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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Filling a very special need June 1989 Tucson Lifestyle
Film Creations, Ltd. November 1986 Tucson Lifestyle
Finding a secret garden April 1991 Tucson Lifestyle
First annual Southern Arizona Fair March 1932 Tuc
Five Westerners tell of life in the Forest Service Fall 1967 The Smoke Signal
Five Westerners tell of life in the Forest Service Fall 1967 The Smoke Signal
Five Westerners tell of life in the Forest Service Fall 1967 The Smoke Signal
Five Westerners tell of life in the Forest Service Fall 1967 The Smoke Signal
Flagstaff, industry, education, entertainment July 1937 The Arizona Magazine
Florence of today November 1928 Tuc
Flying down to fish November 1934 Tuc
Flying wildcats July 1929 Tuc
Food costs are lower here May 1931 Tuc
For that leisure time October 1934 Tuc
For that leisure time. October 1934 Tuc
Fort Apache, the story of a frontier military post 1961 The Westerners Brand Book
Fort Lowell, A. T. , army post during the Apache campaigns Fall 1963 The Smoke Signal
Forum director leaves her tradition behind June 1976 Tuc
From Russia with love May 1990 Tucson Lifestyle
From soda to hock December 1954-January 1955 True West
Frontier angel July 1972 The West
Frying Pan Charlie March-April 1975 True West
George Phippen, western artist November 1966 The West
George Phippen, Western artist March 1974 The West
Getting air minded and staying that way October 1928 Tuc
Gila monster bites dog June 1937 The Arizona Magazine
Girl on a strange frontier May-June 1974 True West
Girl on a strange frontier May-June 1974 True West
Girl on a strange frontier May-June 1974 True West
Glimpses of the desert about Tucson December 1937 Tuc
Going western on a guest ranch October 1935 Tuc
Gold Canyon: the author calls it the most lied about mine in the West July-August 1966 True West
Golf courses are ample September 1932 Tuc
Gomorrah on Goose Flats June 1971 The West
Grand Canyon, summer and winter resort July 1937 The Arizona Magazine
Grant Wheeler and Joe George Tombstone's yesterday
Grant Wheller and Joe George Tombstone's yesterday
Greek George Tombstone's yesterday
Greenlee County December 1956 The Pipeliner
Grimes and Hawley Tombstone's yesterday
Growing up drunk January 3-9, 1990 Tucson Weekly
Guess who's the sitting duck? January 1977 Tucson
Guest ranch accommodations in So. Ariz. October 1936 Tuc
Guest ranch accommodations in southern Arizona October 1935 Tuc
Guest ranches abound near Tucson October 1932 Tuc
Guest ranches in and about Tucson December 1928 Tuc
Guest ranches of southern Arizona March 1931 Tuc
Gun belts from the Sun Belt January 1990 Tucson Lifestyle
Gwetva Havasupai greeter July 1937 The Arizona Magazine
HAL Market Cycles December 1984 Tucson Lifestyle
Halderman brothers Tombstone's yesterday
Hardluck general March-April 1966 True West
Harnessing heat waves April 1977 Tucson
Harqua Hala January-February 1972 True West
Harry C. Wheeler Tombstone's yesterday