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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Payson's Mr. Mail Man DeWald 1956
Payson's Mr. Mail Man DeWald 1956
Peace in the Old Pueblo Donahue 1973
People in the valley are used to miracles' Dangaard 1974
People in this valley are used to miracles.' Dangaard 1974
Peoria and its rapidly growing district Daws
Petroglyphs of Wupatki Davin 1973
Petroglyphs of Wupatki Davin 1973
Phantastic Phoenix Delaney 1968
Phoenix born of water Dunbar 1904
Phoenix hospitals commemorate 65 years of growth DeVries 1960
Phoenix illustrated section DuBois 1909
Phoenix musical theater presents "Silk Stockings." DeWald 1960
Phoenix school trains Indians as missionaries DeWald 1958
Phoenix school trains Indians as missionaries DeWald 1958
Phoenix-based pilots concentrate on classroom problems DeWald 1959
Phoenix-based pilots concentrate on classroom problems DeWald 1959
Pima County: the good old days DeLong 1975
Pinyon, pigmy of the pines Dodge 1955
Pioneer characters for whom some Tucson public schools have been named Duffy
Pioneer in radioisotope for medicine continues research here DeVries 1964
Pioneer women Douglas 1952
Plant life zones Deaver 1955
Possibilities of reclamation Dobbins 1913
Pot hunting, the assassination of prehistoric Arizona Dove 1974
Pot hunting, the assassination of prehistoric Arizona Dove 1974
Practice field for phenoms Duncan 1956
Predators of truth Dedera 1975
Preliminary report of a Babocomari Indian village DiPeso 1949
President of the cowboys DeWald 1962
President of the cowboys DeWald 1962
Psychiatry on the college campus DeArmond 1973
Pueblo Grande Dillon 1974
Raise the producer's price of gold Dunning 1962
Ranching hollers help, help hollers poor pay Drake 1972
Ranching hollers help, help hollers poor pay Drake 1972
Ranching hollers help, help, hollers poor pay Drake 1972
Rancho Manzanito Davis 1928
Rangelands and range conservation in relation to the livestock industry Davis 1972
Rangelands and range conservation in relation to the livestock industry Davis 1972
Rangelands and range conservation in relation to the livestock industry Davis 1972
Rangelands and range conservation in relation to the livestock industry Davis 1972
Rangelands and range conservation in relation to the livestock industry Davis 1972
Rangelands and range conservation in relation to the livestock industry Davis 1972
Recent developments in Navajo project salvage archaeology Dittert 1958
Recent developments in Navajo project salvage archeology Dittert 1958
Red Mullan plans a formal dinner Duke 1965
Rediscover Ajo Dollar 1991
Reducing cost barriers in the housing market Davis 1977
Relating all the things that have been seen and known in New Mexico ... from the year 1538 till that of 1626 de Zarate Salmeron 1899
Relating all the things that have been seen and known in New Mexico... from the year 1538 till that of 1626 de Zarate Salmeron 1899
Relating all the things that have been seen and known in New Mexico... from the year 1538 till that of 1626 de Zarate Salmeron 1899
Relating all the things that have been seen and known in New Mexico... from the year 1538 till that of 1626 de Zarate Salmeron 1900
Relating all the things that have been seen and known in New Mexico... from the year 1538 till that of 1626 de Zarate Salmeron 1900
Remains of the California condor in Arizona caves deSaussure 1956