Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Eastern Arizona College at Thatcher Burgess 1968
Edible wild plants of northern Arizona Bartlett 1943
Edward Fitzgerald Beale: a California pioneer Bonsal 1912
Edward William Nelson, naturalist, explorer, writer, and Arizona cattleman Barnes 1935
El Chivero of Arizona Bentz 1967
El Chivero of Arizona Bentz 1972
El Chivero of Arizona Bentz 1972
Elden Mountain Brady 1934
Eleodes Armata alias Pinacate Bug, Circus Beetle Stink Bug Boynton 1976
Elliott Coues and the Apaches Brodhead 1973
Elliott Couse and the Apaches Brodhead 1973
Emigrant flowers that never fade Beal 1949
Enigma in the desert Bell 1961
Escalante in Dixie and the Arizona Strip Bolton 1928
Escalante in Dixie and the Arizona Strip Bolton 1928
Esperanza, newest in Arizona's oldest industry Brophy 1959
Even students need legal advice Bergin 1975
Everybody's little friend Beal 1940
Excavation of some pre=Sunset eruption pithouses near Flagstaff, Arizona Breternitz 1963
Excavations at prehistoric camp site on the Mogollon Rim, east cantral Arizona Bradley 1969
Excavations at Two Cinder Park phase sites Breternitz 1959
Exploring Meteor Crater Bennett 1967
Face-to-face on sprawl Bolding 1975
Face-to-face on sprawl Bolding 1975
Fair and rodeo planned for February Brown 1929
Fairy crystals from an old mine dump Brown 1942
Fairy mist on desert slopes Beal 1942
Fall's golden carpet Beal 1945
Family affair; a hike into the Grand Canyon Branson 1974
Farewell to Doc Brophy 1975
Farming and real estate investment after the TRA of 1976 Boyd 1977
Farming and real estate investment after the TRA of 1976 Boyd 1977
Favorites and fancies of Dr. Munk Buck Knox 1931
Feathery dusters for desert fairies Beal 1942
Federal aid in Arizona Bunker 1957
Ferreting out the ferret owners Barrett 1976
Fifty years an Indian trader; the dean of all the Indian traders of the Southwest relates his experiences during half a century of contactwith Utes, Navajos and Hopis Bell 1930
Fifty years of history from Arizona newspapers Brandes 1962
Filming a horseless TV series in Tucson Barrett 1974
Filmsmoke and the winning of the West Brophy 1959
Fine music for Phoenix Brophy 1959
Fine music for Phoenix Brophy 1959
Fire safety for the higher ups Barrett 1974
Fire safety for the higher ups Barrett 1974
First annual Southern Arizona Fair Brown 1932
Flagstaff and Williams, Coconino County resorts Breen 1913
Flagstaff beginnings; some historical notes Barney 1940
Floral butterflies and sunbonnets of the desert Beal 1947
Flying saucers or flying fiction? Bolding 1976
Folk psychiatry of the Apaches of the Mescalero Indian Reservation Boyer
Food and fishlines for the tribesmen Beal 1939
Football coaches aren't the only ones Bockius 1968
Foreign trade for Arizona Braderman 1965
Foreign trade of Arizona Braderman 1965
Forgotten towns in Arizona: Olive City Barney 1940