Serial Number
Fages, Pedro (Comandante)
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Beginning date
End date
Loreto de Californias, San Carlos de Monterrey, Mexico. November 12, 1770 to September 9, 1774. 30p. Informe. Consulta. Instrucciones. Copy. Originals. Signed.
Folios 334-336 from Fages to Bucareli concerns question of distribution of land and furnishing of cattle to settlers who marry Indian women converts in Monterrey jurisdiction. Remaining supplies and cattle for Lower California missions and presidios; of necessary personnel, food, cattle and arms for their defense; advises of shipments and receipts of items to same by paquebots San Carlos, el Principe and San Antonio. 2) ff. 341-344 are 1770 instrucciones from Croix to the Cabo of the Escolta de la mision in 16 capitulos including regulations for distribution of weapons, defensive measures to be taken, treatment and punishment of Indians, care of horses and cattle, food supplies and rations, relations with missionaries and Gentiles, punishments for contraband and illicit sexual relations with Indians. (J. M. Johnson, July 1989)
Fages, Pedro (Comandante de Monterrey)
Prat, Pedro (Cirujano)
Serra, Junipero (OFM)(Presidente)
Ribera, Fernando
Croix, Marques de (Virrey)
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray)(Virrey)
Barry, Phelipe (Gobernador)
Perez, Juan
Chacon (Maestro)
Portola, Gaspar
Constanza, Miguel
Trillo Bermudez, Francisco (Comisario)
Monterrey, San Carlos de (Mision) (Real Presidio)
San Diego
San Antonio de los Robles (Mision)
San Gabriel de los Temblores (Mision)
Californias (Peninsula)
San Blas (Departamento) (Comisario)
San Francisco del Puerto (Presidio)
San Luis (Mision)
Carmelo (Rio)
San Carlos del Rio Carmelo
San Buenaventura de la Canal (Mision)
Santa Barbara (Canal)
Santa Clara (Mision)
Military Groups
San Diego, Escolta de la Mision de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 211 ff. 334-348
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 211 ff. 334-348
Entry consists of expedientes 16 and 17 in indice del ramo; on reel expedientes 17 and 18. Instrucciones by Croix (ff. 341-344) especially noteworthy. Some frames contain material covered by other; some repeated.
Reference Number
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