Serial Number
Barbosa, Joseph (Administrador Receptor)
Armesto, Juan de (Procurador)
Lucas de Zuniga, Juan (Mayordomo)
and others
End date
Guadalcazar, Ibarra, Mexico. February 28, 1767 to July 7, 1767. 32p (Approx) Diligencias. Informes. Originals. Signed. Testimonio. Witnessed.
Mayordomo Lucas of hacienda de los Amoles ordered to appear before Aduana to testify as to distribution of effects and payments to peones, Vaqueros and ranch hands. Judicial process involves collection of Alcabala on claimed expenditures for this purpose by Valiente, the administrator of the hacienda Amoles. Lucas hesitant to testify incurring recriminations from bosses. Proceedings moved to hacienda to facilitate access to witnesses and financial documents. Officials appear at Lucas' home to enforce order he testify; his wife screams at them she does not know his whereabouts and that he only obeys orders of his boss. F. 9 is lista de generos for San Pedro de Ibarra, Rancho de los Amoles containing quantities and prices for household goods, tools, sewing materials, clothing (certified by Armesto). For continued lack of cooperation of hacienda owners/administrators Valiente is to appear at proceedings in Guadalcazar and further action if necessary to be taken by higher officials, including viceroy. Many legal sections from the recopilacion referenced. (J. M. Johnson, September 1989)
Barbosa, Joseph (Administrador de Alcabala)
Valiente, Pedro (Administrador de Hacienda)
Rosa, Juan Francisco de la
Armesto, Juan de (Procuradors)
Diez, Pedro
Perez, Pedro
Xara, Ignacio de
Oliden, Juan Antonio de
Lucas de Zuniga, Juan (Mayordomo)
Mata, Juan de
Thorres, Thomas de
Mata, Domingo de
Gerbacio Gonzales, Joseph
Palomo, Thomas
Sanchez, Francisco Xavier
Osorio, Joseph
Rocha Barbosa y Morera, Joseph Raimundo (Juez Receptor) (Administrador de Recaudales)
Campo, Manuel de
Luzano, Juan (Bachiller)
Pala, Juan Fernando de
Arze y Arrollo, Juan Antonio de
Amoles, San Augustin de los (Hacienda)
Guadalcazar, San Pedro de (Real Aduana)
San Phelipe (Villa)
Ibarra, San Pedro de (Hacienda)
San Luis Potosi
Lagunas (Rancho)
Pozo de Acuna (Hacienda)
Derramadez (Hacienda)
Military Groups
Barlovento, Armada de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 213 ff. 184-200 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 213 ff. 184-200 (Appro
Continuation of primero cuaderno, cf. 21300013. Locate by expediente name, folios are numbered within expediente. Some blank or interrupted documents; some marginal notes cut off.
Reference Number
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