Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
The standard of care: options in Arizona for housing the elderly Baird 1989
The Status of big game in Grand Canyon National Park Bryant 1945
The stern shining brow Bradshaw 1972
The stern shining brow Bradshaw 1972
The success of a hero Bolles 1963
The sun's big muscles; scientists to meet in Phoenix for first world solar energy symposium Burridge 1955
The symphony story Backer 1970
The teaching assistants trouble Brockman 1975
The territorial papers Benson 1972
The thing about child training is it's so always. Bockius 1971
The thoughts of Paul Dong Brown 1972
The tilted scalse of justice Bommersbach 1990
The tilted scalse of justice Bommersbach 1990
The time tunnel to the 14th century Bradford 1970
The togetherness jays Boynton 1974
The togetherness jays Boynton 1974
The tourism industry: What impact on Arizona? Bond 1973
The town outside the gate Barrett 1976
The towns on the edge of a town Buchanan 1974
The towns on the edge of town Buchanan 1974
The towns on the edge of town Buchanan 1974
The training of a policewoman, and policemen Bigham 1971
The Trego house, a desert home that makes sense Bell 1953
The truth about the Dutchman's lost mine Barnard 1955
The Tubac massacre Bailey 1960
The Tubac massacre Bailey 1960
The Tubac massacre Bailey 1960
The tunnel: a fragment of railroad history in Arizona Territory Beatty 1959
The Tunnel: a fragment of railroad history in Arizona Territory Beatty 1959
The University of Arizona Babcock 1908
The utilization of mesquite and screwbean by the aborigines in the American Southwest Bell 1937
The utilization of mesquite and screwbean by the aborigines in the American Southwest Bell 1937
The utilization of mesquite and screwbean by the aborigines in the American Southwest Bell 1937
The utilization of yucca, sotol, and beargrass by the aborigines in the American Southwest Bell 1941
The utilization of yucca, sotol, and bear-grass by the aborigines in the American Southwest Bell 1941
The vanishing Arizonans Brophy 1965
The Vineyard: build-your-own restaurant Brown 1972
The west Mexico tradition and the Southwestern United States Braniff 1975
The Wham robbery Bentz 1970
The Whitmore-McIntyre dugout, Pipe Spring National Monument. Part I: History Bradley 1960
The Whitmore-McIntyre dugout, Pipe Spring National Monument. Part II: excavation Bradley 1961
The whole patient, for his whole lifetime.' Bergin 1975
The wonderful world of Bil Keane Brophy 1966
The wonderful world-wide western ways of Charles and Lucile Herbert Balestrero 1972
The wonderful world-wide western ways of Charles and Lucile Herbert Balestrero 1972
The Wupatki National Monument Birdseye 1926
The Yaqui Easter ceremony at Hermosillo Barker 1957
The Yaqui Indian dances Bogan 1926
The Zuni's pilgrimage to the Atlantic Baxter 1967
There are no ugly Americans. Brent 1966
These are the Navajo Bibo 1954
These roses grow in high places Beal 1942
They are Carefree at Cave Creek Bonnell 1968
They are not chasing rabbits Barrett 1977
They don't make 'em like that anymore. Brent 1966