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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Sharing the spirit of Christmas December 1970 Phoenix
Sharing the spirit of Christmas December 1970 Phoenix
She tamed the prickly pear October 1960 Point West
She's Barry's pilot November 1966 Phoenix
Shenandoah Ranches October 1969 Phoenix
Shenandoah Ranches October 1969 Phoenix
Ship Rock January 1968 Phoenix
Ship Rock January 1968 Phoenix
Should we have a state-run lottery in Arizona? August 1965 Phoenix Point West
Should we know all the facts about civil defense February 1962 Point West
Shungopovi April 1930 Plateau
Sikyatki, were the inhabitants Hopi? June 1937 Plateau
Sikyatki: were the inhabitants Hopi? June 1937 Plateau
Silver and turquoise March 1975 Phoenix
Sitkyatki, were the inhabitants Hopi? June 1937 Plateau
Skiing in Arizona December 1965 Phoenix Point West
Sky Harbor: trying to keep up with today and catch up with tomorrow August 1974 Phoenix
Slate mountain volcano-laccolith January 1942 Plateau
Slicing through the layer cake Summer 1976 Plateau
Slicing through the layer cake Summer 1976 Plateau
Small aircraft is big business January 1967 Phoenix
Smoki sundown ceremonials May 1927 Prog Ariz
Snakes are show biz in Prescott August 1960 Point West
Snakeskins and hoops Summer 1966 Plateau
Sno secret, skiing takes snow February 1961 Point West
Sno secret, skiing takes snow February 1961 Point West
Snobbery gets bum's rush from U of A sororities October 1960 Point West
Social and economic change in Coconino County, 1950-1970 Fall 1973 Plateau
Social and economic change in Coconino County, 1950-1970 Fall 1973 Plateau
Society in the Valley of the Sun February 1960 Point West
Soils of th Oraibi valley, Arizona, in relation to plant cover Winter 1969 Plateau
Soils of the Oraibi valley, Arizona, in relation to plant cover Winter 1969 Plateau
Some archaeological problems of centeral and northeastern Arizona Winter 1963 Plateau
Some aspects of Navajo political structure October 1940 Plateau
Some aspects of physical anthropology that can aid the archaeologist January 1959 Plateau
Some aspects of physical anthropology that can aid the archaeologist January 1959 Plateau
Some aspects of Zuni law and legal procedure July 1954 Plateau
Some bonanza mines of Yuma County March 1926 Prog Ariz
Some facts about mining in Yavapai County April 1929 Prog Ariz
Some facts regarding Pima County October 1928 Prog Ariz
Some Hopi recipes for the preparation of wild planet foods July 1943 Plateau
Some notes about beer June 1963 Point West
Some notes on the original condition of the Little Colorado River: a side light on the problems of erosion December 1937 Plateau
Some notes on the original condition of the Little Colorado River: a side light on the problems of erosion December 1937 Plateau
Some outstanding results of the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station August 1927 Prog Ariz
Some plant remains from Montezuma Castle and nearby caves (NA 4007 B and C on Dry Beaver Creek) April 1956 Plateau
Some plant remine from Montezuma Castle and near-by caves (NA 4007 B and C on Dry Beaver Creek) April 1956 Plateau
Some Pueblo I structures of the San Francisco Mountains, Arizona November 1934 Plateau
Some thought on Arizona July 1925 Prog Ariz
Songs of the open range March 1929 Prog Ariz
Sororities at ASU February 1966 Phoenix Point West
South Mountain's mystery castle, a legacy of love December 1973 Phoenix
South of Van Buren September 1965 Phoenix Point West
South Phoenix August 1974 Phoenix
Southeastern Arizona offers historic trails December 1961 Point West