Letters concerning money allocation to presidios Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Diego and Monterrey for construction and expenses.

Serial Number
Neve, Phelipe de (Gobernador)
Fages, Pedro (Gobernador)
Beginning date
End date
Mexico, February 10, 1780. 86p. Letters, informes, relaciones. Copys signed.
Letters concerning money allocation for presidios in Alta California. Includes request for raise in pay in Monterrey explaining that expenses are different in different locations. Letter instructing governor of California to distribute as he wishes a total sum of 12000 pesos between the presidios, there will be no raise in the total amount due to large expenses incurred by king in war against Britain. Letter recommending to stop buying cloth due to high prices in Castilla and lack of money in California. Documents mentioning previous documents related to allocation of money to presidios in California while no money has been received by officers. List of goods that have to be payed for, includes different types of cloth, Mantas, hats and shoes . Originals and copies of documents ordering to pay capitan Carcaba the required money for expenses incurred in presidios in previous years. Letters from treasurer promising to give money to Carcaba. Letter from Carcaba asking for specific instructions of what to do with money since it won't be enough for all expenses incurred. Letter concerning payment to Indians employed in construction of Santa Barbara's presidio as it is common in other presidios. Letters ordering payment of approved amounts of money for presidios in San Diego, San Francisco, Monterey and Santa Barbara. Document explaining new policies in money allocation for the California area. (T. Kahana, September 1989)
Neve, Phelipe de (Gobernador)
Goya, Manuel Ramon de
Croix, Teodoro de
Galvez, Joseph de
Merino, Manuel
Anza, Juan Bautista de (Teniente Coronel)
Fages, Pedro (Gobernador)
Soler, Nicolas (Ayudante)
Rengel, Antonio (Comandante General)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General)
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General)
Ravay, Pedro de
Carcava, Manuel (Capitan)
Gutierrez, Luis
Gutierrez del Mazo, Ramon
Sanches, Joseph Tadeo (Soldado)
Flores, Joseph Miguel
Feijo, Joseph Manuel (Soldado)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Sandibaldo, Felix
Beltran, Joseph Maria
Echeveste, Juan Jose de
San Francisco (Presidio)
San Diego (Presidio)
Monterrey (Presidio)
San Blas (Puerto)
Santa Barbara (Presidio)
Rosario, Nuestra Senora del
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 216 ff. 357-400
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 216 ff. 357-400
Letters out of cronological order.
Reference Number
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