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Governor Hunt, the "beast" and the miners Summer 1974 J Ariz Hist
Governor Hunt, the "beast" and the miners Summer 1974 J Ariz Hist
Governor Hunt, the "beast" and the miners Summer 1974 J Ariz Hist
Grand Canyon National Park October 1966 J of the West
Greetings from Arizona: postcards of the Grand Canyon State Autumn 1989 J of Ariz. Hist
Greetings from Arizona: postcards of the Grand Canyon State Autumn 1989 J Ariz Hist
Growth of indigenous bacteria in desert soil October 1969 J Ariz Acad Sci
Growth rate and population dynamics of jumping cholla (Opuntia fulgida, Engelm.) October 1964 J Ariz Acad Sci
Hamlin Garland and the Navajos Winter 1972 J Ariz Hist
Hanley and Hubbard two voices in Arizona's Legislature January 1973 J Amer Indian Educ
Harold Bell Wright: citizen of Tucson Spring 1975 J Ariz Hist
Harshaw: mining camp of the Patagonias Spring 1965 J Ariz Hist
Harshaw: mining camp of the patagonias Spring 1965 J Ariz Hist
Have quick more money than Mandarins Summer 1976 J Ariz Hist
Health career opportunities for American Indians January 1973 J Amer Indian Educ
Helvetia: boom town of the Santa Ritas Summer 1968 J Ariz Hist
Here lies John Kinney Autumn 1973 J Ariz Hist Rev
Here lies John Kinney Autumn 1973 J Ariz Hist
Higher eduction programs for American Indians October 1972 J Amer Indian Educ
History of the Arizona Academy of Science June 1972 J Ariz Acad Sci
Ho, Ho, a boojum, definitely a boojum! Autumn 1989 J of the Southwest
How the Episcopal church came to Arizona Autumn 1965 J Ariz Hist
Hydrology of the Salt River and its reservoirs, central Arizona June 1975 J Ariz Acad Sci
I wouldn't trade these yesterdays: the reminiscences of May Cargill Doan Autumn 1965 J Ariz Hist
I wouldn't trade these yesterdays: the reminiscences of May Cargill Doan Autumn 1965 J Ariz Hist
Ijams name cuts wide swath in Safford's history 1970 J Graham County Hist
Imprudent enterprise; the Arizona & New Mexico Express Company Winter 1976 J Ariz Hist
In Albuquerque: An Indian Education Resources Center October 1972 J Amer Indian Educ
In line of duty: Governor Sidney P. Osborn's last year Autumn 1975 J Ariz Hist
In memoriam Summer 1968 J Ariz Hist
In memoriam Summer 1968 J Ariz Hist
Indian and Spanish water-control on New Spain's norhtwest frontier January 1968 Journal of the West
Indian and Spanish water-control on New Spain's northwest frontier January 1968 Journal of the West
Indian Oasis v. Warner: a case of federal supremacy in public education October 1986 J Amer Indian Educ
Indian Oasis v. Warner: a case of federal supremacy in public education October 1986 J Amer Indian Educ
Indian sore eyes: the federal campaign to control trachoma in the Southwest, 1910-40 Summer 1990 J of the Southwest
Indian students train to serve as librarians October 1973 J Amer Indian Educ
Innocence or guilt? Mexico's arrest of the Yaquis, 1899-1909 October 1975 J of the West
Insect visitors to cotton flowers June 1976 J Ariz Acad Sci
Insecticides and Arizona bat populations October 1969 J Ariz Acad Sci
Invasion of semidesert grassland by Velvet mesquite and associated vegetation changes October 1973 J Ariz Acad Sci
Invasion of semidesert grassland by Velvet mesquite and associated vegetation changes October 1973 J Ariz Acad Sci
Invasion of semidesert grassland by Velvet mesquite and associated vegetation changes October 1973 J Ariz Acad Sci
John Frederick Hash's figure looms high 1971 J Graham County Hist
John Frederick Nash's figure looms high 1971 J Graham County Hist
Keys to native and introduced fishes of Arizona February 1971 J Ariz Acad Sci
Kino's exploration of the Pinacate region Summer 1966 J Ariz Hist
Kino's exploration of the Pinacate region Summer 1966 Journal of Ariz History
Land use and native birds of Arizona May 1962 J Ariz Acad Sci
Language use by Yavapai-Apache students, with recommendations for curriculim design October 1980 J Amer Indian Educ
Late Cenozoic geology of Hindu Canyonm Arizona March 1964 J Ariz Acad Sci
Late Cenozoic geology of the Payson River Basin, Gila County, Arizona October 1970 J Ariz Acad Sci
Late Pleistocene molluscs and a minimum age of Meteor Crater, Arizona February 1971 J Ariz Acad Sci
Late Pleistocene mollusks and a minimum age of Meteor Crater, Arizona February 1971 J Ariz Acad Sci
Leadership training program at Phoenix Indian High School May 1971 J Amer Indian Educ