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Real estate: a boomlet, if not a boom , in '74 February 1974 Phoenix
Recapturing the Old West February 1977 Phoenix
Recent contributions and research problems in Kayenta Anasazi prehistory Winter 1963 Plateau
Recent notes on the distribution of some mammals of the Grand Canyon region Spring 1975 Plateau
Recent observations on the status and distribution of some birds of the Grand Canyon region Spring 1975 Plateau
Records of northern Arizona mammals Fall 1966 Plateau
Recurrent movements and contrary bending along the West Kaibab fault zone Fall 1969 Plateau
Red hot roundup January 1963 Point West
Red Mountain --- explosion or erosion? Winter 1974 Plateau
Red Mountain --- explosion or erosion? Winter 1974 Plateau
Red Mullan plans a formal dinner December 1965 Phoenix Point West
Red Rock country Winter 1965 Plateau
Red rocks, cool breezes and country-style cooking July-August 1962 Point West
Reference on the early history of the Tucson, Arizona, meteorites: the "Irwin-Aisna" and "Carleton" irons November 1943 Popular Astronomy
Reference on the early history of the Tucson, Arizona, meteorites: the "Irwin-Aisna" and "Carleton" irons December 1943 Popular Astronomy
Reggie Jackson's Tempe venture October 1974 Phoenix
Reginald Ballantyne III July 1973 Phoenix
Reliving the glory days April 1960 Phoenix
Reliving the glory days April 1970 Phoenix
Reliving the glory days April 1970 Phoenix
Remains of the California condor in Arizona caves October 1956 Plateau
Remanent magnetization of lava flows in northern Arizona July 1956 Plateau
Remember "Out Our Way"? November 1971 Phoenix
Remember the days when cattle was king? October 1972 Phoenix
Remember the days when cattle was king? October 1972 Phoenix
Reminiscences about a famous son January 1972 Phoenix
Report of Inspectionof Camp Willow Springs, April 1868 Summer 1968 Plateau
Requiem for a canyon May-June 1964 Pacific Discovery
Resist or submit November 1970 Phoenix
Results from a bird banding station at Grand Canyon July 1942 Plateau
Results of a study of the Cohonina branch of the Patayan culture in 1938 December 1938 Plateau
Retail trade: the need for a central shopping district March 1966 Phoenix Point West
Retracing the old Butterfield stage route April 1957 Phoenix
Retracing the old Butterfield stage route April 1975 Phoenix
Retracing the old Butterfield stage route April 1975 Phoenix
Retreat on the desert January 1970 Phoenix
Return to Thunder River March-April 1950 Pacific Discovery
Return to Thunder River July-August 1950 Pacific Discovery
Right up next to heaven June 1928 Prog Ariz
Rio Salado Project August 1973 Phoenix
Rio Salado Project August 1973 Phoenix
Rio Salado, more than a dream, it may one day prove that "life is a river." July 1971 Phoenix
River run through the Grand Canyon February 1969 Phoenix
Rmembering when October 1975 Phoenix
Rock fulgurites on the San Francisco Peaks, Arizona 1968 Plateau
Rock of ages: ruins of historic Canyon de Chelly Monument relfect ancient Anasazi culture, architecture May 1989 Phoenix
Rock-cut cisterns and pollen "rain" in the vicinity of Old Oraibi, Arizona Fall 1973 Plateau
Rockabye rock? March 1971 Phoenix
Rockledge August 1926 Prog Ariz
Roden Crater 1988 Plateau
Rodeo days! March 1973 Phoenix
Rodeo star Troy Nabors March 1974 Phoenix
Roller coasters and Rachmaninoff: 'kem' October 1965 Phoenix Point West
Roses - the desert's vivid envoy January 1960 Point West
Roughing it smoothly January 1960 Point West