Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Welcome, carpetbaggers Bergsman 1990
Western Apache classificatory verb system Basso 1968
What every man in Arizona ought to know Byrne 1912
What makes the ponies run? Brophy 1960
What makes them hit the boards? Bolles 1964
What makes them hit the boards? Bolles 1964
What posses overtook bandit slayers Bancroft 1973
What to do with the kids --- Brown 1977
What to do with the kids --- Brown 1977
Whatever happened to jojoba? Barstad 1990
What's a nice girl like you doing in a river like this? Burke 1973
What's new in banking? Brown 1976
When Bisbee was young Burgess 1927
When Flagstaff was high and dry Benson 1970
When tricks were big and treats were few Benson 1969
When tricks were big but treats were few Benson 1969
Where healing waters flow Borum 1926
Where Lake Mead meets the Colorado Burroughts 1954
Where the Papagos watched the stars Behme 1962
Where the stones come to life. Buck Knox 1971
Where was the Battle of Turret Peak fought? Thrapp, Brandes
Which was mass transit? Burdett 1975
Which way mass transit? Burdett 1975
While waiting for the sports scores Barrett 1976
Who were the Hohokam Bahr 1965
Who were the Hohokam? The evidence from Pima-Papago myths Bahr 1971
Who's scared? Broome 1932
Who's scared? Broome 1932
Why a will: Bohlman 1967
Why an industry relocates Bosse 1969
Why Arizona should share tax revenues with local governments Billings 1972
Why Arizona should share tax revenues with local governments Billings 1972
Why the Navajos came to Arizona Bartlett 1932
Wild daisies of the desert Beal 1943
Wild hollyhocks of the desert Beal 1940
Wild pie plant Beal 1947
Will Pacific coast baseball strike out in Phoenix Brophy 1959
Will science save the saguaros? Bardsley 1957
Will the desert become the powerplant for a new world Burridge 1955
William Claude Jones, the charming rogue who named Arizona Boyd Finch 1990
William E. Platt, M. D., healer of the West Buchanan 1961
William E. Platt, M. D., healer of the West Buchanan 1961
Williams is gateway to the Grand Canyon of Arizona Butler 1939
Winged hunter of the desert Bradt 1943
Winged visitors of the desert Bene 1941
Wings in saguaroland Blackford 1956
Wings in the desert hills Blackford 1954
Winter vegetables in the irrigated valleys of southern Arizona Bemis 1928
With General Crook in the Sierra Madre: an account of the expedition in pursuit of the hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the Spring of 1883 pt.1 Bourke 1885
With General Crook in the Sierra Madre: an account of the expedition in pursuit of the hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the Spring of 1883 pt.2 Bourke 1885
With General Crook in the Sierra Medre: an account of the expedition in pursuit of the hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the spring of 1883 Bourke 1885
With General Crook in the Sierra Medre: an account of the expedition in pursuit of the hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the spring of 1883 Bourke 1885
Women in broadcasting Brown 1975
World of the saguaros Boynton 1976
Wrist wrestling and tar tossing Barrett 1974