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RUDAT's visit: a fresh viewpoint on Valley problems March 1974 Phoenix
RUDAT's visit: a fresh viewpoint on Valley problems March 1974 Phoenix
Rural women of Arizona September 1926 Prog Ariz
Rusty Warren: entertainer April 1966 Phoenix Point West
Ruth Downs: painting with needles --- that's her thing May 1973 Phoenix
Sacred places and shrines of the Navajo Plateau
Safari: western week-end vacation westerners overlook April 1962 Point West
Sahuaro or giant cactus February 1930 Prog Ariz
Saint/scoundrel; a profile of Emmet McLoughlin March 1962 Point West
Salt River Valley, Arizona, "the gold spot of America" January 1928 Prog Ariz
Salvage excavations at six Sinagua sites Winter 1969 Plateau
Sam Graham, dean of amateur golf April 1967 Phoenix
Sam Grossman, digging the good life March 1970 Phoenix
Samuel Hughes Pioneer characters for whom some Tucson schools have been named
Samuel Washington Woodhouse, the first naturalist the visit northern Arizona July 1932 Plateau
San Francisco peaks September 1930 Plateau
Sand for sale December 1968 Phoenix
Sandpaintings of Beautyway Fall 1962 Plateau
Sandra: femininity and fact-power characterize Arizona's pretty state senator February 1971 Phoenix
Santa Cruz on the border October 1926 Prog Ariz
Sara and Suzanne September 1969 Phoenix
Sara and Suzanne September 1969 Phoenix
Save our saguaros! March-April 1955 Pacific Discovery
Saving the mountains May 1973 Phoenix
Saving the mountains May 1973 Phoenix
Saving the mountains May 1973 Phoenix
Scaling Baboquivari peak January 1926 Prog Ariz
School boards, their ever-present problems are usually controversial...and the decisions are due yesterday February 1970 Phoenix
School boards, their ever-present problems are usually controversial...and the decisions are due yesterday February 1970 Phoenix
Schooling on the plateau frontier: Coconino County, 1875-1900 Summer 1974 Plateau
Scotch Farms live stock February 1927 Prog Ariz
Scottdale's little galleries November 1968 Phoenix
Scottsdale vs. business January 1976 Phoenix
Scottsdale's little galleries November 1968 Phoenix
Scottsdale's new Center for the Arts October 1975 Phoenix
Scottsdale's quality, "a very fragile thing." January 1971 Phoenix
Scottsdale, Fashion Square, March 1963 Point West
Scouring the Southwest in search of old Arizona May 1929 Prog Ariz
Scouting with Colonel Shafter in 1882 December 1932 Prog Ariz
Sculpted feature May 1989 Phoenix
Sculptor Gary Slater: Young man of achievement September 1975 Phoenix
Sedona: summer art center October 1961 Point West
See the five-legged cow: the Arizona State Fair October 1965 Phoenix Point West
Seeding Arizona's economy January 1968 Phoenix
Seeding Arizona's economy January 1968 Phoenix
Seeing the old and the new at Coolidge March 1930 Prog Ariz
Sele, a major vegetal component of the aboriginal Hualapai diet Winter 1973 Plateau
Selling the goods - a matter of style February 1974 Phoenix
Services in slow-motion January 1966 Phoenix Point West
Seven story house February 1961 Point West
Seven trees of the desert March-April 1956 Pacific Discovery
Shade gardens July 1970 Phoenix
Shakespeare stay home May 1965 Phoenix Point West
Sharing the beauty of the Indian's world January 1974 Phoenix
Sharing the beauty of the Indian's world January 1974 Phoenix