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Article title Sort descending | Date | Journal Title |
Writer of the Chiricahuas | June 1952 | Des |
Wyatt Earp Museum | May 1969 | Desert |
Wyatt Earp Museum | May 1969 | Desert |
Yaqui Easter | April 1960 | Des |
You're sure to meet the blue daleas | March 1944 | Des |
You've come a long way baby! | March 1976 | Des Sil Tuc Mag |
Yucca gun may create an industry | October 1949 | Des |
Yucca moth, a desert romance | December 1942 | Des |
Yucca moth, a desert romance | December 1942 | Des |
Yuma gold! | August 1973 | Desert |
Yuma gold! | August 1973 | Desert |
Yuma gold! | August 1973 | Desert |
Yuma territorial prison | March 1960 | Des |
Yuma then; Yuma now | April 1967 | Desert |
Yuma's sunshine reporter | March 1938 | Des |
Yuma, right in the middle of fifty miles of fun | December 1973 | Desert |
Zane Grey country | November 1966 | Desert |
Zuni gods that dance | November 1959 | Des |
Zuni gods that dance | November 1959 | Des |
Zuni vacation | November 1959 | Des |
[untitled] | January 1958 | Des |
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