Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Tidal bore Daniels 1954
Title to public lands Dobbins 1913
To catch a thief Den Doover 1961
To catch a thief Dooven 1961
To make the tell-tale heart tell more DeVries 1967
To make the tell-tale heart tell more DeVries 1967
To read the water meter DeWald 1962
Tom Horn, chief of scouts Dunlap 1929
Tonto ruins Denny 1938
Tourism in Maricopa County Digges 1966
Trails in the brush Dubois 1926
Train tranfer garbage opertion makes for quick, quiet service in Tucson Danforth 1964
Transition of a colonel Dooley 1962
Trek into the fabled Superstition Mountains DeWald 1958
Trekking for pleasure Duncan 1938
Tubac: where some enemies rotted Dobyns 1963
Tuberculosis finds a haven in Arizona's sunny climate DeVries 1960
Tuberculosis finds a haven in Arizona's sunny climate DeVries 1960
Tucson a natural polo center Davy 1935
Tucson museum of art. Dobras 1975
Tucson, a health resort for tuberculosis of the lungs Denslow 1893
Tucson's air travelers: who, where and why deennaro, Shirley 1970
Tucson's football magician likes confusion DeWald 1957
Tucson's school system Davis 1948
Uncle Sam's imposing Phoenix Federal Building Daws
University of Arizona archaeological fieldwork, 1952-1953 Danson 1954
University of Arizona College of Medicine DuVal 1972
Up from the mud Denett 1975
Using historic contexts in cultural resource management: some examples from the Tucson area and some cautions Dart 1989
Using historic contexts in cultural resource management: some examples from the Tucson area and some cautions Dart 1989
Verdant Duncan valley DeWalde 1955
Volumteer possemen DeWald 1958
W. C. Davis Duffy
Walker's treasure still pay off DeWald 1955
Walter Reed Bimson, Arizona's indispensable man, compleat banker Dedera 1973
Walter Reed Bimson, Arizona's indispensable man, compleat banker Dedera 1973
Warning: drinking water may be hazardous to your health Dickenson 1976
Warning: drinking water may be hazardous to your health Dickenson 1976
Water Den Dooven 1967
Water Den Dooven 1967
Water Den Dooven 1967
Water Den Dooven 1967
Water form cacti, a myth of the desert Derby 1955
Water from cacti, a myth of the desert Derby 1955
We ran a river, Pt. I and II Den Dooven 1936
We ran a river, Pt. I and II Den Dooven 1947
Weekend digging unearths history Dalby 1955
Weird lilies of the desert Dudley 1957
Weird lilies of the desert Dudley 1957
Wellton mesa and the Mohawk Valley Davis 1926
Western Pueblo intrusion into the San Pedro Valley DiPeso 1958
Western pueblo intrusion into the San Pedro Valley DiPeso 1958
Whale of a melon Davis 1960
Whale of a melon Davis 1960
What ever happened to John Nicholson Dedera 1965