Serial Number
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador de Nuebo Reyno de Leon)
Yparraguirre, Luis Maria (Justicia Mayor)
End date
Monterrey, Mexico. August 27, 1791 - September 17, 1791. 28pp. Approximate. Letters, noticias. Copies. Was killed, needs strengthened militia in area in order to defend settlements or else will be forced to abandon; indian attack in which Spanish settlers were taken prisoner; speaks of indian attack that was successfully repelled by settlers in which wounded indian was heard to say that he wanted confession. On way out of village indians took captives including children; need for better horses and weapons to fight off the indians, complete letter by justicia mayor describing situation of hostilities in area; scathing letter from Revilla gigedo to vaamonde admonishing him for his insolence in regards to some comments he had made previously on the organization of the two companias Volantes as being reason for the inability to effectively neutralize indians; report documenting indian attacks between August 5, 1791 and August 19, 1791; letter from vaamonde ordering that militias of 15 men be set up in order to explore their surrounding areas for 15 days and people of the area should provide the munitions and supplies needed for these expeditions; letter from vaamonde explaining his idea of reorganizing the two companias Volantes and the compania del punto de lamparos into 12 groups; letter telling of the arrest of indian Pedro Jose. (O. Velez, September 1989)
Ysabel (Indio)
Cruz, Basilio de la
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador de Leon)
Villancillo, Estevan (Sargento)
Ibarra, Josef Maria de (Theniente)
Chapa, Jose
Burgoa, Manuel de
Cardenas, Vincente de
Ruiz, Juan
Zerra, Xavier
Ayala, Antonio
Ramon, Juan Ignacio (Comandante)
Galan, Joaquin (Justicia)
Berral, Guadalupe
Barrera, Alexandro
Lozano, Martin (Lizenciado)
Elizondo, Juan Francisco
Lazara de los Santos, Jose
Garcia, Jose Gabriel
Castro, Miguel de
Fuero, Pedro
Castro, Ramon de (Comandante General)
Florez, Antonio Manuel
Serna, Javier
Pedro Jose (Indio)
Augustin Albarado (Indio)
Yparraguirre, Luis Maria (Justicia Mayor)
Dominguez, Blaz
Zerralvo (Jurisdiccion)
Santiago Prieto (Rancho)
Savinas (Real)
Punta de Lampazos
San Carlos del Vallecillo (Real)
San Antonio de la Yguana (Real)
Nuevo Santander
San Cristobal (Mision)
Santa Rosa
Ethnic Groups
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 162 ff. 533-547 (Approx) exp. 13
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 162 ff. 533-547 (Appro
Folios unnumbered. First in this series begins with the phrase found above in title
Reference Number
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