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Article title Sort descending Date Journal Title
Optimism abounds June 1975 Des Sil Tuc Mag
Organ Pipe October 1973 Desert
Organ Pipe October 1973 Desert
Outpost on the Colorado November 1939 Des
Outpost on the Colorado November 1939 Des
Over the plank road to Yuma February 1962 Desert
Owls that don't hoot January 1966 Desert
Padre of the Papago trails February 1952 Des
Padre of the Papago trails February 1952 Des
Padre of the San Juan August 1948 Des
Padre of the San Juan August 1948 Des
Padre of the uncharted desert September 1938 Des
Painted dolls of the Hopi tribesmen September 1957 Des
Painted rocks along the Gila October 1975 Des
Panning for gold in Arizona January 1974 Desert
Panning for gold in Arizona January 1974 Desert
Papago well of sacrifice July 1953 Des
Parade of the pentstemons. June 1944 Des
Parker strip December 1971 Desert
Parker, a fun-tastic playland November 1967 Desert
Parker, a fun-tastic playland November 1967 Desert
Passionate partisan versus established egalitarian September 1975 Des Sil Tuc Mag
Paul Coze - friend of the tribesmen February 1948 Des
Pauline Weaver of the restless feet March 1938 Des
Perhaps the thorny plants are useful May 1956 Des
Perhaps the thorny plants are useful May 1956 Des
Pest control in the desert gardening November 1956 Des
Phantastic Phoenix February 1968 Desert
Phantom ship of the Gran Desierto April 1974 Desert
Photographing quail babies in the desert September 1944 Des
Pigmies of the plant world July 1947 Des
Pinacate --- Mexico's newest natural park February 1977 Des
Pincushions for desert fairies May 1941 Des
Pinyon trees of the Southwest April 1960 Des
Pioneer trader to the Navajo December 1948 Des
Pioneer trader to the Navajo December 1948 Des
Planning a winter garden October 1955 Des
Plans and plantings in October for lovely flowers in spring October 1956 Des
Plant of starry flowers and sand paper leaves September 1946 Des
Playground for boaters May 1965 Desert
Playground for boaters May 1965 Desert
Porcupine --- the desert's newcomer November 1975 Des
Porcupine --- the desert's newcomer November 1975 Des
Pottery of the Yumas February 1940 Des
Power from paradise August 1947 Des
Powwow July 1938 Des
Primitive mill yields desert gold September 1939 Des
Primitive mill yields desert gold September 1939 Des
Progress at Glen Canyon Dam February 1959 Des
Pulling it all together: The making of a season November 1975 Des Sil Tuc Mag
Puppets will make history come alive February 1976 Des Sil Tuc Mag
Quailbrush and holly belong to this salty family of the desert September 1944 Des
Quartzsite October 1974 Des
Queen of the desert night June 1938 Des
Quest for the Peralta gold February 1953 Des