Kid Lit |
Brown |
1976 |
Kids and cows |
Bourne |
1951 |
Kids and cows |
Bourne |
1951 |
Kids and the law |
Buchanan |
1971 |
Kids from 'Echo' dig music from coke bottles & garden hoses |
Bockius |
1972 |
King snake is immune to poison |
Bradt |
1957 |
Kino en route to Sonora: the Conicari letter |
Burrus |
1964 |
Kino, historian's historian |
Burns |
1962 |
Laboratory analysis of hair from hunting net A-22415 in the Collections of the Arizona State Museum |
Birkby |
1971 |
Lady with a lens |
Brown |
1974 |
Lake Powell adventures |
Barnes |
1975 |
Lake Powell by air |
Barnes |
1976 |
Lakeshore --- a new star in Papago land |
Bell |
1970 |
Lakeshore --- A new star in Papago land |
Bell |
1970 |
Lamar will make a fine veteran |
Ben-Horin |
1970 |
Lamar will make a fine veteran |
Ben-Horin |
1970 |
Land rush to Wupatki |
Beaty |
1964 |
Last chance for Rainbow Bridge? |
Breed |
1971 |
Last of the mountain men |
Burridge |
1953 |
Last of the Yuma prison doctors |
Brent |
1966 |
Last of the Yuma prison doctors |
Brent |
1966 |
Late Pleistocene molluscs and a minimum age of Meteor Crater, Arizona |
Batchelder |
1971 |
Late Pleistocene mollusks and a minimum age of Meteor Crater, Arizona |
Batchelder |
1971 |
Leaf and cotyledon surface ultrastructure of five Prosopis species |
Bleckmann |
1975 |
Learning out-of-doors in Arizona |
Bork |
1937 |
Learning to teach the hard-to-teach |
Barrett |
1975 |
Learning to teach the hard-to-teach |
Barrett |
1975 |
Lee Meza |
Brooks |
1968 |
Lee's Ferry at Lonely Dell |
Brooks |
1957 |
Legislative apportionment: the Arizona experience |
Bingham |
1962 |
Legislature apportionment: the Arizona experience |
Bingham |
1962 |
Let Georgia do it |
Boyd |
1955 |
Let's have another cup of coffee |
Black |
1961 |
Let's keep shade in the Blue Valley |
Burridge |
1955 |
Life from the earth |
Beckwith |
1959 |
Life from the earth |
Beckwith |
1959 |
Life in a small town |
Barrett |
1976 |
Life in Pueblo II (ca.700-100A.D.) |
Bartlett |
1933 |
Lilly makes a knife |
Burridge |
1953 |
Lions |
Bowden |
1990 |
Lip-ferns on the desert |
Beal |
1947 |
Little help goes a long way |
Brophy |
1959 |
Little help goes a long way |
Brophy |
1959 |
Little Joe th' wrangler |
Barney |
1953 |
Live by the side of the road and be a friend to everything |
Blair |
1969 |
Live by the side of the road and be a friend to everything |
Blair |
1969 |
Livestock industry honors Prof. E. B. Stanley |
Burnham |
1968 |
Livestock lives it up in Phoenix |
Brophy |
1960 |
Lizard on the go! |
Boynton |
1975 |
Lizzie Leake never owed but one debt and paid it |
Bond |
1971 |
Lizzie Leake never owed but one debt and paid it |
Bond |
1971 |
Long before the 'pageant' |
Bentle |
1975 |
Long lens fever |
Blair |
1967 |
Lower Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonite from Mesa Redondo, Arizona |
Breed |
1963 |
Lt. Sylvester Mowry's report on his march in 1855 from Salt Lake City to Fort Tejon |
Bailey |
1965 |