Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings.

Serial Number
Rengel, Joseph Antonio
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Auditor de Guerra)
Corbalan Pedro (Gobernador Interino), and others
End date
Mexico, Arispe, Chihuahua. August 27, 1784 - November 16, 1786. 112p. Letters, drafts. Originals, signed, copies.
Concerns inventories of Neve's belongings and carrying out of clauses in Neve's will. Corbalna and Rengel working on gathering wealth and delivering it to Dongo. Rengel working on inventory of belongings at Neve's hacienda del Carmen. Accounting of public auction of Neve's belongings from hacienda del Carmen giving sale price of objects, and accounting of expenses to doctors, funeral costs, masses, etc. Request that Salas be paid for medical services to Neve. Copy of Neve's will including debts owed, inventory of silver belongings, heirs (ff. 71 - 82). Galindo Navarro to Medino concerning carrying out will, auction of belongings, inventory of Neve's papers, and keys to governor's office. Lengthy inventory of Neve's belongings by room prepared by Corbalan and signed by witnesses, provides origin of many of the clothing and food items, and peso value placed on each item, and list of items sold in auction including price and buyer's name (ff 86 - 104). L. L. Woodward, July 1989)
Neve, Felipe de (Brigadier)
Pereyra y Soria, Maria Nicolasa
Dongo, Joachin
Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Albacea)(Coronel)
Galvez, Conde de
Medina, Roque de (Capitan de Cavalleria) (Teniente Coronel)
Corbalan, Pedro (Gobernador Interino)
Galvez, Conde de (Virrey)
Beregana, Domingo (Oficial Real)
Florida, Conde de
Garcia, Pedro (Tesorero)
Ruano, Manuel (Vicano)
Campo, Francisco Xavier del (Tesorero Interino)
Sandoval, Pedro (Regidor)
Salas, Guillermo (Cirujano)
Garrido y Duran, Pedro (Comandante General)
Fernandez, Francisco Xavier
Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Auditor de Guerra)
Corbalan, Christoval (Secretario Interino)
Saenz de Escovosa, Diego
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Gillencuyo, Nicolas (Capitan)
Elquea, Francisco Manuel de
Gil, Nicolas (Capitan Reformado)
Galan, Maria
Martinez, Juan (Teniente)
Fernandez Alexo, Mathias (Vecino)
Guardiola, Marques de
Moreno, Pedro (Sargento Mayor)
Borica, Diego
Olloqui y Neve, Lope de
Neve, Theresa de
Crespo y Neve, Maria Gertrudis
Crespo y Neve, Josefa
Rocha y Figueroa, Geronimo de la
Merino, Manuel
Gasiot, Juan
Barry, Eduardo (Alferez)
Munoz, Manuel (Coronel)
Croix, Cavallero de
Saenz de la Fuente, Bartolome
Corella, Joseph Maria
Seano, Marcos (Alferez)
Azuela, Manuel de la (Capitan)
Yslas, Joseph Agustin de
Abarez de Toledo, Fernando
Carrera, Manuel de la
Peres Serrano, Josef Antonio
Lebario, Pedro
Frias, Pablo
Morales, Lazaros
Bergara, Domingo
Ortiz, Francisco
Hoz, Nicolas de
Elias, Miguel
Martines, Miguel
Ros, Juan
Gach, Estevan
Cano y Mar, Agustin Antonio
Sonora (Provincia)
Encinillas (Laguna)
Arispe (Ciudad)
San Buenaventura (Valle)
Chihuahua (Villa)
Altar (Presidio)
Pena Blanca, Nuestra Senora del Carmen de (Hacienda)
Nueva Viscaya (Provincia)
Sevilla (Ciudad)
Zaragoza (Ciudad)
Aguas Calientes
Veracruz (Plaza)
Cuquiarachic (Mision)
Military Groups
Milan, Reximiento de Cavalleria de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 250 ff. 048-105 exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 250 ff. 048-105 exp. 1
Relates to ff. 1-47, and includes duplicate documents from ff. 1-47.
Reference Number
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