Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Little brothers' Simpson 1975
Little brothers.' Simpson 1975
Little horse woodshop takes in the whole world Simpson 1976
Living in the city Schwarz 1977
Living in the city Schwarz 1977
Living it 'one row at a time' Sovola 1965
Loco-weed and green lace Smith 1962
Lodging with Montezuma Saunders 1918
Look who's competing for scholarships Sabo 1970
Look who's competing for scholarships Sabo 1970
Looking for the Central Avenue scene Schmich 1974
Looking with perspective at "The American Southwest: a Problem in Cultural Isolation." Schaefsma 1961
Lorum Elmer Jackson, 1897-1972 Schaus 1973
Lost City revisited Soule 1975
Lost City revisited Soule 1975
Lost mines of the Peraltas Storm 1945
Lost on the San Carlos reservation Sandberg 1966
Lost pony tracks Santee 1950
Lost pony tracks Santee 1950
Louie Porter Horrell, 1902 Schaus 1965
Louis Cox: federal trapper Shake 1959
Louis Daniel Divelbess. 1881-1949 Schaus 1973
Louis M. Sands, 1875-1941 Schaus 1973
Love, faith work a miracle Sovola 1966
Magic of the stars Simpson 1975
Magic with mirrors Smith 1956
Make room for Western art! Stacey 1976
Making tracks Stiles 1975
Making tracks Stiles 1975
Man and environment in the Verde Valley Schroeder 1953
Man and environment in the Verde Valley Schroeder 1954
Man and environment in the Verde Valley Schroeder 1954
Man busy going places Smoot 1961
Man busy going places Smoot 1961
Man with a mission Shultz 1977
Management and technology put the step into Sundance Farms Shannon 1989
Mangas Coloradas: King Philip of the Apache nation Raymond, Stewart, Brandes
Manifest opportunity and the Gadsden Purchase Schmidt 1961
Marcia L. King Scott 1990
Marcia Ladendorff Stone 1973
Margaret Lewis, singer and silversmith Smith 1939
Margaret Lewis, singer and silversmith Smith 1939
Mariano G. Samaniego, 1944-1907 Schaus 1966
Maricopa discovered; an ideal country for the pumping plant Scott 1916
Marilyn and her spectacular friends Sullivan 1972
Marion Alexander Perkins Schaus 1960
Marlboro man and his lady fair are very much in style Schellie 1972
Mary I Jeffries, director of Tucson's Sunday Evening Forum Schweitzer 1952
Master architect of the Southwest Sill 1973
Max Conrad plans a bicentennial endurance flight Simpson 1976
Mayer's smokeless smokestack Simpson 1975
Mc Ocal Best Schaus 1958
McFarland tries again in Arizona Stocker 1954
McKinney feedlots at capacity operation in Cochise County Schaus 1960
McKinney feedlots at capacity operation in Cochise County Schaus 1960