo
Autos from Soler and Sal to virrey, all dealing with embezzlement charge against Sal, paymaster of Monterrey. 12-16-1781 Soler, Nicolas, Sal, Hermenegildo, Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo
Criminal case against Yepes for having wounded a cabin boy on frigate favorita. 08-02-1783 Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo, Gonzales, Diego, and others
Investigations made by Goicoechea into four soldiers' desertion from Santa Barbara. 12-10-1784 Goicoechea, Felipe de, Olibera, Jose, Fages, Pedro, Others
Investigation by Arguello of Castaneda, accused of assaulting San Buenaventura's head of escort. 10-07-1778 Arguello, Josef, Fages, Pedro, Olivera, Ygnacio
Investigations made by Goicoechea into four soldiers' desertion from Santa Barbara. 12-10-1784 Goicoechea, Felipe de, Olibera, Jose, Fages, Pedro, Others
Fages discusses peninsular rule that citizens must register and brand their livestock. 10-25-1781 Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo
Military rolls for compania de caballeria del seno Mexicano (Nuevo Santander) for September - nov, 1772. Mention (f. 75) of discovery of mines at Tamaulipa. 09-20-1772 Muniz, Juan de, Fuentes, Luis Antonio de (Capitan), Peres, Angel (Teniente de Capitan), and others
Indice de los partes que remite al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en el correo de hoy 1 de febrero, 1783. 01-19-1783 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Maior), Echeagaray, Joseph Maria (Teniente)
May 24, 1783 a fin de determinar con el acierto que se debe sobre las providencias.... 07-09-1782 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Echeagaray, Joseph Maria (Teniente), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Maior), and others
May 24, 1783 a fin de determinar con el acierto que se debe sobre las providencias.... 07-09-1782 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Echeagaray, Joseph Maria (Teniente), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Maior), and others
Indice de los partes que da al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuebo Reino de Leon en el correo de hoy 2 de enero. de 1782 01-19-1782 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Mayor)
Indice de los partes que dirige al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en el correo de hoy 3 de agosto de 1782 07-06-1782 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Mayor)
Indice de los partes que dirije al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en el correo de 9 de noviembre de 1782 11-09-1782 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Garibay, Pedro, Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Mayor) and others
Indice de los partes que dirige al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Reyno de Leon en el correo de hoy 6 de abril de 1782 01-15-1782 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Cayetano de Tixerina, Joseph (Alferez), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Mayor)
February 28, 1782 Senor: En el dia 19 del pasado se me dio aviso de que en el 15 del mismo havian los indios barbaros asaltado un agostadero del Marquez de Aguayo en el sitio llamado el capote 11-15-1781 Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Gobernador), Flores, Bruno (Alcalde Mayor)
Testimonios concerning discovery of new mines and vetas. 10-16-1766 Escandon, Joseph de, Fuentes, Luis Antonio (Capitan)
Ano de 1776. Cuenta del caudal percibido y distribuido en la compania Volante del Nuevo Santander. 01-01-1776 Fuentes, Joseph Antonio de las, Pena y Toro, Augustin de la (Fray), noriega, Gaspar de (Administrador), and others
Letters between Ugarte, Florez, and Ugalde concerning better cooperation between the two comandantes. 00-00-1780 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Florez, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), And Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante de Armas)
noticia en que por menor su manifiesta el numero de piesas Apaches que el 8 de abril corriente salieron de la villa de Monclova 04-28-1788 Ugalde, Juan, Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey)
Resumen general. de los meritos y servicios del coronel d. Juan de Ugalde Caballero del orden de Santiago, comandante 10-05-1787 Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante), Flores, Manuel Antonio
Informes to and from Ugalde dealing with preparations for third military campaign 11-21-1782 Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante), Flores, Manuel Antonio
Oficios to and from Ugalde concerning legal proceedings. 10-03-1783 Ugalde, Juan de, Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Alonso (Arzobispo de Mexico), and others
Series of documents concerning naming of governor of Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1813 Barrera, Francisco Brino (Capitan), Arredondo, Joaquin de (Comandante General), Froylan de Mier, Jose (Alcalde), and others
Series of documents concerning naming of governor of Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1813 Barrera, Francisco Brino (Capitan), Arredondo, Joaquin de (Comandante General), Froylan de Mier, Jose (Alcalde), and others
Letters between Mendinuta and virrey about charges brought against draca and satisfaction with officer mestas. 02-29-1776 Fermin de Mendinueta, Pedro, Virrey)
Letters between Mendinuta and virrey containing index & summary of correspondence by number. 11-29-1776 Fermin de Mendinueta, Pedro, Virrey
Letters between Mendinuta and virrey concerning Indian hostilities and proposed retaliation. 08-22-1775 Fermin de Mendinueta, Pedro, Virrey