Serial Number
Neve, Phelipe de
Manes, Joseph (Brigadier)
Dongo, Juaquin
Galvez, Joseph de
and others
End date
Sevilla, Mexico, Chihuahua. July 20, 1785 - January 9, 1789. 94p. Letters, autos, will. Originals, signed, copies.
Concerns inventory of Neve's belongings and papers, and explanation of what to do with belongings according to testament, executor Dongo has found it difficult to sell many of Neve's belongings. List of contents of documents concerning Neve's testament and Dongo's responsibilities towards it. Index of reports and correspondence making up expediente concerning testament of Neve, and reports by Neve's executor Dongo. Testimony that will of Neve is being carried out. Neve's widow to receive third of his wealth, but she is also dead. Inventory made of Neve's belongings; 16000 pesos of Neve's wealth in Plata doble to go to the Cadiz Casa de vienes de difuntos--receipt included from Navio San Felipe at San Juan de Ulua. Copy of Neve's will, written while gravely ill, includes request for masses for his Soul, list of his debts and how they should be paid, list of silver and gold objects, assignment of Dongo and Corbalan in charge of his wealth and salary owed, list of debts owned to him to be collected and given to the poor, instructions about Croix's stored belongings, and other various instructions; Dongo and Escovosa named as his executors and his wife, Sister, and nephew named as heirs, but with provisions for others in case they are dead. (L. L. Woodward, July 1989)
Manegria, Jose (Bragadier)
Dongo, Juaquin
Portillo, Pasqual
Neve, Felipe (Gobernador)
Dongo, Juaquin (Albacea)
Tresierra y Cano, Alonso
Manas, Jose de (Brigadier)
Pereira y Soria, Maria Nicolasa
Mauriel, Mathias
Neve, Theresa de
Moran, Felis Maria
Mones, Joseph (Brigadier)
Vera, Manuel Maria de
Saenz Escobosa, Diego
Fernandes Alejos, Mathias
Montilla, Christobal Ignacio de (Asesor de Guerra)
Vega Montreras, Blas de la
Moran, Juan Bernardo
Chiclana, Josef de (Maestre)
Manes, Tores (Brigadier)
Galvez, Joseph de
Fernandes de Cordova, Francisco
Manes, Joseph (Brigadier)
Rengel, Josef Antonio (Coronel Inspector)
Corbalan, Pedro
Padilla y Castilla, Maria
Galan, Maria
Martines, Juan
Texada, Eusevio
Guardiola, Marquez de
Moreno, Pedro (Sargento Mayor)
Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Auditor de Guerra)
Croix, Cavallero de
Borica, Diego
Olloqui y Neve, Lope de
Crespo y Neve, Josefa (Monja)
Crespo y Neve, Maria Gertrudis
Salas, Gillermo (Medico)
Sanches, Josef (Medico)
Campo, Francisco Xavier del (Vecino)
Rocha, Geronimo de la (Capitan)
Merino, Manuel
Gasiot, Juan
Corbalan, Christobal (Secretario Interino de Camara)
Barry, Eduardo
Munoz, Manuel
Portillo, Pascual Josef (Maestre)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo
Sonora, Marques de
Sonora (Provincia)
Nueva Viscaya (Provincia)
Granada (Reyno)
Estremadura (Provincia)
Sevilla (Ciudad)
Cadiz (Puerto)(Ciudad)
Chihuahua Villa)
Bailen (Villa)
Zaragosa (Ciudad)
Aguas Calientes
Veracruz (Plaza)
Encinillas (Laguna)
Pena Blanca, Nuestra Senora del Carmen de (Hacienda)
San Buenaventura (Valle)
Nueva Viscaya (Provincia)
Ulua, San Juan de (Puerto)
Nueva Veracruz
Military Groups
Andalucia, Cuerpo de Artilleria de
Milan, Regimiento de Cavalleria de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 250 ff. 001-047 exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 250 ff. 001-047 exp. 1
Reference Number
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