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Captain Charles King at Sunset Pass Autumn 1976 J Ariz Hist
Carbon, nitrogen and 15N content of fossil and modern dung from the lower Grand Canyon October 1974 J Ariz Acad Sci
Cash up or no go; the stagecoach era in Arizona Autumn 1973 J Ariz Hist
Cenozoic vertebrate localities and faunas in Arizona February 1974 J Ariz Acad Sci
Changing frontiers in Southwestern archaeology February 1963 J Ariz Acad Sci
Charles D. Poston for governor! Spring 1967 J Ariz Hist
Charlie Sam and the sojourners Winter 1973 J Ariz Hist
Chemical and biological patterns in the Lower Colorado River System June 1973 J Ariz Acad Sci
Chinese sojourners in Territorial Prescott Spring 1989 J of the Southwest
Chinese sojourners in Territorial Prescott Spring 1989 J of the Southwest
Civil Rights Commission asks funds for Navajos October 1975 J Amer Indian Educ
Cochise: Apache war leader, 1858-1861 Spring 1965 J Ariz Hist
Col. W. C. Greene and the Cobra Grande Copper Company Summer 1971 J Ariz Hist
Combating student absenteeism: strategies for raising attendance and achievement May 1983 J Amer Indian Educ
Communities of soil algae occurring in the Sonoran desert in Arizona July 1960 J Ariz Acad Sci
Comparative reproductive ecology of horned lizards (Genus Phrynosoma) in Southwestern United States and northern Mexico October 1974 J Ariz Acad Sci
Comparative reproductive ecology of horned lizards (Genus Phrynosoma) in Southwestern United States and northern Mexico October 1974 J Ariz Acad Sci
Comparing the self-concepts of Navajo and white high school students May 1979 J Amer Indian Educ
Constitutions and conditins contrasted: Arizona and New Mexico, 1910 October 1974 J of the West
Constitutions and conditions contrasted: Arizona and New Mexico, 1910 October 1974 J of the West
Converting idle labor into substantial wealth: Arizona's convict lease system Spring 1990 J Ariz Hist
Copper Creek: photographic postcards in Arizona January 1989 J of the West
Copper Creek: photographic postcards in Arizona January 1989 J of the West
Cora Viola Howell Slaughter, southern Arizona ranchwoman Winter 1989 J Ariz Hist
Cultural pluralism increases in Southwestern schools October 1975 J Amer Indian Educ
Danger, sound Klaxon: the automobile comes to territorial Arizona Autumn 1974 J Ariz Hist
Dare greatly May 1969 J Amer Indian Educ
Deer foods and brush control in southern Arizona October 1972 J Ariz Acad Sci
Defeat the Democrats: The Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage in Arizona, 1914 and 1916 October 1975 J of the West
Desert pollen production I: qualitative influence of moisture June 1972 J Ariz Acad Sci
Desperadoes and diplomacy; the Territory of Arizona v. Jesus Garcia, 1893 Summer 1976 J Ariz Hist
Desperadoes and diplomacy; the Territory of Arizona v. Jesus Garcia, 1893 Summer 1976 J Ariz Hist
Development of a cross-cultural seminar May 1975 J Amer Indian Educ
Development of a native American evaluation team October 1975 J Amer Indian Educ
Dick Wick Hall, humorist with a serious purpose Winter 1970 J Ariz Hist
Discipline in the Arizona Territorial Prison: Draconian severity of enlightened administration? Autumn 1968 J Ariz Hist
Distribution records of some Arizona mammals October 1974 J Ariz Acad Sci
Distribution, habitat and habits of the mastiff bat, Eumops perotis, in North America July 1960 J. Ariz Acad Sci
Doc Holliday's Georgia background Autumn 1973 J Ariz Hist
Dynamics of an Arizona travertine-forming stream October 1969 J Ariz Acad Sci
Dynamics of an Arizona travertine-forming stream October 1969 J Ariz Acad Sci
Early Southwestern minorities October 1975 J of the West
East meets west in the field of education Autumn 1974 J Ariz Hist
East meets west in the field of education Autumn 1974 J Ariz Hist
East meets west in the field of education Autumn 1974 J Ariz Hist
East meets west in the field of education Autumn 1974 J Ariz Hist
Echoes of the conquistadores: Stock raising in Spanish-Mexican times Autumn 1975 J Ariz Hist
Ecological history of DDT in Arizona June 1974 J Ariz Acad Sci
Ecology of a warm spring in southern Arizona October 1976 J Ariz Acad Sci
Ectoparasites found on the round-tailed squirrel near Tucson, Arizona October 1972 J Ariz Acad Sci
Ectoparasites of Arizona bats April 1961 J Ariz Acad Sci
Ectoparasites of Arizona bats April 1961 J Ariz Acad Sci
Edwin Bliss Hill, pioneer Arizona printer Spring 1968 J Ariz Hist
Efficiency and preference at a bird feeder February 1972 J Ariz Acad Sci
Efficiency and preference at a bird feeder February 1972 J Ariz Acad Sci