Crimes (Sexual)

Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from 1819, sundry concerns.

Serial Number
Alencaster, Joachin del Real (Gobernador)
Venadito, Conde del (Virrey)
Ceres, Antonio
and others
End date
Mexico. March 22 to October 4, 1819. 52p. Letters. Copies, signed.
In ff. 328-329 Alencaster requests pass to Toluca. Ff. 330-335 are viceroyal notes of approval for several military appointments, promotions. Ff. 336-341 concern Sandoval's request for supplementary wages; includes certification of convalescence by pages. Ff. 342-353 concern Alencaster's unwillingness to marry Doz y Sahum to legitimize their child, equal reluctance to pay child support for child's education; he was incarcerated for four years, but still apparently refuses either recourse.(A. Dean, December 1989)
Alencaster, Joachin del Real (Gobernador)
Venadito, Conde del (Virrey)
Ceres, Antonio
Equia, Francisco
Gonzalez (Capitan)
Castro, Jose (Capitan)
Puerta, Antonio (Ayudante Inspector)
Arredondo, Joaquin de (Comandante General)
Corral, Pedro del (Teniente)
Linan, Pascual de
Sandoval, Jose (Teniente)
Pages, Miguel (Cirujano)
Doz y Sahum, Juana
Mexia, Manuel
Ramon (Capitan)
Calbo, Roman Lorenzo
Elorduy, Bentura
Peyron y Merino, Estevan
Batres, Antonio
Monter, Jose
Sanz, Jose Maria
Nolarco Guiller, Pedro
Aguiler y Fernando, Manuel
Royo, Ramon
Camon y Garcia de Olano, Inocencio de (Doctor)
Guillermi, Jorge Juan de
Cuartero, Tomas (Fray)
Ruiz del Burgo, Manuel Fernando (Fray)
Real, Luis del (Fray)
San Martin, Juan Bautista (Fray)
Martinez, Juan Antonio
Doncel, Baltazar
Marchena, Juan
Seco, Pascual
Barrera, Ignacio de la
Cavallero, Jose Antonio
Aparici, Pedro
Noriega, Antonio (Tesorero)
Cayetano Soler, Miguel
Carrion de Velasco, Nicolas
Orta, Juan Antonio
Ybanez, Juan
Gonzalez, Juan
Toluca (Ciudad)
Nuevo Santander
Nueva Vizcaya
Muleros (Hacienda)
San Luis
San Carlos
Nuevo Mexico
Aragon (Reyno)
Africa (Presidios)
Military Groups
Nuevo Santander, Tercera Compania Volante del
Nueva Vizcaya, Cuerpo Provincial de Caballerias de
Durango, Compania del Cuerpo Volante de la Provincia de
Bexar, Compania Presidial de
Zaragoza, Regimiento de Infanteria de
Aragon, Batallon de Voluntarios de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 244 Part I, ff. 238-353
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 244 Part I, ff. 238-35
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Documents referring to military communication revolving around issue of establishment of pagaduria in Saltillo to facilitate the providing of necessary supplies to troops.

Serial Number
End date
Orizava. September 9, 1797 -November 10, 1789. 22p. Letters/ index. Originals.
Concerns a complaint lodged by Serna relating to adulteress behavior of his wife; concerns the new reglamentos de presidio approved by the king and implemented by Bucareli, article related to monies set aside for troops was implemented when Durango and Alamo treasuries could not provide necessary funds, Guadalajara assets would be used, as a result of this the establishment of the paymaster's office in Chihuahua and allowing Esconsa to draw from this institution, mentions the establishment of various pagadurias and other institutions used to provide for troops. Neve attests to fact that his province produces the income enough to provide for troops, asks to be exempt from the charges made upon his area, death of neves followed by an examination of the state of revenues in the pagaduria de Arispe, administrator of revenues states that method of providing revenues to internal provinces must be found, intendent of Sonora recommends a tax to be established to preclude interesados from getting exemptions. Rangel submits two state of accounts, one that refers to consignments from Vizcaya and Mexico, and the other that refers to consignments from Sonora, only treasury from Guadalajara would be remittable. Correspondence of Loyola and the treasurer of Chihuahua follows as they demonstrate the necessity of los productos de rentas for the financial solvency needed to provide for the troops, documents show how funds were taken from different geographic locations to provide for those areas in the most need. In the note accompanying this document mention is made of a military inspection with results of retired and invalid soldiers to be provided so the real tribunal can better budget its sources; decision made to situate the paymaster's office mentioned earlier in Saltillo because of its central location, index of meetings of the junta Superior to discuss location of Pagaduria; letter describing jurisdictional problems as they relate to sending revenues to the capital, revenues coming from tobacco and excise taxes. (O. Velez, November 1989)
Serna, Jose Esteban de la (Teniente de Milicias)
Bucareli, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Esconsa, Antonio de (Tesorero)
Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General)
Rangel, Josef Antonio (Comandante General Interino)
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General)
Presas del Rey
San Luis Potosi
Monclova, Santiago de la
Nueva Vizcaya
San Sabas (Presidio)
Saltillo (Villa)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 501-508
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 501-508
This series is part of expediente 48 as listed in the indice del ramo.
Reference Number
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General Subjects

Series of documents regarding administrative affairs of missions and presidios in the two Californias.

Serial Number
Fages, Pedro (Comandante)
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
End date
Loreto de Californias, San Carlos de Monterrey, Mexico. November 12, 1770 to September 9, 1774. 30p. Informe. Consulta. Instrucciones. Copy. Originals. Signed.
Folios 334-336 from Fages to Bucareli concerns question of distribution of land and furnishing of cattle to settlers who marry Indian women converts in Monterrey jurisdiction. Remaining supplies and cattle for Lower California missions and presidios; of necessary personnel, food, cattle and arms for their defense; advises of shipments and receipts of items to same by paquebots San Carlos, el Principe and San Antonio. 2) ff. 341-344 are 1770 instrucciones from Croix to the Cabo of the Escolta de la mision in 16 capitulos including regulations for distribution of weapons, defensive measures to be taken, treatment and punishment of Indians, care of horses and cattle, food supplies and rations, relations with missionaries and Gentiles, punishments for contraband and illicit sexual relations with Indians. (J. M. Johnson, July 1989)
Fages, Pedro (Comandante de Monterrey)
Prat, Pedro (Cirujano)
Serra, Junipero (OFM)(Presidente)
Ribera, Fernando
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)(Virrey)
Barry, Phelipe (Gobernador)
Perez, Juan
Chacon (Maestro)
Portola, Gaspar
Constanza, Miguel
Trillo Bermudez, Francisco (Comisario)
Monterrey, San Carlos de (Mision) (Real Presidio)
San Diego
San Antonio de los Robles (Mision)
San Gabriel de los Temblores (Mision)
Californias (Peninsula)
San Blas (Departamento) (Comisario)
San Francisco del Puerto (Presidio)
San Luis (Mision)
Carmelo (Rio)
San Carlos del Rio Carmelo
San Buenaventura de la Canal (Mision)
Santa Barbara (Canal)
Santa Clara (Mision)
Military Groups
San Diego, Escolta de la Mision de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 211 ff. 334-348
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 211 ff. 334-348
Entry consists of expedientes 16 and 17 in indice del ramo; on reel expedientes 17 and 18. Instrucciones by Croix (ff. 341-344) especially noteworthy. Some frames contain material covered by other; some repeated.
Reference Number
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Documents relating to charges brought by Moreno y Castro against Pison y Gusman for blasphemies, drunkenness, debts and other bad conduct, in Loreto.

Serial Number
Pison y Gusman, Gaspar de (Teniente de Caballeria)(Dueno)
Moreno y Castro, Bernardo de (Teniente del Gobernador)
Asevedo, Rosa Francisca (Mujer de Pison y Gusman)
Moreno, Manuel Antonio (Cirujano)
and others
End date
Loreto, Santa Ana, Mexico, San Blas, Tepic, Veracruz. July 5, 1772 to August 12, 1774. 212p. Causa. Autos. Diligencia. Memorias. Providencia. Decreto. Dictamen. Cuenta. Informes. Peticiones. Letter. Drafts, copies, transcriptions. Originals. Signed.
Most important documents will be referenced below by folio no. Most unusual document is letter to Pison signed and likely written by his wife regarding his importance to family (f. 308). Incredibly filthy swear words attributed to him, directed against priest during mass, quoted and underlined in ff. 244-245. Useful diagnosis of ailment (sinocat putrida) and simple treatment prescribed of better diet, sleep, exercise by surgeon (f. 316 ?) Traces processes of judicial procedure in determination of charges of other bad conduct on Pison's part, brought by teniente de gobernador Moreno in Loreto. Included is detailed service and conduct record and witnessed testimonies of Pison's past military service; and other biographical information. Accused of years of drunkenness, womanizing, thievery, setting bad examples for mission Indians. Jailed at mission; some witnesses testify that he reacted to provocation by others; Pison requests change of venue for unbiased trial and accessibility to witnesses for his defense who are themselves in prison in Guadalajara. Released by authorities on bail paid by Ramon Espinosa; although his mine personal effects are kept. At trial, jailed prisoners clear him of murder of Osio, by swearing latter died by drowning. Pison countercharges Moreno with beating and refusal to allow his case to go before Barri. Provides motive for Moreno's silencing him by citing evidence of Former's absconding with treasury funds and illegal trade in alcoholic beverages. Missionaries and Armona testify to his generally good character, despite drinking bouts. Final decision, however, by Valcarcel; approved by viceroy is that Pison must be punished by losing personal effects, mine, military title and lifetime banishment from Californias. Ff. 328-331, when punishment given, Pison petitions Bucareli to allow him for temporary stay in Loreto with family to make financial arrangements before his expulsion. (J. M. Johnson, July 1989)
Pison y Gusman, Gaspar (Teniente de Caballeria)(Dueno)
Moreno, Manuel Antonio (Cirujano)
Asevedo, Rosa Francisca (Mujer de Pison y Gusman)
Moreno y Castro, Bernardo de (Teniente del Gobernador)
Marza, Joseph
Areche, Joseph
Barri, Phelipe (Gobernador)
Estrada, Joseph Maria (Soldado)
Canete, Joachin (Teniente Capitan)
Bucareli y Ursua, Fray Antonio Maria de (Virrey)
Amador, Pablo (Soldado)
Berroa, Antonio de
Estrada, Joseph Bonifacio
Arroyo, Maria Loreta (Mujer de Pena)
Pena, Fernando
Castro, Francisco (Soldado)
Dias, Thomas
Cota, Pedro
Espinosa, Santiago
Castro, Salvador
Acevedo, Ignacio de
Cano, Jose
Gerardo, Christoval
Buitron, Francisco
Aguirre, Francisco Xavier de
Campo Viergol, Jose del (Contador)
Guerrero y Fagle, Antonio
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Espinoza, Ramon de (Fiador)
Herrera, Juan Joseph de
Armona, Mathias de (Gobernador)
Flores, Joseph
Loreto Cervantes, Jose
Casserta, Guillermo (Licenciado)
Cossio, Diego de (Alcalde Ordinario)
Fons, Joseph (Indio)
Garibay, Pedro (Sargento Mayor)
Sanchez Cassahonda, Juan (Agente de Negocio)
Carballo, Joseph
Ibarra, Isidoro de (Cura)
Chavez, Antonio (OFM)
Lozano, Juan Manuel
Berdugo, Joachin (Cabo)
Arechiga, Joaquin de (Azoguero)
Azebedo, Francisco (Official)
Copeza, Miguel (Fray)(Enfermero)
Echasco, Antonio (OFM)
Moreno y Castro (Mujer de)
Marin del Valle, Miguel
Osio, Manuel de (Defunto)
Silva y Herrera, Julian de (Reo Preso)
Romero, Josef
Lopez Padilla, Nicolas
Miguel (Sastre)
Minichagas, Juan de
Rubio, Juan (Ministro)
Ojeda, Gabriel de (Cabo)
Orantes, Antonio (Mulato)
Saldua, Alonso
Munoz, Joseph
Mandado, Antonio Augustin
Santa Ana, Pedro de
Samaniego, Joseph Joachin
Samaniego, Joseph Antonio
Rodriguez, Juan (Cabo)
Ramos, (Padre)
Nuno, Christobal
Sierra, Luis Ignacio
Ovayea, Joseph Manuel (?)
Serra, Fray Marcelino (OFM)
Martinez, Fray Antonio (OFM)
Pison, Maria Josepha (Hija de Pison y Gusman)
Santa Anna (Capitan y Maestre de Navio)Peramas, Melchor de
San Josef, Miguel (Fray) (Belemitico)
Quiroz (Teniente)
Arangoyta (Fiscal)
Vasquez, Miguel
Sanchez de Santa Anna, Pedro Manuel
Vasquez, Leandro
Villanueva, Bartholo
Valcarcel, Domingo
Texada, Francisco (OFM)
Trigueros, Francisco (Cajero)
Tri , Manuel
Valle, Joseph Manuel de (El Rosareno)
Trillo, Francisco (Comisario)
Marin del Valle, Miguel
Ibarzabal, Izidro (Cura Vicario)
Carlos (Sj)
Rivas, Joachin
Rivera, Fernando (Capitan)
Ruiz, Joachin de la
Somera (Teniente)
Velasquez, Joseph
Valgado, Francisco Gabriel
Martinez, Julian
Vonaga (?), Maria Ignacio (Mujer de Julian Martinez)
Talamantes, Francisco
Ximenez, Miguel (OFM)
Osio, Antonio de (Fray)(Gobernador de Todos Santos
Loreto de California (Presidio)
San Blas (Puerto)
San Antonio (Real)
Californias (Cabo) (Peninsula)
Sur de Californias (Departamento)
Todos Santos (Mision)
Pachuca (Caja)
Alcala de Godayra
Andalucia (Reino)
Santa Gertrudis (Real) (Mina)
Guadalaxara (Ciudad)
San Diego
Letrados (Ciudad)
Rosario (Real)
San Xavier (Hospital) (Mision)
Santa Anna (Jurisdicion) (Real)
California, Sur de
California Norte
Cuenta del Rey (Minas)
Serralvo (Puerto)
San Fernando de Mexico, Colegio Apostolico de
Texcayama (Puerto)
Calidad (Valle)
Mazatan (Puerto)
Sanatajoa (Puerto)
Naturales de Mexico, (Hospital)
Ethnic Groups
Coyotes (Mestizos)
Military Groups
San Blas, Milicia Provincial de
Sur de Californias, Milicia Provincial de la Peninsula de
San Blas, Caballeria Provincial de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 211 ff. 228-333
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 211 ff. 228-333
316 ?); Swear Words Quoted (ff. 244-245). Here Listed As expediente 16, But #15 In Indice del Ramo. Some Good Marginal notes; Some Margins Cut Off. Long Sections Of Testimony Repetitive And May Be Duplicates. Some Folios Semi-Legible, Interrupted, Or Repeated. Documents not In Exact Chronological Order.
Reference Number
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Correspondence concerning charges of adultery against Jose Maria Monterde

Serial Number
Ferera del Valle, Maria
Samu, Joseph
Roca, Salvador
and others
End date
San Blas/Tepic (pueblo)
Series of documents concerning the charges of adultery brought against Jose Maria Monterde by his wife Maria Ferera del Valle. Documents include detailed information about Monterde's affair with Antonia Cortes from his wife's perspective. Series of correspondence between lawyers and Naval officials, however personal responses from Monterde are not included. (s.tisdale, October 1989)
Ferera del Valle, Maria
Monterde, Jose Maria (Contador de San Blas)
Cortes, Antonia
Lopez, Juan Antonio
Gonzales, Manuel
Pintado, Venancio
Ramos, Pedro
Samu, Joseph (Notario Publico)
Fristan(?), Estevan Lorenzo de (Magistrado)
Roca, Salvador
Hijosa, Francisco (Comisario)
Espinosa, Joseph Ramon de
Rivas, Augustine de
Linares, Juan
Rodriguez, Manuel
Rivera, Antonio
Cortes, Juan
Rosales, Juan
Suniga, Fereria
Mondielllos y Cavesas, Manuel
Espinosa, Jose Maria de
Valdes, Martin
Orios(?), Jose de
Resgas(?), Pablo
Domingues, Bazilio
Ximenes, Joseph Maria
Machuca, Pedro
Carnotenas, Antonio
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Hernandez, Antonio (Capitan)
Davila, Juan Maria
Vizarron, Antonio Eduardo
Gonzales, Jose Manuel (Teniente)
Nunez de Esquivel, Melchor (Secretario)
Simago, Juan Manuel
Valdez, Martin
Aranton(?), Melchor de
Aquizas, Theodoro de
Sotocarilo, Francisco Ingacio de
Carvallo, Jose
Vicente Fuentes
Tregoro, Gregorio
Rivas, Augustin de (Juez Subdelegado)
Rosale, Juan Francisco
Diegues, Lorenzo
Perra, Maria
Tepic (Pueblo)
Santa Cruz
Aguacatlan (Pueblo)
Tequila (Pueblo)
Mochitiliqui (Pueblo)
Ramirez (Playa)
Santiago (Rio)
San Blas (Villa)
Guadalaraxa, San Pedro (Pueblo)
Alcabalas (Pueblo)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
San Blas, Ministerio de Marina de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 165 ff. 104-176
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 165 ff. 104-176
Pages missing/blank pages/illegible signatures/notes in margins/ writing has bled through pages (f.133)
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General Subjects

Letters and diarios de comision from Borica and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo first in this series begins with the phrase paso a manos de v.e. el diario de lo ocurrido en mis comissiones desde el 5 del corriente hasta del ayer inclusive.

Serial Number
Borica, Diego de (Teniente Coronel)
Lasso de la Vega, Miguel Maria
Rouset de Jesus, Fransisco (Fray)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de
End date
Estancia de florido, Mexico, vallesillo, cosiguriachy. January 20, 1791 - March 27, 1791. 18pp. Approximate. Letters, diarios de comision. Originals, copies. Attack by taraumara's in which 2 men and 1 women were left nude; suspects that attack was committed by escaped indians from mission of oro; requests information on arrests made by subdelegado of mapini of thieves; indians from Moris mission complain of mistreatment which led many to escape the mission; found irregularities in the delays of confession to indians; says that during visitas he has made, all social classes mistreat indians but none eager to protect them. Based on nature of indian attack described above and the fact that cattle were stolen, Borica concludes that attacks were perpetrated by Apaches despite witnesses contention that they were Taraumares. Has not heard any news on expedition of 30 men with indian scout ojos Colorados sent to attack rancheria mantas prietas; letter from lasso de la Vega concerning measures to be implemented in missions and care with which relevant personnel are to proceed so as to avert rebellions by indians; Guadalupanos are exempt from these measures; indians of the Moris mission voice complaints about cruel treatment from padre guardian of mission who with stones and kicks gets them out of bed to work. The mission is prone to attacks and if he is killed in one of them they want to make sure that the crime is not attributed to them. Indians of Batopilas mission as well as governors of the area complain that padre of mission does not confess or marry indians and that he does not follow authority of teniente in the area for which reason they seek to be resettled to Zacatecas and padre Aguilar. Rascon told to exert his authority over religious personnel that have overreached theirs and to make sure that the only people authorized to punish indians are judges and justiciales reales. Information on treatment of indians and conduct of religious personnel is to be fowarded to Cavallero de Croix. Leaves on his third outing with 60 men taken from the first and third companies. (O. Velez, March 1989)
Cordero, Antonio (Teniente Coronel)
Rascon, Antonio Fransisco (Subdelegado)
Sanchez, Fransisco (Ranchero)
Lasso de la Vega, Miguel Maria
Aguilar, Juan de (Padre)
Croix, Cavallero de
Trevino (General)
Rouset de Jesus, Fransisco (Fray)
Nasas, Rio de
Oro (Jurisdiccion)
Mapini (Jurisdiccion)
Moris (Mision)
Cosiguriachy (Jurisdiccion)
Escobar (Rancho)
Mantas Prietas (Rancheria)
Batopilas (Mision)
Xicamorachi (Pueblo)
Rio Florido (Estancia)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
Nueva Vizcaya, Primera Compania de
Nueva Vizcaya, Tercera Compania
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 138-147 (Approx) exp. 6
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 138-147 (Appro
Folios unnumbered; first in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
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numero 8letters concerning promotion for Guifas, problems with senior officers, illness, and financial problems

Serial Number
Guifas, Josef Maria
Favian de Puga, Antonio
Savaga, Diego
and others
End date
Nueva Santander. October 2, 1786. 330p. Letters. Signed.
Guifas wrote several letters to the viceroy complaining of Younger officers being promoted over him. Francisco Lazaya promoted to second alfarez. Guifas describes in detail the military careers of his Father, Jose Manuel Guifas, and his Brother. Guifas' Father was a leader in the conquest of Nueva Tamaulipas. Two sargents, with less experience, were promoted over Guifas. Guifas threatened to retire if no action was taken. Guifas wrote of same problems to gobernador Diego Savaga. Viceroy sends letter recommending that Guifas receive the next available promotion. Letters from fellow officers stating Guifas unworthy of promotion. Guifas writes several letters to viceroy explaining his recent illness. Detailed physical description of Guifas. Testimony from Manuel lornos concerning military conduct of Guifas and fellow soldiers. Guifas received bloodletting treatment for his illness. Guifas' captain Mungier reported that Guifas had stolen military livestock. Guifas suspicious that his captain and wife are having a liaison. Guifas wrote letter to viceroy accusing the captain of misconduct and denied the charges of extortion. Guifas wrote that captain had conspired to kill him. Guifas blinded due to illness. Wrote requesting overdue promotion and disability due to blindness. Requested permission to go to Mexico to be cured of illness. Wrote concerning financial problems. Guifas inherited land and five slaves upon mothers death. Juan de Sosaya gained control of Guifas' land. Land planted in Maguey. Sosaya producing Mezcal and selling for 20 pesos per barrel. Guifas wanted action taken to regain control of land. (K. Mccaston, September 1989)
Guifas, Josef Maria (Sargento)
Favian de Puga, Antonio
Savaga, Diego (Gobernador)
Lazarga, Diego (Capitan)
Cuespo, Francisco Antonio
Sosaya, Francisco
Lazaya, Jose Francisco
Varilla, Antonio (Coronel)
Ugalde, Juan
Ganza, Alfonso de la
Galvez, Conde de
Mendinueta, Pedro
Sanches Pareja, Eruvebin
Andar, Francisco
Chavez, Luis
Bermudes, Juan Francisco
Lopez Valdez, Jose
Camango Delgado, Ignacio
Vidal de Lonca, Melchon (Gobernador)
Cordoba, Francisco de
Muguien, Juan Maria
Mazon, Manuela
Guifas, Jose Manuel
Mungiez, Jose Maria (Capitan)
Somoano Alonza, Simon de
Rabajo, Conde de
Palacio, Juan Fernando
Jimenez, Pedro
Gonzales Santianes, Vizente
Tamayo, Augustin (Fray)
Guiterres de la Cueva, Juan
Herrara, Vicente
Flores, Juan Antonio (Virrey)
Sierragorda, Conde de
Bataller, Miguel de
Cerra, Juan Antonio de la
Nava, Pedro de
Galbes, Conde de (Virrey)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Maximilliano de Maxent, Francisco
Maxiano de las Casas, Jose
Casafuerte, Marquez de
Antonio de la Serra, Juan
Fernandez Palacio, Juan
Fuente, Luis Antonio de la
Reyes, Eugenio de los
Baliente, Pedro
Echeaganay, Francisco
Tepeda, Juan Alejandro
Ruis, Manuel
Saldana, Bacilio
Ayes, Pedro Alonso de
Nueva Tamaulipas
San Carlos (Villa)
Nueva Santander
Croix (Villa)
Padilla (Villa)
Loredo (Villa)
Military Groups
Nueva Santander, Primero Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 150 ff. 238-403 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 150 ff. 238-403 (Appro
Volume not foliated, 49 pages blank or illegible
Reference Number
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diligencias about contributions taken to create militias in real de Vallecillos. Civil and military conflict over abuses committed against Vallecillos inhabitants

Serial Number
Yparraguirre, Luis Maria de
Valdera, Jose Maria
Vaamonde, Manuel
and others
End date
Monterrey, vallecillos. November 3, 1790-December 9, 1790. 52p. Letters, informes, autos, peticiones. Signed, copies.
Concerns Series of documents dealing with abuses committed by Alcalde mayor Juan Baez who took away other people's property and money because, allegedly, there was the need to create militias in Vallecillos where Indians came and made problems. Goats are taken from Hacendados. Document explains details of conflict between authorities and local inhabitants of Vallecillos. Alcalde Baez is accused of running illegal businesses and of being promiscuous, I.e. Baez took someone else's woman and lived with her. Document explain what should have been done to save problems, such as not allowing this kind of people to serve the community. (M. Marroquin, August 1989)
Amezua, Juan de (Comerciante)
Cordero Ruiz, Josef
Yparraguirre, Luis Maria (Teniente)
Baez, Juan
Elizondo, Josef Maximo de
Baquez, Julian
Reyna, Antonio
Ybarra, Josef Maria
Burgos, Juan Ygnacio
Serna, Salvador
Villareal, Juan Miguel de
Ayala, Antonio
Rendon, Pantaleon
Fato, Julian Antonio (Capitan)
Vaamonde y Villamil, Manuel (Gobernador)
Gonzalez de Amaya, Nicolas
Noriega, Juan Francisco de (Apoderado)
Verdier, Luis
Garcia, Jose Maria
Trevino, Francisco
Sanchez, Simon
Serna, Cayetano
Galvan, Javier
Monterrey (Ciudad)
Rio de Savinay
Vallecillos (Real)
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
Salinas (Real)
Military Groups
Orden de Alcantara
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 145 ff. 162-187 exp. 1 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 145 ff. 162-187 exp. 1
Document repetitive. Folios unnumbered
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General Subjects

don Juan Antonio Alexo Fernandez capitan de la compania de San Antonio de Tula...

Serial Number
Fernandez, Juan Antonio Alexo
Rodriguez Viedma, Tomas
End date
Aguayo, xaumabe, Croix, Mexico. November 5, 1791-May 20, 1793. 34p. Autos, oficios, certificaciones. Copies, transcriptions.
Concerns Series of oficios certified by comisionad Fernandez on the consejo de guerra being carried out against Puga and Murgier, accused of killing five Indians in cold blood. Documents described Murgier as a corrupt and a tyrant who abused people taking advantage of his position (i.e. One witness testified that once he found Murgier with a woman in bed, other said that Murgier called his soldiers estupidos all the time). (M. Marroquin, March 1989)
Fernandez, Juan Antonio Alexo (Capitan)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Sierragorda, Conde de
Puga, Antonio Fabian de (Teniente)
Castaneda, Seferino (Sargento)
Murgier, Juan Maria (Capitan)
Sosaya, Juan Miguel (Gobernador)
Rodriguez, Ygancio
Nepomuceno Cruz, Juan
Garcia, Pedro (Asistente)
Gutierrez, Jose Carlos (Asistente)
Ximenes, Antonio (Asistente)
Munoz, Manuel (Gobernador)
Guijas, Jose Maria de (Alferez)
Rodriguez Viedma, Tomas
Saldana, Basilio (Teniente)
Barragan, Ygancio (Capitan)
Caballero, Joaquin
Tamayo, Agustin (Fray)
Nava, Pedro de
Maxent, Francisco Maximiliano de Saint (Gobernador)
Lorenzo, Jose (Cabo)
Puga, Jose Maria (Hijo)
Luna, Casiano (Soldado)
Yzaguirre, Cleto (Soldado)
Monana (Indio)
Ruiz, Andres Florentino (Regidor)
Aguayo (Villa)
Tula, San Anontio de (Villa)
Llera (Villa)
Xaumabe (Villa)
Nuevo Santander (Colonia)
Santiago (Cerro)
Military Groups
Orden de Santiago
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante del
San Carlos, Milicias Provinciales de Dla Legion de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 133 ff. 244-260
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 133 ff. 244-260
Microfilm reel has no consistent sequential folio numbers. Several sections without folio numbers. Filming appears to have been done out of order. Count given here is Film frame sequence, not numbers found on document.
Reference Number
Do you need help finding copies of this material? Contact the repository team at
General Subjects

El alcalde ordinario voto de la ciudad de Linares don Julian Antonio Valdez..

Serial Number
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador)
Valdez, Julian Antonio
and others
End date
Monterrey, molta. March 6, 1789-January 28, 1792. 66p. Autos. Originals, signed, copies.
Concerns Series of documents, autos and certifications about military responsibilities of governor Vaamonde; also militia rolls and legal proceedings against Valdez, Alcalde ordinario, who consented extramarital relations between a slave and one of his soldiers. Refund to ventin approved by Vaamonde. Series of testimonies in proceedings against mayor of Valle de Molta. Prosecution against Joseph Pariente. Fernandez is elected judge of Valle de Molta. Notice that Valdez exceeded his responsibilities as a justice. (M. Marroquin, March 1989)
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador)
Valdez, Julian Antonio
Fernandez, Jose Antonio
Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Coronel)
Echegaray, Francisco (Coronel)
Garza, Jose Manuel de la (Coronel)
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante)
Mexia, Juan Manuel (Abogado)
Gomez, Felix (Teniente)
Leal, Bartolome (Aferez)
Davila Trevino, Juan (Sargento)
Vidales, Tomas
Maria Claudia (Esclava)
Rodriguez, Juan Joseph
Arispe, Francisco (Testigo)
Yanze, Melchor (Testigo)
Ventin, Victor
Urquiso, Martin Thomas de (Alcalde Mayor)
Luciano de Oliva, Antonio
Pariente, Joseph
Fuentes, Vicente (Cura)
Garcia, Joaquin (Testigo)
Garza Falcon, Joseph Antonio
Torres, Mariano (Teniente)
Cavazos, Jose Ygnacio
Gonzalez de Candamo, Gaspar
Murgier, Juan Maria de
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan
Gomez Flores, Manuel (Coronel)
Linares (Ciudad)
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
Queretaro (Ciudad)
Pelon (Valle)
Molta (Valle)
Military Groups
Linares, Compania de Milicias de la Ciudad de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 133 ff. 044-077
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 133 ff. 044-077
Microfilm reel has no consistent sequential folio numbers. Several sections without folio numbers. Filming appears to have been done out of order. Count given here is Film frame sequence, not numbers found on document.
Reference Number
Do you need help finding copies of this material? Contact the repository team at