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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
Letter from the Southwest Powell 1975
Letter from the Southwest Powell 1976
Letter from the Southwest Powell 1977
Letter from the Southwest Powell 1977
Letter from the Southwest Powell 1977
Letter of Father Middendorf, S. J., dated from Tucson, 3 March 1757 Gardiner 1957
Letter to governor Goodwin 1936
Letter to governor Goodwin, 1864 Ehrenberg 1936
Letter to Mrs. Ross Firth 1936
Letter to the editor Hayden 1966
Letter, 1919 1935
Letters for the award 1958
Letters from Navajo-land 1951
Letters to Ralph Simpson 1977
Lettuce growing is profitable 1924
Lettuce returns $ 325 per acre net 1915
Leveling with kids at a psychiatric facility Gates 1974
Leveling with kids at a psychiatric facility Gates 1974
Levi C. Udall 1961
Levi Howell Manning Schaus 1977
Levi Howell Manning Schaus 1977
Levi's Chrisman 1972
Lew Davis, "the quality of the world and me" 1961
Lew Davis: conversations and conclusions Cortright 1974
Lewis Edward Bowman, 1886-1961 Schaus 1971
Lewis W. Douglas, speaking before th annual meeting of Arizona National Livestock Show 1952
Lewis W. Douglas, speaking before the annual meeting of Arizona National Livestock Show 1952
Lewis Wolfley, territorial politics, and the founding of the Arizona Republican Zarbin 1990
Lexington Arizona Mining Company 1923
Librarians double as book sleuths Megargee 1954
Licensing the fun buggies; a new headache for the assessor Cook 1968
Lichens of Maricopa County, Arizona Nash 1975
Lichens of the Page environs as potential indicators of air pollution Nash 1974
Lichens of the Page environs as potential indicators of air pollution Nash 1974
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, 6th U. S. Calalry and the surrender of Geronimo Gatewood 1931
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, 6th U. S. Cavalry and the surrender of Geronimo Gatewood 1931
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, services ignored Mazzanovich 1929
Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, services ignored Mazzanovich 1929
Lieutenante Pershing and Stotsenberg visit the Grand Cayon: 1887 Wallace 1961
Life after the rain of fire Carothers 1976
Life after the rain of fire Goldberg 1976
Life after the rain of fire Carothers 1976
Life after the rain of fire Goldberg 1976
Life along the American Nile Crowe 1976
Life among the Papago Allison 1975
Life and its living in Hopiland Cory 1909
Life and its living in Hopiland Cory 1909
Life and its living in Hopiland Cory 1909
Life and its living in Hopiland Cory 1909
Life and its living in Hopiland Cory 1909
Life and its living in Hopiland Cory 1909
Life and its living in Hopiland Cory 1909
Life and its living in Hopiland Cory 1909
Life and times of a Globe jailer Ropp 1975
Life at old walled city reported by aged Mexican Willson 1962