Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Tucson teenagers going places Burton 1959
Tucson wife, bond boomer Burton 1961
Tucson's fabulous desert museum Burris 1956
Tucson's first merchant Bentz 1966
Tucson's first merchant Bentz 1966
Tucson's most famous saloon Bents 1968
Tucson's most famous saloon. Bentz 1968
Tucson's Mr. Music Man Burton 1962
Tucson's Mr. Music Man Burton 1962
Tucson's Mr. Music Man Burton 1962
Tucson's new recreational area Brown 1932
Tucson's Pascua Village, a community in two worlds Brophy 1959
Tucson's political power structure: an analysis Bushnell 1972
Twenty-five years of anthropology Bartlett 1953
Twenty-five years of anthropology Bartlett 1953
Two femail basket makers from New Mexico and Arizona Bartlett 1930
Two missions time forgot Bennett 1965
Two women who can skin a Cat Buchanan 1973
Typhoid Bledsoe 1957
UFW and the class struggle Barber 1976
Under the spreading Mulberry tree the Tucson sufferers sneezed Berlowe 1973
Understanding Beatty 1950
Understanding Beatty 1958
Urban planning in Arizona Bingham 1961
Utah's sternwheel riverboat Barnes 1973
Utah's sternwheel riverboat Barnes 1973
Valley of the moon Brown 1937
Valley of the moon Brown 1937
Verde Valley gets a tonic Brophy 1959
Verde Valley gets a tonic Brophy 1959
Verde Valley gets a tonic Brophy 1959
Vern Wolfley, R. N. Bingham 1974
Vesper hours of the stone age Bourke 1890
View from our desert window Bohl 1963
View from our desert window Bohl 1963
Vizcarra's Navajo campaign of 1823 Brugge 1964
Vizcarra's Navajo campaign of 1823 Brugge 1964
Vizcarra's Navajo campaign of 1823 Brugge 1964
Volcanic geology of the O'Leary Peak Complex Bladh 1973
Volcanic geology of the O'Leary Peak Complex Bladh 1973
Volcano land, Arizona Babbitt 1966
Wake for the Rabbettes Bockius 1970
Wake for the Rabbettes Bockius 1970
Walker Lake --- where does it get its water? Breed 1976
War of Salt River Brophy 1959
Was Fray Marcos a liar? Bloom 1941
Was it worth it? Ben-Horin 1969
Water developments for the improvement of livestock distribution in Southern Arizona Bower 1965
Water developments for the improvements of livestock distribution in Southern Arizona Bower 1958
Water in central Arizona: problems and perspectives Bruner 1971
Water: that vital word Burnham 1962
Water: that vital word Burnham 1962
We wish to nominate Buchanan 1960
Welcome Texans! Barney 1973
Welcome to the world of C & W Ben-Horin 1975