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Charles Debrille Poston; prince of Arizona pioneers Spring 1963 The Smoke Signal
Chief Scarbreast raids Oraibi May 1974 The West
Chief Scarbreast, master killer February 1973 The West
Chief without a tribe December 6-12, 1989 Tucson Weekly
Christmas Barrel December 1932 Touring Topics
Christmas is in Arizona December 1934 Tuc
Chuck wagon chuckles September-October 1958 True West
Citizens Information Council aims to bust the "information monopoly" September 1976 Tuc Bsns
Citrus fruits, a golden prospect November 1909 The Border
City Budget problems March 1976 Tuc Bsns
City building during 1931 January 1932 Tuc
City limits: small town Douglas faces up to its reputation as Arizona's drug gateway August 8-14, 1990 Tucson Weekly
City parks December 1928 Tuc
Civilization advances, ruins show July 1937 The Arizona Magazine
Classics of Arizona literature November 1932 Tuc
Clifton on the Coronado Trail May 1929 Tuc
CM: a comfortable handle for a complex industry October 1976 Tuc Bsns
CMHA Medical Centers: Rx for an HMO February 1991 Tucson Lifestyle
Cochise, "A gutsy little airline" March 1974 Tuc Market Index
Cochise, "A gutsy little airline." March 1974 Tucson Marketing Index
College of Mines, U. of A. June 1929 Tuc
Colonel Tim McCoy, army man, movie star June 1971 The West
Colorful parade opens fiesta March 1931 Tuc
Colorful parade opens Fiesta March 1931 Tuc
Colossal Cave county park April-May 1937 Tuc
Colossal Cave rivals nation's best June 1937 The Arizona Magazine
Colossal Cave, undescribable, stupendous September 1929 Tuc
Come-back Charlie Day June 1930 Touring Topics
Commodore Perry Owens vs. the Blevins clan, September 4, 1887, Holbrook, Arizona October 1989 True West
Commodore Perry Owens vs. the Blevins clan, September 4, 1887, Holbrook, Arizona October 1989 True West
Conservation of flood waters vital need of Tucson March 1930 Tuc
Coolidge Dam, Uncle Sam's gift November 1928 Tuc
Coolidge, a city in the making November 1928 Tuc
Copper King of Cananea May 1974 The West
Copper king of Cananea May 1974 The West
Copper King of Cananea May 1974 The West
Coronado National Forest, southern Arizona vacation land May 1929 Tuc
County hospital will serve community needs April 1936 Tuc
Cow killers June 1977 Tucson
Cowboy rides a camel Summer 1953 True West
Cowboy rides a camel July-August 1956 True West
CPP: are we on the road to serfdom? May 1976 Tuc Bsns
Criminal who became a U. S. lawman March 1967 The West
Cutting a deal May 31-June 6, 1989 Tucson Weekly
Dan Chambers January 1990 Tucson Lifestyle
De Grazia Troopers west
Dead outlaws' loot January-February 1967 True West
Dead outlaws' loot January-February 1967 True West
Death in Pleasant Valley February 1970 The West
Death of a brave man April 1973 The West
Death of a brave man April 1973 The West
Death of a brave man April 1973 The West
Death of a brave man April 1973 The West
Death wish January 9-15, 1991 Tucson Weekly
Desert blooms of the spring March 1935 Tuc