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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Lily ponds for backyard beauty Moore 1961
Limber up your cotton pickin' hands for a busy season 1955
Lime quarry being enlarged Jacobsen 1974
Lime quarry being enlarged Jacobsen 1974
Lincoln's inkstand comes to Arizona Fireman 1960
Linda Ronstadt, a Tucson girl who sings country in a pop way Cook 1971
Linda Vista 1938
Linda's Himalayans have helped her to the peak Olmsted 1964
Lindsay E. Beaton, M. D., 1911-1967 1967
Linguistic diversity among the Navaho Indians Reichard 1945
Linguistic factors in the terminology of Hopi architecture Whorf 1953
Linguistic factors in the terminology of Hopi architecture Whorf 1953
Lion bounty Potter 1956
Lion hunting and camp cooking Cook 1970
Lion hunting and camp cooking Cook 1970
Lion in the streets 1953
Lionel F. Brady, 1880-1963 1963
Lionel F. Brady, 1880-1963 1963
Lions Bowden 1990
Lions active in Graham 1973
Lions in the limelight Lang 1960
Lions, and tigers, and bears -- oh my! Simpson 1975
Lions, and tigers, and bears -- oh my! Simpson 1975
Lip-ferns on the desert Beal 1947
Liquid gold in Gila County Lang 1958
Liquid gold in Gila County Lang 1958
Literary developments Myers 1956
Literary translators and interpreters of Indian songs Howard 1973
Literature in the Territory of Arizona in 1870 Mansfeld 1961
Lithologic and faunal zonation of massive limestones, Kaibab formation, Northwestern Arizona Fisher 1964
Litigation management: a shared responsibility of the court and the bar Furstenau 1974
Litigation management: a shared responsibility of the court and the bar Furstenau 1974
Litter control wit pride and a little philosophy Sovola 1969
Litter control with pride and a little philosophy Sovola 1969
Litter control with pride and a little philosophy Sovola 1969
Litter, solid waste and the great recycling plan 1971
Little Beaver' runs again 1954
Little bowlers take over the alley Mahoney 1958
Little brothers' Simpson 1975
Little brothers.' Simpson 1975
Little but lethal Hess 1954
Little calf hit cowboy's soft spot Willson 1972
Little calf hit cowboy's soft spot Willson 1972
Little Colorado's Grand Falls Harris 1973
Little Concho 1969
Little Concho 1969
Little creek with big magic Morgan 1953
Little Dave, Big Dave, Dutch John Walters
Little fish, big catch Unger 1961
Little George got there in time Hopkins 1975
Little has changed: 15 years ago Wednesday the Iludgen brothers found what no one wanted to see Lynch 1971
Little help goes a long way Brophy 1959
Little help goes a long way Brophy 1959
Little Hollywood in Sun City 1965
Little horse woodshop takes in the whole world Simpson 1976