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Article Title Author Last Name Year
Historic Shonto; life in a Navajo community Brophy 1959
Historic Shonto; life in a Navajo community Brophy 1959
Historic Shonto; life in a Navajo community Brophy 1959
Historical facts about the highways leading to and from Springerville Becker 1968
History of Navajo education Beatty 1961
History of the bison of House Rock Valley Barnes 1973
History, huki, and warfare - some random data on the lower Pima Brugge 1961
Hite Barnes 1976
Ho-ho-kum days in Pimeria Breazeale
Home in the cactus forest Bell 1949
Home in the cactus forest Bell 1949
Honestly, I love skunks Bledsoe 1953
Hopi history no. 2, the Navajo wars-1823-1870 Bartlett 1936
hopi Indian costume Bartlett 1949
Hopi Indian snake dances Baillie 1937
Hopi moccasin making Bartlett 1946
Hopi moccasin making Bartlett 1946
Hopi names for sertain common shrubs, and their ecology Bradfield 1968
Hopi yucca baskets Bartlett 1949
Horned owls Bradt 1944
Horse Heaven Brophy 1951
How Arizona shares tax revenues with its counties Billings 1971
How Arizona shares tax revenues with its school districts Billings 1971
How Arizona shares tax revenues with its school districts Billings 1971
How big is our Val(er)ie? Barrett 1975
How do you prosecute a 12-year-old murder case? Barrett 1975
How Don Pedro de Tovar discovered the Hopi and Don Garcia Lopez de Cardenas saw the Grand Canyon, with notes upon their probably route Bartlett 1940
How it was in the mid - 19th century Byrnes 1968
How it was in the mid - 19th century Byrnes 1968
How it was in the old forest service Benson 1970
How many drinks? There's a new test to answer for you, just in case you forget Breazeals 1957
How Phoenix lost its housing code Brosnahan 1961
How Phoenix lost its housing code Brosnahan 1961
How St. Johns was settled Barth 1973
How St. Johns was settled Barth 1973
How the Navajo and Apache brought about the state of Arizona Bartlett 1942
How the Navajo and Apache brought about the state of Arizona Bartlett 1942
How the Navajo and Apache brought about the state of Arizona Bartlett 1942
How they turned night into day Boatner 1970
How will women manage? Bergin 1973
Human skeletal material from Arizona J:6:1 Birkby 1970
Human skeletal remains from the DoBell site Birkby 1973
Human skeletal remains from the DoBell site Birkby 1973
Hunter - grace of ballet, stamina of olympians Brophy 1966
Hunters - grace of ballet, stamina of Olympians Brophy 1966
I live in the desert of the year 'round and enjoy every summer of it Brown 1970
I shot it out with the FBI Blakeslee 1956
Idea and action patterns in Navaho Flintway Wyman, Bailey 1945
Impact of pipeline archaeology on Indian prehistory Bliss 1960
Impact of pipeline archaeology on Indian prehistory Bliss 1960
In a hurry to happen Brophy 1965
In Albuquerque: An Indian Education Resources Center Benham 1972
In line of duty: Governor Sidney P. Osborn's last year Brinegar 1975
In memorian Malwina T. Lemmle, M. D. Bennett 1962
In pursuit of the Apaches Basso 1977