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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Rain sing September 1942 Des
Rain-makers of Mishongnovi July 1949 Des
Rare bird of the Santa Ritas November 1955 Des
Rawhide to riches at Ajo April 1968 Desert
Recent emigrants from Mexico September 1952 Des
Recreation river August 1959 Des
Red-headed cartoonist January 1942 Des
Refuge on the Colorado September 1942 Des
Regardless of creed September 1958 Des
Regardless of creed September 1958 Des
Report on the Navajo March 1948 Des
Restoration revolution April 1975 Des Sil Tuc Mag
Revolt against ancient gods August 1954 Des
Revolt against ancient gods August 1954 Des
Rhythm that come from the earth February 1939 Des
Rise and fall of the Gilla mustang August 1961 Desert
River gold October 1942 Des
River gold October 1942 Des
River pilot Georgia White brings record party through Grand Canyon October 1955 Des
River trail to Rainbow Bridge September 1945 Des
River, relics, rocks and recreation October 1965 Desert
Riverman July 1962 Desert
Riverman July 1962 Des
Robber rat of the desert January 1954 Des
Rock that looks like ice October 1938 Des
Rocks by the roadside June 1949 Des
Rogue of the Rim country March 1956 Des
Rohwer's lost gold April 1974 Des
Roses in a desert garden January 1956 Des
Rosita of Zuni January 1945 Des
Rubbery milkweed clan January 1944 Des
Rubble, treasure and ghosts March 1969 Desert
Ruby is all alone December 1967 Desert
Ruins of Tall House May 1970 Desert
Ruins of the Hohokam Indians August 1971 Des
Rumors of gold June 1945 Des
Running th wind Winter 1989 Desert Peoples
Running the Colorado rapids September 1972 Desert
Sacred ram of the Navajo October 1945 Des
Saddle maker February 1975 Des Sil Tuc Mag
Saddle mountain - collector's paradise December 1955 Des
Saddle mountain - collector's paradise December 1955 Des
Saga of the spadefoot toad February 1969 Desert
Saguaro flower's won't pose December 1948 Des
Saguaro harvest in Papagoland June 1939 Des
Saguaro harvest in Papagoland June 1939 Des
Saguaro harvest in the land of the Papagos November 1955 Des
Saguaro harvest in the land of the Papagos November 1955 Des
Salome, where she danced January 1973 Desert
Sand food of the Papagos April 1953 Des
Sand food of the Papagos April 1953 Des
Sand swimmer May-June 1976 Discovery
Sand, why take it for granted January 1944 Des
Sandpainting March 1976 Desert
Sanguinetti of Yuma September 1941 Des