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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
What??? Real life gunslinger on movie screens? October 1973 The West
When alcohol becomes just kid stuff October 1976 Tucson
When is a dude ranch not a dude ranch? May 1975 Tuc Bsns
When is a dude ranch not a dude ranch? May 1975 Tuc Bsns
Where alfalfa is king November 1909 The Border
Where Tucson's water level stands April 1976 Tuc Bsns
Which was mass transit? July 1975 Tuc Bsns
Which way mass transit? July 1975 Tuc Bsns
Who was the other girl? August 1970 The West
Why an Elk's hospital July 1934 Tuc
Why can't anyone find Dr. Thorne's lost gold mine? September 1974 The West
Why Cochise went on the warpath November 1934 Tuc
Why the sick get well in Tucson July 1934 Tuc
Wife at Port Isabel: a pioneer woman's Colorado River letters 1957 The Westerners Brand Book, Los Angeles Corral
Wife at Port Isabel: a pioneer woman's Colorado River letters 1957 The Westerners Brand Book, Los Angeles Corral
Wife at Port Isabel; a pioneer woman's Colorado River letters 1957 The Westerners Brand Book, Los Angeles Corral, Book
Wife at Port Isabel; a pioneer women's Colorado River letters 1957 The Westerners Brand Book, Los Angeles Corral
Wife of the chief November-December 1958 True West
Wild Bill Bones on "Christmas" February 1938 Tuc
Wild cows ain't Dairy Queens September-October 1976 True West
Wild flowers of northern Arizona July 1937 The Arizona Magazine
Wild old days! March -April 1974 True West
Wild old days! July-August 1973 True West
Wild old days! March -April 1974 True West
Wild old days! March -April 1974 True West
Wild old days! The secret of Tonto National Forest March-April 1977 True West
William Graham, alias William Broscius, alias Curly Bill Tombstone's yesterday
Williams and Associates February 1988 Tucson Lifestyle
Williams, Grand Canyon gateway July 1937 The Arizona Magazine
Winslow, pioneer railway city August 1937 The Arizona Magazine
Witches' brew March-April 1957 True West
Words from past spur scratchers now pen noted February 1934 Tuc
Wyatt Earp Tombstone's yesterday
Wyatt Earp's "million dollar" shotgun ride July-August 1958 True West
Wyatt Earp's grave robbed September-October 1957 True West
Wyatt Earp's letters to Bill Hart May-June 1968 True West
Yaqui Indian dances March 1936 Tuc
Yaqui Indian dances March 1936 Tuc
Yaqui Indian dances March 1938 Tuc
Year's homebuilding nears Tucson record July 1936 Tuc
Yesterday and today of the U. of A. May 1938 Tuc
You can ride a horse November 1937 Tuc
Youir tax dollar, where it goes December 1929 Tuc
Yuma June 1956 The Pipeliner
[untitled] The romance of mining
[untitled] The great reconnaissance
[untitled] The great reconnaissance
[untitled] The great reconnaissance
[untitled] The lunch tree