Browse authors

Article Title Author Last Name Year
Kid Lit Brown 1976
Kids and cows Bourne 1951
Kids and cows Bourne 1951
Kids and the law Buchanan 1971
Kids from 'Echo' dig music from coke bottles & garden hoses Bockius 1972
King snake is immune to poison Bradt 1957
Kino en route to Sonora: the Conicari letter Burrus 1964
Kino, historian's historian Burns 1962
Laboratory analysis of hair from hunting net A-22415 in the Collections of the Arizona State Museum Birkby 1971
Lady with a lens Brown 1974
Lake Powell adventures Barnes 1975
Lake Powell by air Barnes 1976
Lakeshore --- a new star in Papago land Bell 1970
Lakeshore --- A new star in Papago land Bell 1970
Lamar will make a fine veteran Ben-Horin 1970
Lamar will make a fine veteran Ben-Horin 1970
Land rush to Wupatki Beaty 1964
Last chance for Rainbow Bridge? Breed 1971
Last of the mountain men Burridge 1953
Last of the Yuma prison doctors Brent 1966
Last of the Yuma prison doctors Brent 1966
Late Pleistocene molluscs and a minimum age of Meteor Crater, Arizona Batchelder 1971
Late Pleistocene mollusks and a minimum age of Meteor Crater, Arizona Batchelder 1971
Leaf and cotyledon surface ultrastructure of five Prosopis species Bleckmann 1975
Learning out-of-doors in Arizona Bork 1937
Learning to teach the hard-to-teach Barrett 1975
Learning to teach the hard-to-teach Barrett 1975
Lee Meza Brooks 1968
Lee's Ferry at Lonely Dell Brooks 1957
Legislative apportionment: the Arizona experience Bingham 1962
Legislature apportionment: the Arizona experience Bingham 1962
Let Georgia do it Boyd 1955
Let's have another cup of coffee Black 1961
Let's keep shade in the Blue Valley Burridge 1955
Life from the earth Beckwith 1959
Life from the earth Beckwith 1959
Life in a small town Barrett 1976
Life in Pueblo II (ca.700-100A.D.) Bartlett 1933
Lilly makes a knife Burridge 1953
Lions Bowden 1990
Lip-ferns on the desert Beal 1947
Little help goes a long way Brophy 1959
Little help goes a long way Brophy 1959
Little Joe th' wrangler Barney 1953
Live by the side of the road and be a friend to everything Blair 1969
Live by the side of the road and be a friend to everything Blair 1969
Livestock industry honors Prof. E. B. Stanley Burnham 1968
Livestock lives it up in Phoenix Brophy 1960
Lizard on the go! Boynton 1975
Lizzie Leake never owed but one debt and paid it Bond 1971
Lizzie Leake never owed but one debt and paid it Bond 1971
Long before the 'pageant' Bentle 1975
Long lens fever Blair 1967
Lower Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonite from Mesa Redondo, Arizona Breed 1963
Lt. Sylvester Mowry's report on his march in 1855 from Salt Lake City to Fort Tejon Bailey 1965