El alcalde ordinario voto de la ciudad de Linares don Julian Antonio Valdez..

Serial Number
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador)
Valdez, Julian Antonio
and others
End date
Monterrey, molta. March 6, 1789-January 28, 1792. 66p. Autos. Originals, signed, copies.
Concerns Series of documents, autos and certifications about military responsibilities of governor Vaamonde; also militia rolls and legal proceedings against Valdez, Alcalde ordinario, who consented extramarital relations between a slave and one of his soldiers. Refund to ventin approved by Vaamonde. Series of testimonies in proceedings against mayor of Valle de Molta. Prosecution against Joseph Pariente. Fernandez is elected judge of Valle de Molta. Notice that Valdez exceeded his responsibilities as a justice. (M. Marroquin, March 1989)
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador)
Valdez, Julian Antonio
Fernandez, Jose Antonio
Gonzalez de Santianez, Vicente (Coronel)
Echegaray, Francisco (Coronel)
Garza, Jose Manuel de la (Coronel)
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante)
Mexia, Juan Manuel (Abogado)
Gomez, Felix (Teniente)
Leal, Bartolome (Aferez)
Davila Trevino, Juan (Sargento)
Vidales, Tomas
Maria Claudia (Esclava)
Rodriguez, Juan Joseph
Arispe, Francisco (Testigo)
Yanze, Melchor (Testigo)
Ventin, Victor
Urquiso, Martin Thomas de (Alcalde Mayor)
Luciano de Oliva, Antonio
Pariente, Joseph
Fuentes, Vicente (Cura)
Garcia, Joaquin (Testigo)
Garza Falcon, Joseph Antonio
Torres, Mariano (Teniente)
Cavazos, Jose Ygnacio
Gonzalez de Candamo, Gaspar
Murgier, Juan Maria de
Gutierrez de la Cueva, Juan
Gomez Flores, Manuel (Coronel)
Linares (Ciudad)
Nuevo Reyno de Leon
Queretaro (Ciudad)
Pelon (Valle)
Molta (Valle)
Military Groups
Linares, Compania de Milicias de la Ciudad de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 133 ff. 044-077
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 133 ff. 044-077
Microfilm reel has no consistent sequential folio numbers. Several sections without folio numbers. Filming appears to have been done out of order. Count given here is Film frame sequence, not numbers found on document.
Reference Number
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