Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
The mysterious John Ringo Dick 1965
The Navaho wind way ceremonial Dutton 1941
The Navajo forest DeLauer 1976
The new spooks of Jerome DeWald 1959
The nickname tree Dudley 1959
The old cat and mouse game Dobkins 1966
The old cat and mouse game Dobkins 1966
The old cat and mouse game Dobkins 1966
The old house withstands time Dixon 1957
The old house withstands time Dixon 1957
The paper that wouldn't die Dwiggins 1975
The paper that wouldn't die Dwiggins 1975
The plight of the Papagos Dobyns 1952
The Plomo papers Dolan 1972
The Portrayal of character by photography Davis 1928
The prisoner's song DiSpoldo 1974
The Rainbow Bridge Davis 1926
The Rainbow natural bridge Davis 1929
The reluctant leader Dodge 1960
The Salton Sea Menace Duryea 1906
The San Carlos irrigation project Davis 1926
The search for a soul and a $225,000 fortune Davies 1967
The significant illustrator-historians Dykes 1975
The southern Utes a century ago Delaney 1971
The storm on Baldy Dedera 1966
The streets of old Tucson Drachman 1938
The survival of Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) seedlings on soils of differing albedo and cover Despain 1974
The Tombstone Bonanza, 1878-1886 Devere 1960
The treasure of Don Pablo DeWald 1962
The Tucson gamblers Drachman 1973
The Tucson gamblers Drachman 1973
The Tucson gamblers Drachman 1973
The un-conformist Davidson 1971
The unlucky Jesuit mission of Bac, 1732-1767 Donohue 1960
The urban game ranger DeBruno 1975
The verdict that saved Ruth Judd from the gallows Dobkins 1973
The verdict that saved Winnie Ruth Judd from the gallows Dobkins 1973
The verdict that saved Winnie Ruth Judd from the gallows Dobkins 1973
The WIC program Dandoy 1975
The widows give thanks to Snowflake woodchoppers DeWald 1958
The wit and pain of the Old Plank Road Dedera 1976
The Witch Dehuff 1931
The Wright way of life is shown to televiewers DeWald 1957
Therapy of acute leukemia Duris 1974
There's the rub Dedera 1989
They work toward a healthy life DeVries 1956
They're planning title defenses for a champion Duncan 1958
Thirty days in a rut Dorr 1967
Thirty days in a rut Dorr 1967
Threading to the Needle DeWald 1961
Three on a ranch DeWald 1961
Three on a ranch DeWald 1961
Three strikes but far from out Dykes 1976
Thunder goes bear-hunting DeWald 1954
Thunderstorm, Arizona sky Demuth 1956