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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Medical fees of an earlier era Stevens 1974
Medical fees of an earlier era Stevens 1974
Meet Joe Eslee and his young singers Smith 1969
Meet Joe Eslee and his young singers Smith 1969
Meet Johnny Rengo Smith 1954
Meet the new Extension director Shannon 1989
Men of the range Santee 1954
Men who carve dolls and dance with serpents Stewart 1937
Merchandising in the southwest: the mark I Jacob Company of Tucson, 1867-1875. Stanley 1971
Merchandising in the Southwest: the Mark I, Jacob company of Tucson, 1867 to 1875. Stanley 1971
Merchandising in the Southwest: the Mark I. Jacobs Company of Tucson, 1867 to 1875 Stanley 1971
Mercy hospital --- then and now Simpson 1976
Mesquite Stonoff 1967
Meteorlogical investigation of the Wupatki blowhole system Sartor 1964
Miami the other of mines Scott 1917
Miami, the town that dared Strode 1940
Midnight Test Mine Schuster 1975
Mineral frontier in transition: copper mining in Arizona, 1880-1885 Spude 1976
Mineral frontier in transition: copper mining in Arizona, 1880-1885 Spude 1976
Mineral wonders: gem show will display rare samples from Arizona's rockhound fraternity Smith 1956
Mines of Arizona Scott 1913
Mines of Arizona Scott 1913
Miracles per square feet Sovola 1965
Mitchel Hugh Campbell, 1875-1921 Schaus 1975
Modern Papago basketry Shreve 1943
Mohave County Show 1954
Mohave hunting Stewart 1947
Mohave Indian agriculture Stewart 1966
Mohave Valley Segerblom 1953
Mohave Valley Segerblom 1953
Mohave warfare Stewart 1947
Mojave Indian ghosts and the land of the dead Stewart 1977
Mojave Indian Shamanism Stewart 1970
Mojave shamanistic specialists Stewart 1974
Mojave shamanistic specialists Stewart 1974
Mojaves and their next door neighbors Stone 1943
Montezuma Well Schroeder 1948
Montezuma Well Sutton 1954
Monument Valley Staveley 1968
Moon lore from Nogales, Arizona Seibold 1967
Moon studies Shaw 1963
Mooney Falls Seargeant 1959
Mooney Falls Seargeant 1959
Mooney Falls Seargeant 1959
More on robed men in funeral march Simpson 1976
Morelos, the dam that friendship built Siciliano 1951
Mortimer Wien 1877-1961 Schaus 1972
Mortuary practices of the Mohave Indians Stewart 1974
Mortuary practices of the Mohave Indians Stewart 1974
Most precious gift: words Swaart 1965
Most precious gift; words Swaart 1965
Mountain treasure Storm 1945
Moviemakers found 'real' Old West in Yavapai County Simpson 1975
Mr. Cactus Stocker 1947
Mr. Rattlesnake, the courteous snake Stahnke 1953