Leaf and cotyledon surface ultrastructure of five Prosopis species |
June 1975 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Leaf variations in Vaquelinia California populations of Arizona |
June 1972 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Legal obligations to provide educational services for Indians |
January 1974 |
J Amer Indian Educ |
Letter to the editor |
Winter 1966 |
Journal of Ariz History |
Lewis Wolfley, territorial politics, and the founding of the Arizona Republican |
Autumn 1990 |
J Ariz Hist |
Lichens of Maricopa County, Arizona |
October 1975 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Lichens of the Page environs as potential indicators of air pollution |
October 1974 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Lichens of the Page environs as potential indicators of air pollution |
October 1974 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Literary translators and interpreters of Indian songs |
April 1973 |
J of the West |
Living history at Lee's Ferry |
January 1968 |
Journal of the West |
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner |
Summer 1972 |
J Ariz Hist |
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner |
Summer 1972 |
J Ariz Hist |
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner |
Summer 1972 |
J Ariz Hist |
Location the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner |
Summer 1972 |
J Ariz Hist |
Major chromosome of races of larrea divaricata in North America |
March 1970 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Mammals of the Canyon de Chelly region, Apache County, Arizona |
February 1973 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Man and the mountain lion in the early 1900s: perspectives from a wildcat dump |
Summer 1990 |
J of the Southwest |
Man and the mountain lion in the early 1900s: perspectives from a wildcat dump |
Summer 1990 |
J of the Southwest |
Mariano G. Samaniego |
Summer 1990 |
J Ariz Hist |
Mary Page Handy and the lawyer who dared to defend her |
Winter 1989 |
J Ariz Hist |
Mary Page Handy and the lawyer who dared to defend her |
Winter 1989 |
J Ariz Hist |
Mass dieoff of bullfrogs and leopard frogs by freezing in central Arizona |
October 1970 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Mechanism of erosion and deposition along channel-ways |
December 1963 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Mechanism of erosion and deposition along channelways |
December 1963 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Mechanism of erosion and deposition along channelways |
December 1963 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Metal uniforms insignia of the U. S .Army in the Southwest, 1846-1902 |
Summer 1965 |
J Ariz Hist |
Military administration in Arizona, 1854-1865 |
Winter 1969 |
J Ariz Hist |
Millville-Charleston, Cochise County 1878-1889 |
Spring 1966 |
J Ariz Hist |
Millville-Charleston, Cochise County 1878-1889 |
Spring 1966 |
J Ariz Hist |
Minority-group poverty in Phoenix; a socioeconomic survey |
Winter 1973 |
J Ariz Hist |
Minority-group poverty in Phoenix; a socioeconomic survey |
Winter 1973 |
J Ariz Hist |
Montezuma Well, Arizona, as a habitat |
February 1973 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Montezuma Well, Arizona, as a habitat |
February 1973 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Morphological variation in geographically adjacent samples of Senecio Macdougalii Heller |
December 1963 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Motivating Navaho children |
January 1969 |
J Amer Indian Educ |
Motoring in Arizona in 1914 |
Spring 1970 |
J Ariz Hist |
Motoring in Arizona in 1914 |
Spring 1970 |
J Ariz Hist |
Museums and American Indian education |
October 1973 |
J Amer Indian Educ |
Music in Arizona Territory |
Winter 1971 |
J Ariz Hist |
Music in Arizona Territory |
Winter 1971 |
J Ariz Hist |
Nesters, rustlers and outlaws |
Autumn 1973 |
J Ariz Hist |
Nesters, rustlers and outlaws |
Autumn 1973 |
J Ariz Hist |
New hospital for Indians opens in Phoenix |
May 1971 |
J Amer Indian Educ |
New populations of Rana Tarahumarae |
October 1976 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
New records of Arizona wood-rotting fungi |
October 1970 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
NIEA Conference deemed success |
January 1975 |
J Amer Indian Educ |
Nigger Ben McLandon and his lost gold mine |
Winter 1973 |
J Ariz Hist |
Nigger Ben McLendon and his lost gold mine |
Winter 1973 |
J Ariz Hist |
No all |
Spring 1974 |
J Ariz Hist |
Non-conservation in Arizona: estimates of some costs |
June 1975 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Not without glory; the Arizona National Guard in photographs |
Summer 1975 |
J Ariz Hist |
Notes on fungi from the L. N. Godding Research Natural Area |
October 1972 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
October notes from Willow Beach, Colorado River, Arizona |
Spring 1963 |
J Ariz Acad Sci |
Old Oraibi, 1934: Hopi portfolio |
Winter 1989 |
J of the Southwest |
On the track of the Power boys |
Winter 1967 |
J Ariz Hist |