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Article Title Sort descending Author last name Year
lobbyists not a dirty word with legislators Cook 1968
Local alcoholic reception centers Dandoy 1976
Local B.A.s wearing blue collars Carter 1973
Local impact analysis; an Arizona case study Gibson 1975
Local impact analysis; an Arizona case study Gibson 1975
Local sports fans: are they "pro" enough for professional sports? Rinehart 1966
Local yogini's Rx: yoga for everyone Cross 1973
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner Yates 1972
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner Yates 1972
Locating the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner Yates 1972
Location the Colorado River mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicuner Yates 1972
Lock it, don't lose it Wayne 1971
Loco-weed and green lace Smith 1962
Locomotive Rock Leatham 1964
Lodging with Montezuma Saunders 1918
Lois Jacobsen visits Wikieup and the Big Sandy 1974
Lola Oury Smith Keen 1932
Lon Megarggee Cutts 1960
Lon Megarggee, 1883-1960 1974
London Bridge adapts to America Carroll 1976
London Bridge has fallen here Dean 1972
Lone stand of Billy Rhodes Lebac 1973
Lone stand of Billy Rhodes Lebec 1973
Lone survivor of convention Willson 1967
Lone survivor of convention Willson 1967
Lone survivor of convention Willson 1967
Lone survivor of convention Willson 1967
Lone survivor tells story Willson 1969
Lonely landmark Ridgway 1962
Lonely lookout Willard 1955
Lonely lookout Willard 1955
Long before the 'pageant' Bentle 1975
Long Fort, who built it? Colton 1965
Long Fort, who built it? Colton 1965
Long history of delay proceeded expansion of Yuma sewerage system Win 1956
Long lens fever Blair 1967
Long Meadow ranch Ellinger 1959
Long Meadow ranch Ellinger 1959
Long suffering coach DeWald 1959
Long walk of very slim man Van Valkenburgh 1946
Long walk of very slim man Van Valkenburgh 1946
Long, tall & smooth: Terry Goddard has the moves of a man bred to be a politician Greenberg 1990
Long-eared denizens of the desert Jaeger 1957
Long-haired sheriff was no bluffer Willson 1962
Long-range projections for Arizona commodities Tronstad 1989
Long-tailed denizen of the desert Cassell 1947
Long-vanished Mill City once vied as townsite for the city of Phoenix Willson 1958
Long-vanished Mll City once vied as townsite for the city of Phoenix Willson 1958
Longest dam haul on record Moore 1960
Longest damn haul on record Moore 1960
Longhorn herd in Arizona Jernigan 1952
Longhorn Lou says: "If you think my horns are handsome, you should take a look at my rump roast!" Duncan 1973
Longhorn, a new interest in an old breed Porter 1976
Look out above Heald 1952
Look to destiny Riddick 1975